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The Number One Reason Men Destroy Their Chances With Women

The Number One Reason Men Destroy Their Chances With Women

We are in the early days of the new year, and it’s only natural that we find ourselves contemplating about our last year’s results in all aspects of our lives, including dating, while making new plans and setting new goals. We create images in our minds about how nice it would be for us to achieve this or be in that situation or have this and that possession, job or person in our lives. Maybe you are a single guy and you want to find a girlfriend or maybe you are man who wants to build an abundant dating lifestyle with many women around him.

The question is: if you want it, why you don’t have it already? If lack of desire is not the issue, what is the obstacle between you and your ideal dating life with the girls you want? Why wasn’t last year the year that you made your ideal dating life a reality? Why your last year’s resolutions were turned into a joke? Where is the girlfriend that you want or the harem of women that you so desire? Let me help you with this post, so that you don’t have to repeat the same mistake again this year and get what you want faster.

The Silent Killer Of Your Dating Life With Girls

Let me know if any of these situations happened to you.

You are on your way to work and a gorgeous woman passes you on the street. Amazing body. Walks like a model. Rich, flowing hair. You instantly see her and your heart misses a bit. You know… this little kick in your chest that tells you that you are attracted to her, that you are excited by what you just saw. Never mind that little moment though, you just keep walking towards your destination.

You are out in a bar, there is a pretty girl across, you like her, she is a girl of your taste. You say to yourself that you will go up to her and meet her, but… only after you finish your first drink. No rush. Before you even realize it, the girl disappears from the spot you previously saw her. Damn it, you think to yourself, I missed my chance, never mind, I’ll find another girl another time.

This idea that you have plenty of time.

This notion that it’s not urgent to do something you want right now.

This voice in your head that you can always do something tomorrow or another day.

Procrastination. The silent killer of your results with women. The reason why you remain stagnant, in spite of your desire for the exact opposite. The cause behind you not having the dating life that you want with the women that you want. Now you understand why your last year’s resolutions were not fulfilled. Now you see why wanting a girlfriend is not equal to having a girlfriend. Fantasizing a harem of women is not the same as having a harem of women.

Why Procrastination Hurts Men’s Results With Women

Procrastination is all about postponing an action until it never gets done or until the opportunity for action disappears. Since masculine nature is all about bold action, massive action, playing the numbers game, and overall being proactive with girls, it is no wonder that men failing to behave according to their masculine DNA, create problems for themselves, with the biggest one of them being their lack of options with beautiful women.

You can’t be a happy man without acting according to your nature. End of story.

Acting against your masculine energy, remaining passive, and living a life of randomness and blind expectation for some big thing to happen to you is a recipe for an unfulfilling dating life and surefire way to condemn yourself to year-long dry spells.

So, this is why procrastination is detrimental for your dating life. It is against your masculine role; the one Mother Nature gave to you upon birth. Being a procrastinator, therefore, as a man is unnatural and like anything unnatural can lead to poor results and an overall low quality of life. Don’t do that.

The One-Step Formula To End Procrastination

Now that you know why most men don’t have the dating life that they want with the women they want, you might wonder what to do about it and how you can overcome procrastination. In Men of Charm we don’t believe in magical solutions. We believe in applicable tools that can realistically change your dating life for the better. Our purpose is to help you improve your woman life based on our experience and on what we saw working for us. Do you know what works against procrastination? Simplicity. That’s what works.

Every time you hear the voice of procrastination in your head, you need to use reverse psychology to get rid of it. What does this mean? It means that instead of treating procrastination for what it is, that is a call to postpone something, treat it like the exact opposite; a call to action! Transform the voice of passivity into the voice of initiative. When your brain tells you “it’s ok you can do it later”, you drop everything you do and start doing.

An attractive girl walks down the street and you want to meet her?

Your brain: You don’t have to talk to this one

You: Time to approach this girl!

A hot girl is having her drink across the bar?

Your brain: You can approach her after you finish your first drink

You: Time to go talk to this girl!

Turn procrastination into a switch for action and by the end of next year we guarantee you your dating life with women will have been transformed to match your new year resolutions.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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