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  • Writer's pictureMen of Charm

Men's Number One Fantasy Decoded

Understanding your own psychology as a man is crucial to improving your skills in attracting the women you want. If you don't have a good grasp of what is inside your head, you will not be able to uproot failed mental models which keep you from being successful with girls.

Just think for a second and tell me what is the common element that binds together activities such as the following:

  • Paying for sex

  • Watching porn

  • Masturbating

  • Sugar daddying

  • Using your fingers to swipe left and right on an online dating platform

Just think for a minute of every porn video you have ever watched in your entire life. There is a certain theme behind it. No matter what the details are, no matter the specific script, there is a core narrative behind every porn scene ever recorded in history. The man practically minding his own business, doing his own thing, and out of nowhere, hot sexy women appear in his life.

These women on top of being beautiful, on top of being made up, they send him crystal clear signals of interest at a ridiculous level. The man just follows her signals and capitalizes on her sexually obvious behavior. Within minutes hot, steamy sex happens out of nowhere with the woman totally submitted to him.

Paying for sex and sugar daddy game is something similar because the man gets sex, not because he did the right things or because he was charming and attractive or because he made the woman fall in love with him, but because he paid the women money or in the case of sugar daddying he covered some bills for the girls.

Using online apps to meet women and have sex falls again in the same kind of behavior. Men seek to make their dating lives more abundant without leaving the comfort of their room. Instead of going out, finding pretty girls in real life, and approaching them, they just wish to render this entire process redundant by using their fingers on a smartphone screen.

Finally, masturbation is the clearest example of that common theme that binds all these activities together because through masturbation the man ends up getting what he wanted by surpassing the need for a woman altogether.

So, what is this common theme, this core narrative behind these activities in which modern men like to get involved?

Results without the process

Reward without the effort

Getting something for nothing

Automatic, miraculous fulfillment of men's desires

That's the common theme.

Men’s number one fantasy is, therefore, the separation of masculine action and masculine results. It is the removal of the masculine role from creating the dating life they want. Not acting for what you want and yet be able to get it anyway is the ultimate male fantasy in our modern age.

Why You Need To Drop This Fantasy

1. Being Inactive As A Man Destroys Your Confidence

Men thrive through overcoming obstacles. If you spend your life reaching for the reward without spending the effort first, you will become weak, and your self-esteem will plummet. It's like getting food without spending any energy, without moving your body or going to the gym. Your muscles will become weak and your psyche will become soft. Your masculine confidence is like a muscle. You train it by doing things the hard way, not the easy way. Getting to sex with a girl you stopped and approached on the street is like doing heavy lifting compared to sitting at home and jerking off to porn. Why would you think that what you choose to do out of these two things does not matter? Doing the uncomfortable thing shapes your character as a man. Doing the easy thing prevents you from living like a man.

2. You Become Thick-Skinned to Rejection From Women And Life

When you choose the hard thing instead of the easy thing, you become more resilient to the misfortunes of life, say a girl giving you the cold shoulder when you tried to meet her or a woman in your bed resisting your advances to having sex with her. You become outcome independent and you learn how to handle things not going your way. Going for the result without having the desire to pass through the process makes you dependent on things going always the way you want them. But this is not realistic. Statistically speaking, most women you meet will not end up in your bed. Some girls might be cold, rude or aloof to you, and some others might be emotionally or sexually unavailable. How will you handle these situations if you got used to getting what you want without putting in the time and effort?

3. Women Are Attracted To Bold Men

If the previous two reasons were not enough for you, then this one might do the trick for you. If you are reading this, then you want to live an abundant dating life with the women of your tastes, and in order to achieve this you need to understand what attracts women to men. Hint: it's not inaction and laziness. Women are naturally wired to be attracted to bold men who take massive action and are willing to get uncomfortable in order to get what they want. Women like the leaders and shakers of life, not the passive boys who want the cookie without risking anything to get it. The more beautiful and high quality the woman the more she gets wet with a man who dares to interrupt her life and make his presence felt in her reality.


Wanting to "hack" the system to get girls is a boy's folly. Only boys don't want to pay the price for success. Only boys want freebies out of life and women. Men, on the other hand, are willing to pay the price for a higher quality of life and an abundant sex life. Men don't believe in miracles other than those created by their own massive action. This is what we do. This is what we can teach you.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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