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The Attraction Game Doesn’t Stop After You Find A Girlfriend

The Attraction Game Doesn’t Stop After You Find A Girlfriend

Depending on the kind of man you are, the truth we are about to reveal to you will either excite you or disappoint you: your job as a man never ends.

There is no such thing as “I reached my destination, now I can finally sit on my ass”. If you are a man who wants a quality dating life, you are going to recognize this truth and make the best out of it.

It doesn’t matter if you want a harem of different women every month or a long-term relationship with one specific woman. The game of attraction never stops when you are the man of the equation. The attraction game doesn’t stop after you find a girlfriend or a wife.

It’s a sad reality that most men actually think it does.

To understand why in a man’s case the attraction game doesn’t stop after he finds a girlfriend, you need to first ask yourself the following question:

How long will it take the average guy to replace his girlfriend after she breaks up with him?

We are sure you have friends who had to spend a lot of time grinding before they were able to find their next sex partner or their next girlfriend.

We are also sure you know this from your own experience as well. When you broke up with a girl, you didn’t really replace her next week.

Maybe it wasn’t even next month or even half a year later.

You probably needed to go out again after a long time of inaction.

Most of them were not available for you at that moment for one reason or another.

You had to deal with a lot of rejection.

The phone numbers you collected many times led nowhere.

Your texts were met with silence.

At some point, you started getting replies and you managed to go out on a few dates.

Because you were out of the game for the entire time you had a girlfriend, you weren’t your best self during those dates.

Girls resisted kissing you and rejected your invitation to come home with you.

After more grinding, more approaches, more dates, and more invitations, some girls started to follow you back to your place.

But this wasn’t a smooth ride either because after an hour or more with you there they resisted your advances and gave you last-minute resistance.

Your nights ended with some kisses and a nice pair of blue balls.

Now, back to square one: go out more, approach new women, rinse and repeat.

Now, let’s consider what happens when the average woman gets out of a relationship. How long will it take her to find her next boyfriend? We are not even going to ask how long it will take her to have sex with a new man because the answer to this would be: the next day, if she wanted!

Most girls can replace men very fast. They can find their next boyfriend very easily, especially if we take into account that most men out there compete for the provider role rather than the lover role.

The average woman would just need to take care of her appearance and be out there reasonably often to get abundant opportunities to meet new men.

She would also have multiple opportunities to meet new men on social media and dating apps from men who would mindlessly like her pictures and send her DMs without her needing to leave the comfort of her home.

That’s it. This should be her only process to get her new boyfriend.

  • Be pretty.

  • Be out there enough.

  • Have a profile on social media/dating apps.

The rest would fall in place automatically.

You see the difference, right?

The average man’s process versus the average woman’s process.

The complexities of a man’s process to find a new woman compared to the relatively more straightforward process of a woman to find a new man.

This doesn’t mean, however, that women “have it so much easier than men” when it comes to dating like many men mistakenly think, just that a woman’s process is more passive compared to a man’s process which should be more active.

So, this is the reason why a man cannot afford to relax and lay back just because he found a girlfriend: because this girlfriend might not be with him forever, so he MUST keep his charm and attractiveness sharp for when this current woman is out of the picture.

A man needs to keep his skills in attracting and seducing women sharp because if he stops biking, the bike will fall.

The way you attract women as a man is different from the way women attract men. Women can just be pretty and sweet and men will come to them.

However, in our case we don’t attract women just because we are handsome. A handsome yet inactive or uncharismatic man will fail with women just like an average-looking man with better game and a more exciting personality will crush it with women.

So, unless you grow some tits any time soon, you need to keep up your game as a man even after you find a girlfriend.

And by keeping your masculine energy intense and attractive you actually raise the odds of your current girlfriend NOT LEAVING you that easily or that prematurely.

Women remain attracted to men who can attract other women as well. Keep yourself up to speed and let her know that. Not with words, but by actions and your behavior.

She will thank you later.

Are you in a relationship and need to spice things up with your girlfriend?

Were you in a relationship that ended and want to go back to dating other women?

Don’t stay passive. Book a coaching call with us.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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