Numbers Game: Why You Do Not Have The Dating Life Of Your Dreams

Tell me if any of the following has ever happened to you:
As you are driving you see a Ferrari/Lamborghini/Tesla driven by another guy right next to your car
You are out for a drink and all of a sudden you see an average guy entering the bar with a stunner, model-type of a woman on his arm
As you are going to the gym, hoping to lose a pound or two, you see somebody else exiting the gym with well-built arms and some nice six-pack abs
If you think like an average guy would, the first thought in your mind about the man in each of these cases would be something like “Wow…this guy is so lucky!” or even worse “Wait a second, something doesn’t add up here”
The guy driving the Ferrari/Lamborgini/Telsa must be some kind of a trust fund kid or a crooked, dishonest person who made that money in suspicious ways
The mediocre guy with the gorgeous woman next to him must have gotten her because of his money/status or she is just an escort, plain and simple.
The jacked guy exiting the gym must have built his physique with steroids or any other unnatural method – it can’t be explained otherwise!
The mere concept that these men might have gotten this or that desired outcome because they worked hard to make their wishes (a well-off life, a hot woman or a strong masculine body) come true does not even cross the mind of the great majority of men out there.
It’s much easier for the average Joe to believe that the good things in life are a product of either pure luck or malicious methods than to believe that these are the result of massive, systematic action.
And that’s totally understandable.
Because if the average Joe believed that hard, methodical work is responsible for the things a man has in his life, then the next natural step for him would be to actually pull up his ass and start working!
And that’s something really hard for the mediocre guy that you clearly decided not to be, since you are reading Men of Charm.
He Who Does Not work, Neither Shall He Eat
You might have not expected to find an aphorism from the New Testament attributed to Apostle Paul in here, right?
Well, it’s just another version of what you know as “no pain, no gain”.
How likely would it be for a soccer player to score a goal without having to kick the ball multiple times before?
How logical would it be for a basketball player to score points without taking the shot multiple times before?
And yet, it is this unlikely and illogical thing that most men demand for their dating lives:
to be magically able to have the women of their fantasies without having to enter the field…
As the athlete who performs exceptionally only after having put in the hours for his training, so you must put in the hours and the effort for your own training in meeting and attracting the women you want.
For this is what differentiates the boy from the man:
in order to receive, you must first give.
Massive, methodical action must come first. Results come later.
The man knows it and lives by it, the boy doesn’t and he suffers the consequences.
Build Up Your Denominator
How many women did you approach today?
To how many women did you talk today?
I hear “zero”, and it annoys me…
You must understand that your success with women is expressed with the following fraction.
The numerator is the number of women which end up in your bed. The denominator is the number of women you approach.
Women you have sex with
Women you approach
You can’t have something occurring out of nothing. It’s necessary to talk to lots of girls if you want to have serious results in your dating life as a man.
The more women you talk to the higher your chance to have sex with some of them. The less women you talk to the lower the chance of having sex.
Simple as that.
I know some men who always complain that they don’t have enough sex or some others that dedicate huge amounts of time and energy to chase one specific girl, but when I ask them how many women they approached this week I get “zero”, “one” or “two” for an answer. Go figure…
No man with an abundant dating life talks to only one or two girls a week.
The most successful seducers are those who understand that beautiful women are an abundant resource and that attracting them is a probability game. The more often you play it the more often you win.
How Many Women Do You Need...
…to build up your denominator?
How many women do you need to approach, so as to find one of your taste who would in turn want to have sex with you?
The answer to this question varies significantly from man to man, depending on his experience and seduction skills.
A guy who started cold approaching girls just five months ago will need to approach much more girls compared to a man who has been playing the Game for five years.
Nonetheless, I can give you a rough estimate of the numbers you need to hit if you indeed want to take control of your love life.
84 women a month.
Are you terrified?
Does this number sound outlandish?
Do you feel that you must quit your job and make meeting and attracting women your new full-time job?
We are only telling you to approach 21 women a week
3 women a day, that is...
For every one of those 3 women you approach we want you to dedicate 5 minutes, which is only 15 minutes a day.
15 minutes from your life on a daily basis doesn't sound that terrifying, does it?
Let's see now what kind of change this practice can bring to your sex and dating life as a man.
Let us be super pessimistic about this and let's assume you end up having sex with only 2 out of these 84 women a month.
This corresponds to a humble 2.3% success rate for you.
At a rate of 2 women a month, you will end up having sex with 24 different women a year.
That is more than what the average guy will ever have in his entire life...
If you are reading this you are far ahead of your peers, but remember it is its implementation and execution that will transform your dating life and give you the women you want.