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Outcome Independence: The Thing That Drives Girls Crazy About You

Outcome Independence: The Thing That Drives Girls Crazy About You

Initially, it might seem contradictory.

On the one hand, we advise you to take massive action, to play the numbers game, and overall work hard to get the dating life you want with the women you want.

On the other, we get back to you here to tell you to keep your distance from your results with women.

How can we possibly say that you should go for both of them at the same?

Go for what you want by taking massive action.

Distance yourself from the outcome.

You walk down the road and out of nowhere you see her: long, silky legs, impressive, all-natural curves, rich flowing hair.

She is a breeze of fresh air.

You immediately get excited.

Your heart skips a beat.

You want her, end of story.

How is it possible to both desire her AND not care about getting her?

The Tree And The Forest

And yet it's totally possible, if you change the way you see things.

If you change your point of view and see the entire picture from above.

If you focus on the forest, and not the tree.

Outcome independence doesn't mean being generally indifferent for the results in your life.

It doesn't mean you are passive, nor in a state of Nirvana.

It doesn't mean you cease to desire...

It just means that you distance yourself emotionally from any specific outcome with any specific woman.

You should not care whether this particular woman with the long, silky legs, impressive, all-natural curves, and rich flowing hair will have sex with you.

All you should care about instead is to find women of this type who also want to have sex with you.

This way you hit the perfect balance.

You take massive action to fulfill your desires with the women you really like, but without basing your emotional well-being on any specific woman.

You want her.

You do not need her.

As a man you must keep a strategic eye for the things you want to achieve.

You play the long game.

You do not care about the short-term obstacles or day-to-day events.

If you lose yourself in the minor setbacks or overanalyze each and every interaction you have with each and every girl, you will get easily discouraged and you will quit.

You made a decision to proactively improve your dating life.

All that should matter to you is to hit the end goal which is to get abundance with women.

Everything else in between is just a natural part of the process.

On top of it, you also need to ask yourself this:

What is the practical consequence of a girl rejecting you?

How big of a deal would a bad or fruitless date really be for your life?

Would these micro-events even matter for you 5 years down the road?

Why Outcome Independence Attracts Girls So Much

Few things are as attractive to a woman as a man who dares to get what he wants without his personal happiness being dependent on it.

Women are attracted by strength.

Before you stop reading this and run to the gym, let me make myself clear.

I don't mean physical strength.

I mean mental and emotional strength. The strength of your character. The way you think and act in life. The way you handle things not going your way.

Are women a pleasure or a necessity for you?

Is it an interesting game or a matter of life and death?

Is it a light-hearted little thing designed to give pleasure to you and her or the only source of your self-esteem?

Is it the cherry on top of the cake or is it the cake itself?

If you treat every interaction with a woman as sacred or super important for you, you send to her the wrong message.

You show her that you expect her to be the solution for all your problems.

And that is a very bad place to be in.

The truly charming man, however, doesn't do this - and if you are here it means you are well on your path to becoming one.

He shamelessly pierces her with his eyes, he touches her without fear, but he shows her he doesn't need her.

He doesn't strive to keep her attention.

He doesn't constantly pick up the conversation when she doesn't talk.

He doesn't try to impress her.

He is intense and yet cool.

He gives the impression that:

  • He will be happy and fulfilled even if the conversation goes nowhere with this specific girl

  • He will still be satisfied and grateful for what is going on in his life

  • He will return to his interests and mission no matter what

  • He can and he will go for the next woman of his tastes in the same bold way

  • He believes in his ability to attract the women he wants whether this specific one accepts or rejects his advances

  • His confidence springs from within himself, not from the positive reaction or result of a woman

Now you know why outcome independence is such a powerful aphrodisiac for women:

It is a symptom and an indication of male strength.

It is a signal that he is a healthy, happy, and self-assured man.

And women go crazy for him because they know that only such a man can really enrich their lives.

We are here to teach you exactly how to attract the women you want by being that kind of man.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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