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Want To Get Girls? Copy These 4 Irresistible Bad Boy Qualities

Want To Get Girls? Copy These 4 Irresistible Bad Boy Qualities

This can be a hot topic for both men and women. The reason is that there is a lot of denial about it and also a lot of misunderstandings on what it really means to be a bad boy.

Inexperienced men might be angry at what a "bad boy" represents, thinking that these men are somehow stealing women from them. If only those bad boys didn't exist, they think, girls would be so much more warm to me, they wouldn't reject me so much!

Inexperienced men are often coming from a place of "saving the girl" from bad boys, not understanding that women are ending up with these guys for a reason. Denial of this fact is easier for them than to admit that their current state of being and behaving is unattractive to most beautiful women out there.

However, denial can also be detected in how women react to this topic. Girls from your social circle or family will swear that "being a bad boy doesn't work" or maybe it does work for "very few" girls and that they themselves "would never go for the bad boy" etc. But girls do not have the ability to analyze themselves or their motives in choosing men or in many cases it is not in their best interest to open your eyes about certain things that ARE actually true, but don't want you to know them. Most girls would appear very diplomatic about the "bad boy topic" because they know they need both bad boys AND nice guys in their lives for different uses.

If they admit that bad boys are actually very attractive and that ,yes, being a bad boy gives you much higher chances to have sex with her rather than being a nice guy, who is going to stay with her for a relationship?

Who is going to give her free validation on Instagram?

Who is going to help her move the furniture into the new apartment?

Girls and society in general don't want you to be a male centered around your masculine core, roaming around and charming women left and right. Girls and society want you to be a good boy and play by their rules.

But this is Men of, not Social, so we have no reason to keep you blind. Being a bad boy DOES work and DOES get you results with girls.

Don't worry. Being a bad boy is not about being evil or doing evil. It's just about adopting some irresistible attributes that bad boys have mastered which attract women like a moth to a flame. If you want to get the women you want into your bed and into your life, you might as well copy them.

Here are four of them.

1. They Go For What They Want

Want to know a dilemma that would never be part of a bad boy's temperament? To act or not to act. Yes, you understood correctly. A bad boy goes for what he wants without second guessing his own desires. He is totally ok with his desires and he walks around the world with the purpose of shamelessly fulfilling them. He is a bold action taker, a risk taker and has no compunction of openly expressing what he wants. He doesn't feel guilty for what he wants.

He has very high sexual awareness. He is a man and he honors his masculine desires. To him, having sex with beautiful women is his birthright. When he sees a woman he likes, he doesn't give room to approach anxiety. He approaches her with the intention to meet her and invite her out. Is it an accident that women adore them? Women can't help but becoming wet for a man who goes for what he wants.

2. They Focus On Themselves

People might call bad boys "self-centered" or "egoists", but that's just a way for society to tame them. Bad boys are not heartless egoists or psychopaths. They are just men who focus on their mission and their own projects. They have rich interests and they have things going on for them. Exactly because they are action takers, they have a lot of things that require their attention and energy.

Contrary to nice guys who are so eager to put any single woman at the heart of their lives, bad boys simply can't afford to do that. They are too busy creating, building, and learning. They love women, but they never turn them into their top priority, and women secretly love it. No woman feels attraction for a needy man who has no life outside of her.

3. They Don't Seek Validation

Bad boys know how to validate themselves. They don't look outside of them to get validation and good feelings. They don't treat women like mothers who are responsible for pampering them or building them up. They treat them as lovers and partners.

Contrary to nice guys who always want to be liked and accepted by others, bad boys don't give a damn about being liked. And women find this attribute irresistible. A man who doesn't care whether he is liked or not is a strong man - and girls are naturally wired to get wet for masculine strength and mental toughness.

It's refreshing for a woman not to be burdened with making a man stand on his feet. It's much more relaxing for her to lay back and enjoy the ride with him, knowing that he is a strong driver. Bad boys get validated from within. They have confidence and a strong sense of self. They get recharged through their mission. This makes them more difficult to influence, and girls love men who cannot be easily swayed.

4. They Don't Care About Women's Words

Nice guys are super eager to believe anything a girl tells them. They take things on face value and always try to be super considerate to a girl's views or worries. Bad boys? They know better than that. They don't pay too much attention to what a girl says because they know female nature much better than nice guys do.

Bad boys know that girl communication is more indirect than guy communication. They know that:

  • girls don't always mean what they say

  • girls often say things to test men or get a reaction

  • women are creatures of the present moment

  • what women say now will not be necessarily true tomorrow

For these reasons, bad boys don't focus on what women say, but on what women do. They care more about getting results with women rather than just reactions.


Bas boys are not so bad after all. They are just men who figured out how the game of attraction works and what actually women respond to. All you need to do is to just take a page out of their playbook and apply it in your own dating life.

Bad boys go for what they want, they focus on themselves, they don't seek validation in women, and they focus on what girls do, not what girls say.

Are you struggling with applying these bad boy qualities? Do you need help with getting the women you want? Take action. Book a coaching call with us.



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