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Never Let A Bad Night Out Ruin Your Progress With Girls

Writer's picture: Men of CharmMen of Charm

Never Let A Bad Night Out Ruin Your Progress With Girls

It happened to the best of us. You were in good mood, determined to go out at night to meet girls, but the night ended without the results you wanted.

Maybe everywhere you went, there were more guys than girls.

Maybe there were girls, but few of them were pretty and worthy of your approach.

Maybe you met many girls, but every single one of them seemed to hate you or was unavailable for you.

No matter the reason, the point is you didn’t get what you wanted out of your night out. Your first knee-jerk reaction to this will be anger and disappointment. You might feel that everything is against you, that every girl is out to get you or that every woman exists just to reject you. You will even find a hidden psychological benefit in lamenting your “bad night out” and interpret in a rather personal fashion.

“Why should it be ALWAYS like that?”, you might wonder, although “ALWAYS” is not accurate and you know it. You have had successes in the past, not just failures, but under this self-victimization state your mind plays games against your confidence and mental clarity.

After a bad night out, you might even try to self-medicate: if no woman wanted to talk to me, if all women are just “out there to reject me”, I might as well go eat two burgers and an ice cream as a desert. At 3am. It’s the only thing I can get pleasure from, after all, you say to yourself. It’s a sad situation to be in, really.

Nothing good and productive can come out of it. It is in fact a sure thing that if you linger too much into this mental state, your progress with women will be ruined. And that would be the worst possible scenario for any man who truly wants to improve the quality of his dating life. Why is that? Because with the wrong mentality a bad night can be turned into a string of bad nights for months, if you allow it.

So, what is better for you? To handle a bad night out like a big boy or to allow a bad night become a dating disaster and a long dry spell for the foreseeable future?

Quick Tips To Handle A Bad Night Out

Give Yourself Permission To Fail

You win some, you lose some. As a man, you should treat your failed attempts at anything as the ground to build, conquer, and create. Mother Nature has made failure easy for you because she gave you the strength and the resources to recover fast and go for what you want again without losing anything of significance.

Let me ask you something. Would you cry over “lost sperm”? It’s silly even to hear it, right? Why is it silly? Because there is nothing lost when something can be abundantly replenished. Crying over a bad night is exactly like crying over lost sperm. It’s pointless and nonsensical. If you went out and you didn’t get what you wanted, hold your shit, pick up your pieces, and try again another time. You are not supposed to win at all times. Even the greatest men in history lost battles, elections, women, fortunes, and empires.

Women Don’t Owe You Anything

We dedicated an entire post about that, but we will repeat the basic idea here as well. Only boys are entitled to having anything in life. Men know better. They know that getting good with women or with anything else in the adult life takes time and effort. Women don’t live and breathe to give YOU personally what you want. They don’t owe you their affection and they don’t owe you sexual pleasure.

When they give these things to men, it’s because they were attracted by said men and because they were sexually and emotionally available. Most women you approach, statistically speaking, will not have either of these two at a specific moment in time. So, get used it and move on. Your job as a man is to keep going until you find the women you like who like you back and are sexually and emotionally available to give in to their attraction for you. That’s it.

Turn Failure Into More Action

Failure is not an event. It’s your interpretation about the event. A bad night can either be just that or a major catastrophe for your confidence and dating life. Whose choice is either of these two interpretations? Yep, that’s right. It’s YOUR CHOICE. Start treating failure as a stage in your long and glorious journey to becoming the attractive man women can’t get enough of instead of treating it as the death sentence of your sex life.

You lost a battle, yes. But did you lose the war? Not, if you keep going, not if you don’t quit. A bad night out is a random event that you need to learn from, then get back to your masculine core to reorganize and go back out to make women happy with your better, polished, new YOU.

Did a bad night out ruin your mood?

Did multiple rejections weaken your self-confidence?

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