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Want Better Results With Girls? Learn How To Text Them Correctly

Want Better Results With Girls? Learn How To Text Them Correctly

Ok, so you made the time in your day to meet more girls, you go out systematically and you approach the girls you like, you talk to them and at least some of them seem interested in you as well, so you end up collecting a few new phone numbers each week. After all this effort, wouldn't it be sad to just lose opportunities with beautiful women just because you don't know how to text them the right way? And yet this is what happens to many men we have coached over the years: they do everything right up to the point when their interaction with women transitions to phone communication via text.

The girls, who willingly gave them their numbers, somehow stop responding to men's texts and they ghost them seemingly for no reason. The result? These men lose their chance to even go out on a date with these girls or if they somehow managed to take them out, the girls lose interest after the first date and they cut off contact.

Although there many reasons why a woman might stop responding to your texts, if you really nail down the art of texting her in an attractive way, you will at least remove one very important reason why women "exit" communication with you before you even have sex with them.

3 Factors To Focus On For Better Texting With Girls


This is the number one factor many beginner men with women really mess up. We have seen texts from our coaching clients that left us speechless because of their length. These guys thought it was ok to write three- or four-paragraph long texts to girls even from the early stages of their communication with them. Yes, you read correctly. Four-paragraph long texts before they even went on a date with these girls. Why is it such a bad thing to send long texts to a girl you just met, you might wonder. Because it sends the wrong signal about you on many levels.

  • It shows you are not busy enough with your life. Otherwise you wouldn't have so much time to devote to writing a three-paragraph long message to a girl you just met yesterday.

  • The length of your texts reveal the power dynamics between you and her. If she texts you with one sentence, but you text her with three paragraphs, who has the upper hand in this communication? You or her? It's definitely her, isn't it? It means that she "spends" less than you in keeping this communication channel open with you, which in turn means that she treats her communication with you as less important than you do. This is not a good place to be in with women, since women are attracted to men who make them invest more in them, not to men who themselves invest more in these women.

  • It shows you have no other options with other girls. An attractive man who has options with other women is less likely to spend time writing a super long text to any one specific girl. No single girl can monopolize his interest or attention so much as to make him share so much information via text with her.


What you choose to write in your texts with a woman is as important as how much you write in these texts. Most beginner men with girls are so happy that a girl gave them her number, that they use texting as a vehicle for small talk. In their minds, they "warm up" the girl or they "break the ice". They believe that talking about irrelevant things from their lives or asking the girls irrelevant things is helping them toward their goal to meet them in real life. However, they manage to achieve the exact opposite. They keep the girl busy texting them and therefore they remove any reason for the girl to go out on a date with them.

Hey, if you already told her everything about your hobbies and asked about hers and you exchanged pointless facts about your lives already, why would she want to go out with you? If you exhausted her curiosity via text, why would she want to go on with you and put you in her bed? On top of this, many men think that texting a girl is an opportunity for them to be really "cute" or really "funny". They garnish their texts with emojis, believing that they come across as more attainable to the girl, but what they actually end up achieving is becoming common and ordinary to the girl. Can you imagine George Clooney throwing a bunch of emojis into his texts with hot women?

You role as a man is not to be "cute and silly" to girls, nor to show too much frivolous emotion via text. You role is to let the girl be "cute and silly" with you, while you remain an attractive guy and not becoming the jokester of the neighborhood.


Getting a phone number from a girl is not an invitation to text her day and night. Many men use texting with a girl in a pointless fashion with no clear objective in their mind - and they do it too often. Your texts should have a purpose. You should communicate with her for a reason. There is no such thing as "I was checking if you are doing ok". If you liked her enough to approach her it should be because you want to take her out on a date, not to be her day-to-day text buddy. So, you keep your contact with her focused and targeted, aiming to get to know her in real life.

Response Time

When a woman texts you and you respond immediately, it shows her you are too "available". It sends the signal that you are a little boy with nothing else to do than to expect her text. Women respect men who have a life outside of them. Men with interests and activities are not glued to their screens, expecting a woman's text. They are out and about, getting shit done, penetrating the world.

How To Text A Girl The Right Way

  • Keep Your Texts Short And To-The-Point. Send her one simple text two days after you get her number to invite her out. Example: "Hey, Kim, I hope you are fine. When are you free for a drink? Steve". In any other communication with her via text, just reflect her own text length and keep it slightly shorter. Throw the paragraph-long text out of the window.

  • Use Your Text For A Reason. The purpose you text her is to take her out. You want to meet her in real life and if she is cool you want to have her on your bed. Cut the small talk or the all-over-the-place "warm up texting". Don't use exclamation marks, don't come across as overenthusiastic and don't flood your texts with emojis. Use any communication via text after the first date to schedule another meet up with her if you want to keep seeing her.

  • Don't Text Her Too Often. You text her once to invite her out two days after you got her number. Then, you keep texting as much as she does until your first date. If you have sex with her on the first date and you want to keep the girl, text her or call her sometime during the next day to let her know you had a great time. If you didn't have sex with her on the first date, but you believe you had a great time together anyway, text her sometime the next day and let her also know that it was fun for you. Don't rush to reschedule a second date unless she lets you know that she had a great time.

  • Don't Rush To Respond. If you are a younger man and your life is not as busy, it wouldn't hurt you to pretend that you are busy. Don't rush to respond to any woman's text, especially if you met have met her only recently. Let some time pass before you get back to her. Send your reply text after an hour or so. Responding to her text immediately seems unnatural, while taking your time before you reply looks more "normal". Remember you don't want to scare the girl. You want to intrigue her.


Knowing how to text a girl the right way gives you an almost unfair advantage. Most men don't really have a clue about what is attractive and what is unattractive texting. If you keep your text length short and to-the-point, use texting strategically without unnecessary fluff, don't text her too often, and take your time before you respond to a woman's texts, you will be far ahead of the game and you will see your results with girls improve significantly.



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