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What Is Female Drama And How To Deal With It

What Is Female Drama And How To Deal With It

Whether you are a beginner with women or a more experienced lover of women you have either experienced it yourself or you saw other men receiving it from women: drama. A girl who shouts at her flustered boyfriend or a woman who causes a scene in front of a defensive and apologetic man.

Not a happy feeling if you were on the receiving end of such a behavior and certainly not a pleasant situation to see a fellow man getting treated like that. Knowing what this drama is all about can make you a better and more prepared man.

Without further ado, let's see what is drama, why women seem to love it, and what you can do about it.

What Is Drama

Let's first start by defining what drama is NOT. It is not any complain or negative comment a girl expresses in your presence. Drama is negative energy or negative behavior directed specifically to YOU personally, not any negative energy expressed about any topic outside of you. Negative comments or criticism about things that don't involve you are not drama. If a woman complains about other parts of her life to you, but not ABOUT YOU, be it her job, her country or her country's political system, it's not drama.

When a girl is generally critical about things in life it might mean that you are dealing with a complainer/bitching type of girl, but not necessarily with a drama queen. In this case, you just have to decide yourself how much general negativity you can take or how much you like or not to have girls around you who are constant complainers. However, if she is a general complainer, but she is nice to you, this is not a drama girl.


Her: I just don't understand why everyone in my office comes to me to ask me questions about this and that. How should I even know? Am I the CEO of this company or what? Why do they have to be so useless? Can't they solve their own problems?? This situation is so annoying! (not drama, but general complaining)

Her: You know what? I am so sick and tired of you not replying to my texts fast enough! Why does it take you so long to respond? You are not the president after all! It's really ridiculous.. When I text you, you'd better respond! This is so humiliating, so offensive! Are you treating women like that? (drama)

Why Do Women Give Drama To Men

The short answer is: because they love drama. Don't you believe us? Just take a look of what girls like to read or watch: erotica, tumultuous love stories and films, gossip, reality shows. Who said what to whom; who had sex with whom; who cheated on whom etc.

But what is the definition of the word "drama"? According to the dictionary drama can be either of the following:

  • a play for theatre, radio, or television

  • an exciting, emotional, or unexpected event or circumstance

The word drama (δράμα) is Greek and is also etymologically related to another Greek word "drasi"(δράση) which means action.

So drama, overall, is about action/theatrical act/movement. A show or display of motion and emotion. No wonder then why women feel so closely related to it. Women are emotional creatures. They get high, not by understanding, but by feeling. It's part of the female energy.

Drama can play various roles in women's behavior:

  1. It springs from the female need for emotional variety. Girls are bored experiencing the same situations or emotional states. They need change and versatility. They want to avoid being bored or once they get into boredom territory they want to get out fast. They want to taste a whole range of emotions, positive AND negative, so drama is their (conscious or unconscious) way to stir things up and create a more interesting situation.

  2. It is a way to test you as a man. Women want to see how you react under pressure. Can you keep your cool or are you immediately triggered? Are you strong or weak? Is your mood easily affected by external circumstances? Remember that women are not attracted to you the same way you are attracted to them.

  3. It is a way to get your attention. When girls feel disregarded or overlooked by you, they might say or do things to get your attention. They want to see you developing a strong emotion of one kind or another.

How To Handle Girl Drama Like A Boss

If it's general criticism (not directed to you), just let her unload, listen to what she had to say and maybe offer your perspective on the general topics she is negative about.

You don't even have to offer a "solution" because when a girl complains about something general in her life she does it in order to be heard. She wants to share her concern, not to find a solution.

But if it's drama directed to you?

You don't get angry. You don't get triggered. You NEVER react. You don't stay and fight. You don't stay to put her in her place. You don't antagonize her.

Instead, you remain calm and you simply remove yourself from her presence until SHE calms down on her own and gets back to you with a changed behavior. When she comes back, you don't rush to meet or contact her back. You take your time focusing on your own activities and you agree to meet her or contact her at your own pace.

Why is it that you don't get angry then and there? Why do you just leave? Isn't that a weak attitude? Because getting angry or triggered with her drama would validate and reward her bad attitude towards you!

By SPENDING EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL ENERGY for them, many men show girls that ,YES, their drama works on them. YES, they get affected and, YES, they fuel it even further.

When women give you drama they want to influence your emotions. Your role is to show her you can remain unaffected and that if she attacks you verbally or emotionally, you are not going to allow it. You are gone.

Have you faced drama by a girl? Do you have sticking points that don't allow you to keep your masculine composure? We are here to help. Book a coaching call with us.


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