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Why “Being Present” Is So Crucial In Attracting Women

Why “Being Present” Is So Crucial In Attracting Women

You gather the guts to approach a woman, but when you start talking to her you don’t look her in her eyes. Instead of establishing a strong, masculine eye contact from the first moment, your eyes wonder around and the words don’t really flow out of your mouth.

You are out on a date with a girl, but when she is talking, you only pretend that you are listening; in reality, you didn’t listen a thing about what she was talking about because your mind was racing to find the next “smart” or “interesting” thing to say.

You have a woman in your bed that you find very beautiful, but you just can’t get hard, so that you can enjoy the sex with her.

What is the common element in all these situations?

You failed to be present.

You were there in theory, but you were not there in practice.

Your body was next to the woman, but your attention was elsewhere.

What Is Masculine Presence

Masculine presence is about living a conscious life, instead of the life of an automaton. It means that you do things with your mind right there in the moment, not flying elsewhere. It’s about who is the boss at any specific moment in your life.

Is it the situation or is it YOU?

When you approach women are you really THERE or are you inside your head?

Are you really experiencing the moment?

Are you focused on the woman or are you just making the moves in a mechanical way?

A man who is present is the sexiest thing a woman can ever encounter because nothing can replace the feeling a woman receives from the masculine energy that is RIGHT THERE.

The purpose of your masculinity is to be put out there; to build, to create, to conquer. It is meant to be felt and expressed, not to be kept locked away, shy, and lukewarm.

An absent man is weak and appalling to women. The woman herself can’t explain why she feels like that. She feels that something is missing. Something is not right.

Being physically next to a woman, but not mentally makes men invisible to girls.

How Can You Become More Present?

To attract the women you want, you must become present. You need to learn how to focus your masculine energy and dedicate it to them, no matter how much or how little time you spend with them.

Whether it’s about a 3-minute approach on the street, a 2-hour date or a 3-hour sex marathon, you need to learn to focus on the woman.

The following three things can help you become more present with women.

Become Aware Of Your Absentmindedness

You can’t solve a problem unless you first recognize it. Next time you interact with a girl, pay attention to how you react around her.

Do you look her in the eye or are your eyes rapidly moving away from her and go around your surroundings?

Are you looking at her face during your interaction or is your look turned down, up and on the side?

When she talks, can you really remember what she just told you?

Do you catch yourself THINKING inside your mind instead of listening?

All these are symptoms of an absent masculine energy. Make a mental note after any of these symptoms of absent masculine energy comes to your attention.

Silence Your Monkey Brain

Once you realize that you are doing any of these things, say to yourself “STOP”. I don’t mean that you should say that out loud. You are with a woman at the moment, remember?

Just THINK to yourself “STOP”.

This word is your keyword to interrupt the pattern of your mind racing outside the moment. This word will remind you to get out of your mind. It will shake you out of your robotic habit to think about your “next step” when you talk with a girl you like.

Approaching women is not chess. It’s not a contest for the perfect “plan”, so your job is not to strategize in the moment. Flirting with women is about offering them a great experience when you are there with them. And how can you offer such an experience without paying attention to them?

Focus Your Senses On Her

Your eyes must be on her. Your focus should be there with her. Don’t be creepy, but BE PRESENT. You are right there with her, calm, laid back, with your look and body language on her.

Do you see her face?

Do you REALLY see her face? Her eyes when you talk to her. Her lips moving as she is talking to you. Her body language.

If you are in bed with her, touch her and feel every inch of her body. Kiss her and feel your lips on hers. Don’t allow your mind to fly away. Focus in the moment. Sense how her body reacts to your touch. If you practice this, there is no way you will not be able to get it up.

If, however, you let anxiety creep in, then you won’t be able to get or remain hard. By focusing your senses on her, you are keeping yourself busy with the girl – which is exactly what you should be doing – and not with the thoughts in your mind.


Attracting women and spending time with them is all about offering your masculine energy in a present and conscious manner. It is the undivided attention and focus that a woman truly desires and it is through its expression that she becomes emotionally attached to you.

Detect your absentmindedness, silence your inner thoughts, and turn your senses to her. If you do this, you will separate yourself from the masses of men she encountered in her life that were too focused on their own thoughts and insecurities to actually give her a great experience.

Are you angry that you are too much into your head when you interact with girls?

Don’t wait any longer. Book a coaching call with us.



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