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What Male Archetype Is Easier To Adopt? Alpha or Sigma?

What Male Archetype Is Easier To Adopt? Alpha or Sigma?

In Men of Charm, while we don’t believe in stereotypes, we certainly do believe in archetypes. Archetypes are valid ideal types of human behaviors, not caricatures that oversimplify reality. Archetypes are characters that can be used as rough guidelines for your self-improvement journey as a modern man. They can help you adopt useful attitudes and behaviors towards women, so that you can create an abundant dating life with the girls that you want. That’s why we already talked about one male archetype, the beta, that you should not embody if you indeed want to be a happy, fulfilled man. We encouraged you instead to either walk the path of the alpha or that of the sigma. However, if you had to choose just one of them, which one should you choose to become, especially if you are a beginner with women? Is it the way of the alpha that can get you faster and more efficiently to the point of enjoying your ideal dating life with women or is it the way of the more eccentric sigma? Well, that depends on one factor: you.

2 Similarities And 1 Difference Between Alpha And Sigma Males

The reason we encourage you to adopt either of these two models of attitude as a beginner with women is that, while being beta is a recipe for a lot of heartache and wasted masculine energy, becoming either alpha or sigma means you embody the traits of an attractive man, and therefore your chances to succeed with women become much higher.

Alpha and Sigma: 2 Similarities

  • Both alpha and sigma males are leading personalities. They like to design their life the way they want, instead of the way others want. They are captains of their ship and shapers of their destiny. They take responsibility for their actions and they live their lives consciously, not as passive victims of it. Because they are accustomed to take initiatives, they know that to meet and attract beautiful women they need to approach them consistently and in great numbers. They are totally ok with their masculine nature and sexuality. They don’t feel guilty about it, nor are they trying to hide it. They go for what they want, they are bold, and they talk to a woman they like without hiding behind lame excuses. They both are lovers of women, although alphas are in many cases chosen by women for their profile as providers, boyfriends, and husbands.

  • Both are attractive to women because of their intense masculine personality. Women are attracted to men who take bold action and who dare to make their intentions clear. Alphas and sigmas do not have time to waste. They run busy lives, full of activities, projects, and hobbies. When they detect a woman they like they just express their interest in an attractive, direct way. They are both charming and charismatic types. They walk slowly with heads up and their chest wide open to the world. When they enter a place, their presence can be felt by others. Heads may turn. They penetrate a woman with their eyes and they have strong body language and powerful verbal game. They aren’t afraid to use their touch in their interaction with girls. Alpha males and sigma males create a world of abundance for them. They don’t like to live in scarcity and they treat women as an abundant resource. And if a woman rejects them? They couldn’t care less. They are both outcome independent.

Alpha and Sigma: 1 Difference

So, these are some pretty strong similarities. What’s the difference then? Well, the difference is about how they get energy and how they recharge. Alpha males are extroverted types who thrive by being at the center of attention. They like teams and crowds because it is through them that they are given the opportunity to shine and show their leadership skills. They like to joke around and sometimes boss others around. They enjoy going to parties and be surrounded by others, usually some kind of followers who are useful in making them feel on top. An alpha male meets his women in social groups more than through cold approach. On the other hand, the sigma male is introverted. Big groups drain his energy. He likes his own company because he recharges his batteries by pursuing his individual projects and activities. He is interested in leading himself more than leading others. Due to his more introverted nature, the way he meets women is not the social circle, but by cold approaching women in real life.

So, What Should You Choose?

Simple. If you are an extroverted guy who likes being with others and enjoys building some good reputation within an established group and get the girls you want from such an environment, go alpha.

But if you are more introverted, if you basically enjoy spending time with yourself, if you don’t like to depend on social groups to meet women, then you need to go sigma. The sigma archetype liberates you from the need to build an image in an established group before you meet and attract hot women. You can simply get up, leave your man cave, and go out to meet and attract the women you want. As a sigma you will feel you have much more control over your results with women.



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