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  • Writer's pictureMen of Charm

When Your Girlfriend Says “You’ve Changed”, She Is Right - Here Is Why

When Your Girlfriend Says “You’ve Changed”, She Is Right - Here Is Why

“You are not the guy I once met”. Ouch. Not fun to hear this phrase coming out of the mouth of your girlfriend, let alone your wife (if you are married).

There is also a much worse version of this phrase: “I love you, but I am not in love with you”.

Yet, these are phrases many men have heard from women they like and most likely women they still want to keep in their lives.

Just like any other time about any other topic, we are not here to comfort you.

We are here to reveal your weak points and make you a stronger, more attractive man.

If you heard this phrase from your girlfriend or wife or any variation of it, then chances are it is YOU to blame, not HER.

But wait, we hear you say, I did everything that she wanted!

I took care of her

I was there when she needed me

I was spending all my free time with her

I even stopped hanging out with my friends for her…

How is it possible that I AM TO BLAME for her loss of attraction for me?


Precisely because you did all these things, she lost attraction for you.

But it was HER who wanted me to do these things, we hear you scream.

That’s right.

She told you what “she wanted” and you gave her what “she wanted”.

However, attractive men who know how to keep their attractiveness to women DON’T GIVE WOMEN “WHAT THEY WANT”.

They give them WHAT THEY NEED.

And what is that?

Strength of character

Men with their own tastes and preferences

Men who don’t reduce their lives to zero just because a woman entered their life (even if that woman is herself!)

Men who still put time and effort to their goals, projects, and hobbies

Men who don’t betray their inner masculine self nor their friends for a woman

Most guys start with at least some of these behaviors when they start dating a new girl.

How do we know this?

We know it because otherwise these girls wouldn’t have been attracted to these guys in the first place.

Remember, girls might use weak men in various non-sexual ways, but they never choose them as erotic partners.

So, what really happens is that at some point down the road women start shaping men to fit a specific mold of their own creation, and most men comply to this process.

Why do men comply to this process?

Because they think their woman/girlfriend will be more attracted to them or that she will finally be “satisfied with them” and stop nagging them.

What they are actually achieving is the exact opposite; they end up losing the one thing that this woman was attracted to from the very beginning: themselves.

By trying to please women, men lose their precious masculine, attractive self which leads women to say “you are not the man I once met”.

And women are right about that because while it was they who urged you to “change”, they never gave you a free pass to become a total pushover.

Women do this unconsciously to test your strength and character. If you become another person, trying to please her, she is not going to reward you for it. Simple as that.

When she met you, she signed up for one thing, but you became another. You got weaker, more passive, and less attractive.

You brought this upon yourself.


You can change it next time you meet another woman.

What To Do Now

1. Read the following posts


Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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