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  • Writer's pictureMen of Charm

Wake Up Call: Society Will Not Take Care Of Your Dating Life

Wake Up Call: Society Will Not Take Care Of Your Dating Life

Today’s world presents men with huge opportunities, but also huge limitations when it comes to attracting women and improving their dating life. Each man will either experience the opportunities or the limitations depending on how he plays the game.

Most men who complain that dating has become "too hard" for them but "too easy for women" are men who experience the limitations of today's world.

It's a pity to see men quit dating altogether and adopt some kind of victim mentality around sex and women.

Why do these men end up like this? What makes them more susceptible to develop such a negative attitude towards meeting and attracting women?

Today's Dating Matrix

The reason behind this growing phenomenon is mostly that many men have the wrong idea about how dating works in our modern era.

They keep the wrong assumptions and the wrong expectations about how things work. They think that their dating life will be fixed automatically if they just wait passively.

  • Wait for the right kind of woman to magically appear in their lives.

  • Wait for some kind of Grand Scheme to be unveiled that will lead them to success with women.

  • Wait for others to somehow take care of their dating life, be it their social circle, work environment, university or friends.

But the truth is very simple: it is not through luck that most of a man’s desires are fulfilled, and society will not take care of your dating needs and desires like it used to in previous decades.

This was indeed the case at the time of your parents and grandparents. Men could afford to lead boring, predictable lives and STILL be able to find women to date and mostly marry. Social acquaintances, friends and family, as well as the work environment functioned as dating mediators for men.

People in the 60s, the 70s or the 80s didn’t have nearly unlimited dating options. Back then, women didn’t have hordes of men willing to shower them with tons of free validation in the form of liking their bikini photos on social media and DMing them like there is no tomorrow, even though these actions have SUPER SLIM chances of getting them the sex and the attraction that they desire from these women.

On the other hand, there are dating apps. Are these apps in favor of men’s desires or against them?

We would argue in favor of the latter for more than one reason. Let’s explore a few:

  • Dating apps are full of horny men who chase too few women.

  • In dating apps, everything is about appearances and photos.

  • There is no good way to showcase your personality which is what in fact gets women attracted to men.

  • Pretty women often are there to get a shot of validation and are rarely willing to really go out with you.

  • Most women in dating apps are not exactly beauty queens, but mediocre looking at best.

  • It even seems that dating apps is the place where women of below-average looks get a shot with attractive, handsome guys.

So, we have seen today’s limitations for men who want to consistently meet and attract women:

  • Luck will not bring you girls in your bed and in your life.

  • Society will not find you a good girlfriend or wife like it used to in past times.

  • Using social media to meet attractive women is a mind-bogglingly low-chance endeavor.

  • And dating apps seem like a black hole for your time and energy, since they are full of men or average-looking girls at best.

What are then today’s opportunities for men?

Escape The Matrix

The opportunities for you who are reading this right now lie in doing what every other man is not doing and being where every other man is not.

How many men do you see around you who walk up to girls and approach them on the street under broad daylight instead of just passing them by? Do that, be there!

How many guys do you see approaching women in shopping malls? Do that, be there!

How many men do you see in bars and clubs who actually dare to meet women instead of just drinking their asses off and then going home all alone? Do that, be there!

And how many guys do you know who refuse to spend their precious masculine energy in mindless social media scrolling and salivating over hot girls' bikini photos without getting anything back in return? Do that, be there!

There is no other way. If you want above-average results for your dating life as a modern man you need to be ready to do above-average things. If you do what any other man does, then you are going to get the same lame results. Simple as that.

Just keep in mind that:

  • There is no such thing as "luck" in a man's life. Not as your main strategy, at least.

  • Waiting and hoping for beautiful women to fall on your head are not strategies for your dating success either.

  • The old social networks that once were able to take care of man's dating life are dead, so stop counting on them to get laid or find the woman of your life.

  • You and only you can change your dating life, by taking uncomfortable action, action that very few men are willing to take.

  • Women might get A TON of validation on social media, these days, but it is validation from low-level men whom they have zero romantic interest in. These women, however, STILL DESIRE ATTRACTIVE MEN with a backbone who can make them wet.

This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY: to meet and find these women where everyone else does not, in real life.

And the best part? You don't even have to do this alone. You can use our more-than-a-decade-long experience in attracting and dating beautiful women. No need to wait.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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