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To Attract Women Be Willing To Lose Them

To Attract Women Be Willing To Lose Them

Tell me if any of these situations happened to you before:

You approached a woman at a bar or on the street, but she gave you a lukewarm reception.

A girl who gave you her number didn’t respond to your first text, although she seemed so into you.

You went on a date with a new girl, but when you tried to kiss her, she gave you the cheek.

You were on a date with a woman, but when you invited her home she refused and told you she needs to wake up early the other day.

You were together with a girl at your place after an exciting date, talking and flirting, but for some weird reason the girl gave you constant resistance whenever you tried to take things to the next level.

You had sex with a girl after the first date, and it was amazing for both of you, but when you tried to keep the contact with her during the following days, you realized she was either lukewarm towards you or even outright cold. Maybe she didn’t even bother to keep the contact on her end at all. To your efforts to keep seeing her she responded with radio silence, instead.

Some other times, you had sex with a girl, she enjoyed it, but she later told you she wasn’t looking for anything serious in that phase of her life. Too bad, you thought, because you imagined her being your girlfriend.

Without even realizing it, you made plans in your head:

  • how you would show her to your friends.

  • how you would enter a venue with her by your side.

  • what an amazing time you would have during a holiday trip with her.

  • how you would enjoy her companionship, cooking at home and watching your favorite series.

By the way, If you are reasonably good in bed and you meet some girls who tell you that they are not looking for anything serious AFTER having sex with you, this is a good thing.

It means that women start seeing you as a lover and not as provider/boyfriend candidate. Pat yourself on the back for having become sex-worthy and move on to a new conquest.

All the techniques in the world will not help you with girls unless you have mastered the ultimate technique: to be willing to lose them in the first place.

In all the above cases, you should be truly willing to lose the girl. Not in order to freeze her out, not in order to punish her, but because you have it as a deep-seated mentality in your psyche: you were ok before you met her, you are going to be ok AFTER you met her.

Even if things didn’t work the way you have planned. And that’s ok.

The average guy is too afraid to "miss his chance" with a specific woman to see other opportunities around him. If you want to be a strong and happy man, just try not to be one of them.

Always see the bigger picture. One single interaction with any specific girl shouldn't mean anything for your life. If a specific interaction with a specific woman means the world to you, you are on the wrong place.

Let women go, pull away or cut contact with you, if they so wish.

Don't run after them. If you want to taste abundance in your dating life, not in theory but in practice, never resist a woman's unwillingness to move on with you. Keep your composure and let it play out.

How To Become Willing To Lose Women

Build an exciting life for yourself

You should always have a life to return to when everything in your external world doesn't seem to go according to your wishes. And you'd better have a rich life for that matter. Get back to your core. Return to your man cave, to your projects, to your hobbies, to all the things that give you genuine pleasure and fulfillment. If you don't have a life, get one!

Who are you outside your obligations?

What makes you tick?

Who are you irrespectively of women?

What are you passionate about?

Turn your attention from one woman to women in general

Train your brain to see women as a kind, not as a unit. This is not about you and Jane. This about you and womankind. Have an abundance mindset with women, if you want to become able to lose them.

Give yourself constant opportunities to meet new women

Going to work every day and then returning home to watch Netflix before you fall asleep only to repeat the same thing the next day multiplied by 365, won't cut it. You MUST make meeting and attracting women part of your everyday reality. You need to take massive action, little by little, consistently.

Only when you expose yourself to multiple women, only when you approach and invite girls out, only when you can have sex with women consistently, will you be able to be willing to lose them. If, on the contrary, you talk to 3 women a year, it's only natural to treat each one of them as a "big thing".

Make sure you are good in bed

Become a good lover. Learn the basics first:

In negotiations, the one who has the upper hand is the one who is willing to leave the negotiations table. Become willing to leave it, and women will smell it from afar.

When women don't act the way you wanted, accept it and move on. Don't get upset. Don't get butthurt. Don't ask for explanations.

And if you have a hard time pulling away from a woman who doesn't give you what you want, don't wait any longer. Book a coaching call with us.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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