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The Elusive Charm of The Sigma Male

Writer: Men of CharmMen of Charm

Sigma Male

We already talked about what the beta male is and how to recognize its characteristics. We also wrote a post about how you can avoid being one or at least stop being one if you detected beta male signs in your personality. You see, the good thing with being a man and not an animal is that you can choose to change who you are.

These are not unchangeable parts of your DNA. These are changeable features of your personality which you can keep, modify or throw away if they don't serve your results with girls. The important thing in your self-improvement journey as a man is to adopt behaviors that allow you to attract the women you want and create the dating life that you want. So, if you know what a beta male is, let's dive into what the sigma male is.

8 Fundamental Characteristics Of The Sigma Male

1. He Is Confident

Sigma males ooze confidence. No, not the noisy, flamboyant confidence of the alpha males. We are talking about this calm, self-assured brand of confidence which relies on a strong sense of self. It's a type of confidence which is based on a strong, positive self-image. Sigma males like themselves. They are at peace with who they really are. Contrary to beta males who are full of doubts, they are mentally strong and they exude an aura of certainty both to others and to women, in particular. Part of their belief in themselves has to do with their high degree of self-awareness. They know themselves better than anyone else. They know their strong as well as their weak points. They have access to their bright, but also to their dark side. And that knowledge makes them powerful. In the end, a sigma knows things will work out for him very well even when at times this doesn't seem so.

2. He Is A Leader, Not A Follower

Sigma males are men of action. They are types who take the initiative. They are initiators, and self-starters who don't wait for things to just happen in their lives. They know deeply that they are the captains of their ship and the masters of their fate. Expectation is simply not part of their playbook. But action is. Massive action and bold moves are crucial elements of their personality. Once they realize that something is important to them, they get up and go to get it. To achieve it they will use all tools available to them and they will also act against the odds. They can delay gratification and sacrifice their comfort in order to achieve their goals. A sigma male is a bold risk-taker in life and with women because he understands that his masculinity is about strength of character, not physical appearance.

3. He Stays Outside Established Hierarchies

Although he is a leader, he is not a leader of others. Not because he can't lead them, but because he can't bother. He leads himself. He focuses on his projects and his growth objectives. While he has all the qualities of an exceptional manager or boss, he just chooses to dedicate his precious energy and time on himself rather than convincing others about the value of his objectives. He avoids being part of established hierarchies, although he could easily be on their top if he so wished. He is a leader by example, and beautiful women are immensely attracted to him because, contrary to alpha males, he isn't a tryhard.

He doesn't try to prove his worth to an established set of people and he doesn't respect authority just because it's authority. He judges everyone and everything by content, not by title.

4. He Doesn't Follow The Crowd

The sigma male is an independent thinker, not a social conformist. He has his own views and his own opinions about life and women which he shaped through his rich experiences. He has clear and strong preferences. He feels completely ok to like some things and dislike some others. He doesn't feel guilt when he expresses an opinion contrary to popular belief. He lives his own life, not somebody else's. Contrary to the beta, who thinks he owes people around him an agreeable attitude, the sigma couldn't care less about other people's opinion. He is a seeker of truth and an adopter of what works, not of what is pleasant, prevalent or mainstream. He is a rebel who goes easily against the common mind, and women find him the perfect lover material.

5. He Is An Introvert

This is the reason why some people call the sigma male "introverted alpha". He is a lone wolf. He receives his energy from going back to his man cave. His energy is depleted by super extroverted activities. He goes out selectively and he interacts with the outside world strategically. When there is a goal that must be achieved by being out, he simply goes out. He is not a social butterfly, though. When it comes to girls, he knows that he is not going to meet any woman in the comfort of his man cave. So, he goes out and he approaches the women he wants. He has a strong inner center, and he dislikes the noise of the outside world.

6. He Is Charismatic

The sigma male is the strong, silent guy. He listens more than he talks. When he talks it is because it matters. His gaze is imposing and his eye contact shamelessly piercing. He exerts power and charm without even trying. He moves slowly, he has perfect masculine body posture, and most importantly he is non-reactive to what the world might throw at him. He doesn't let emotions overwhelm him. He is in control. Did a girl reject his approach? He couldn't care less. He smiles and just leaves. He is not predictable like the average nice guy. He is mysterious, and women are attracted to him without even knowing why.

7. He Is Outcome Independent

He doesn't try to change others and he isn't interested in controlling others. This attitude liberates him from being dependent on any specific outcome. He goes for what he wants in general, but he doesn't get anxious about any specific result. The sigma male builds his life in a state of abundance because for him long-term happiness is key. He knows that he can't control women and he can't control results. He is a modern Stoic who sees the limits of what is within his control and what is not. So, he invests his energy in controlling himself, since this is the single one person that he can actually influence.

8. He Is Devoted To Knowledge And Self-Improvement

And this brings us to this last component of his personality. He is thirsty for knowledge and self-improvement. He compares himself not to others, but to previous versions of himself. Since he is the only one he can surely affect with his thoughts and actions, he invests time in learning new things and apply new teachings to his life. He always keeps an open mind to what he doesn't know and he adopts good practices for maximum efficiency. He focuses on what works with women, and he throws away what doesn't work. He is a curious mind and an eternal student of life and women.



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