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Why Introverts Can Be Amazing With Women

Why Introverts Can Be Amazing With Women

One of the biggest stereotypes men have is the idea that introverts are by nature not good with women. We have coached many men for more than a decade and most of them could be categorized as introverts. They came to us thinking that their introverted nature is a handicap for meeting and attracting girls. Even from the early stages of our sessions we could sense they weren't feeling confident about their ability to learn game and reap its benefits for their dating lives.

They came to us, but in a slight half-assed way, not being sure they could make this work. When we scratched the surface, we understood that their notion of who can be successful in attracting women was quite stereotypical: in their minds, the type of guy who was destined to be good with women was the super alpha, sociable, party-animal extrovert. The guy who can easily talk to strangers. The guy who can laugh out loud. The guy who just can't shut his mouth when he is around others.

This notion is not completely unfounded. It's a valid idea because to meet women you somehow need to go out of your shell, to go somewhere, to say something, to do something somewhere in the world out there. Masculine energy is meant to be extroverted after all. You need to go out of your way to approach and attract girls; the sky will not rain girls it in anyone's room.

Would a guy who is naturally extroverted have an easier start with learning game compared to an introvert? Yes, he probably would. But does this mean that an introverted man is a lost case when it comes to attracting girls? No, it doesn't.

Not only introverts should not be considered "unfit for game", but they should be taken very seriously as candidates who can develop their skills in attracting girls very fast. The reason? Inside their introverted nature there are unique qualities that can turn them into very successful lovers of women.

Becoming good with girls when you were not somehow born good is a skill. In order to master it you need to move from the place you are now to a place you want to be. Being able to consistently approach and attract girls requires you to GROW into something you are not at the moment. And introverted men have qualities that are very conducive to growing. Let's explore three of these qualities that introverted men have that can help them become successful lovers of women.

3 Reasons Why Introverts Can Succeed With Girls

1. They Are Natural Learners

Acquiring new skills requires new knowledge first. Introverted men avoid being too much with others because this drains their energy. They prefer to spend time alone doing things they find interesting. This replenishes their energy and fulfills them. When they are alone, they like to spend time feeding their curious brains with high-quality information or high-quality entertainment that stimulates their minds and exposes them to interesting, new intellectual avenues.

Introverted men seek knowledge through reading, listening to podcasts or watching videos with content that can help them grow and achieve their goals. For this reason, they would treat becoming better with women as yet another field of intellectual conquest. If they decide to learn game and build an abundant dating life, they will learn everything they can about it. They will read everything on women, male-female attraction mechanisms, and approaching women. While extroverted men would be bored with getting new knowledge, introverted men can really go deep and absorb all necessary information which is the first step in getting better with girls.

2. They Are Very Focused

Growing requires learning new concepts, but it also requires discipline and attention. In today's world where the average attention span is measured, not in hours or minutes, but in seconds, scattered focus is the norm. Not for the introverted man, though. Introverted men can be uniquely single-minded. They can have a nerdy focus on a topic they want to know or a skill they want to master. They are capable of what is known as "deep work", the ability to focus on one thing at a time and not let anything extraneous distract them. Their ability to learn new concepts in dating girls, but also focus deeply in mastering them can produce superior results for them very fast.

3. They Are Strategic Thinkers

Because introverted men spend time alone and also like spending time in their head, they can analyze themselves better. They are more self-aware. When they decide to put their knowledge on dating and women into practice, they can detect what works and what doesn't. They are able to detect their problems and do something to solve them. They are mechanistic in the way they think about dating, which leads them to focus on their blind spots and make the necessary adaptations to their style, be it the way they dress, the way they talk or the way they approach girls.

Extroverted guys are usually too much into the moment and don't really distance themselves from it to analyze their game, detect flaws and make corrections. They are more chaotic and less coherent and they don't really end up wiser about what works and what doesn't. They simply go about it in a care-free way wanting more to enjoy the moment rather than learn game.

A Caveat About Introverts

One potential disadvantage of being an introvert might be doing too much thinking/analyzing and too little doing. If an introverted man USES his tendency to think and analyze as a TOOL for ACTION and not just for the sake of thinking and analyzing, he can become unstoppable with women.

Introverted men are more likely to need inspiration and motivation to put things into practice, but with the necessary guidance, they have all the brain power and all the understanding to find out how attraction and women work and go out to get it.

It might be hard for them to make the first step towards practicing game, but if they just put one foot in front of the other, they can achieve great results with girls. Because their action will not just be random action, but targeted and strategic action towards the right direction.


Contrary to the popular stereotype, introverted men can become very successful in meeting and attracting girls. There are three reasons for that: they are natural learners, so they can learn about women, sex, and attraction very fast; they are very focused, so their energy isn't all over the place; and they are strategic thinkers, so they can analyze their weak points in dating and come up with solutions.

To better grasp the difference between introverted and extroverted men in dating just think of it like the nerd who puts in a lot of effort and reaches high levels of success because of it and the guy who is naturally smart but doesn't really prepare.

In the great scheme of things, the introvert will surpass the extrovert, IF he takes the required action based on his otherwise intelligent, brainy and analytical nature.

Are you an introvert? Do you find it hard to start talking to women? Don't worry. We are here to help you overcome your approach anxiety. Take action and book a coaching call with us.



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