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You Are Sperm: Why You Must Approach Lots Of Women

You Are Sperm: Why You Must Approach Lots Of Women

Most men who face problems with women or who don’t live the dating life they desire have something in common: their masculine role remains an elusive concept to them.

The average guy is in a deadlock: on the one hand, he is dealing with an empty or at least sub-par dating life.

On the other, he is unable to approach and systematically meet the women he wants so as to bring them to his life.

While he experiences scarcity in his dating life, he feels paralyzed by approach anxiety every time he sees the women of his taste in his everyday life.

This wouldn’t happen to him, IF he knew his masculine role in depth and IF he managed to honor it.

Do What You Are

You are obviously a lot of things at the same time. A multifaceted human being with a personality, interests, talents, hobbies and identities.

You have some bright and some dark aspects. You have opinions and ideas, others true and others false. You are somebody’s son, somebody’s brother or somebody’s friend.

On top of it you are (hopefully) dynamic. You change as time passes. You are not just one single thing.

Nonetheless, when it comes to your dating life and your relationships with women you must focus on one aspect pf yours and one aspect only: your gender.

And based on your gender, what are you?

You are a man.

You are male.

There are two ways to know and understand the content and the significance of your gender: there is the philosophical one, and there is the physical one.

To follow the philosophical path, feel free to start reading tons and tons of books about what it is to be a man, what is his role, and how it was shaped through the ages.

But why do that? It’s hard and unnecessary.

You are not here to become an academic. You are here to conquer the women of your life and live the dating life you truly desire.

So, why don’t you just take the physical path.

The path laid out for you by your very own anatomy, your own body.

The physical path will reveal truths about your manhood that the matrix of society and modern civilization have hidden under a pile of limiting rules and useless beliefs.

Truths which while obvious in plain sight, YOU have forgotten.

Very few men would find it natural to cold approach the women they like whenever and wherever they might detect them.

Your masculine nature, however, would disagree with you if you indeed listened to its voice.

And what is your masculine nature really?

It is the nature of sperm.

As you need millions of sperm cells to bombard one single ovum (egg) to get only one sperm cell to fertilize it successfully, so YOU need to approach a lot of women to have sex with one.

If Mother Nature thought as the average guy (who believes it is “unnatural” to approach a large number of women just to get one), then every man should produce just one sperm cell in order to fertilize one egg.

Fortunately, Mother Nature knew better than that!

Because she wanted you in the role of the fertilizer, she gave you the capacity to produce in abundance a renewable material: sperm.

ALL sperm cells will fail to fertilize the egg. ALL will be rejected.

Except for the one which will get the job done.

What does Mommy Nature tell you then about your role?

You are destined for repetitive, quantity-based, massive action with minor cost for you, that is what she tells you.

It will cost you some sperm which will be replenished within hours, while it will take her a month to produce just one egg.

The economics of sex and mating is showing you what to do…

It is your part to “sow” your seed in many fields (don’t go around impregnating women!)

It’s your part to spread your masculine energy.

It’s your role to take initiative.

To take risks.

You have the luxury of being rejected as many times as you can before you get what you want. It doesn’t cost you much. Your failure as a man is cheap.

Stop making it more expensive that what it really is in your mind and go after the women you want.

So, we established that.

Your masculine nature is the nature of sperm.

What about the anatomy of your penis? Does it signal anything to you?

Go Where Your Penis Leads You

Yes, it does.

Just look at it when you have erection and you will understand what direction your energy should have: extroverted, forward-looking and upwards.

This is how you should act if you want to be consistent with the role Nature gave you:

  1. You go out of your shell, you move out of your comfort zone, you go out to the world with the intention to shape it. You do not wait for women to detect you. YOU detect THEM and you approach them (extroversion).

  2. You look forward, not backwards. You are not defined by your past. You are what you do now and what you design for your future. You do not allow yesterday’s rejections to prevent today’s and tomorrow’s dating success. (forward-looking mentality).

  3. You move upwards. You change for the best. You grow little by little. You act in favor of your ambitions, goals and desires. You keep talking to the women you like on a daily basis. No hesitation. You improve your fundamentals. You improve your posture. You improve your approaches. Every day you push yourself to get to your next level of evolution. (upward-looking mentality).

If you put a gun to my head and forced me to tell you THE ONE THING you must do to radically improve your dating life and enjoy the most amazing experiences of your life as a lover of women, then let that be it: listen to the voice of your masculine nature and behave according to it.

You male hormone, testosterone, shows you what you as a man are destined for: to make your presence felt, to make decisions, to take risks, to build, to create, and of course to approach and meet a lot of times the type of women you truly want.

Talking to the women you like and attempting to bring them to your bed and life is therefore not just your birthright as a man, but also an obligation to your masculine nature.

Every time you let a woman you like pass you by without doing anything about it you refuse in fact to play your role as a man. Don’t do it.

Honor your masculinity instead.

She will thank you later.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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