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Men's Failed Mental Models With Women, Vol. 1: The Victim Mentality

Men's Failed Mental Models With Women: The Victim Mentality

One thing we will not get tired of repeating here is that you as a man are the sole responsible for your own dating life and your relationships with women.

What do you mean "the sole responsible", you might wonder. Everything that has ever happened to me in relation to women, every obstacle I faced, every difficulty, every rejection or moody behavior I have ever encountered by a girl can't just be my own responsibility.

It can' t be my fault. There is also the luck factor, you might think.

Maybe some things are meant to happen, while some other are not.

Maybe that girl you approached and told you in a cut-and-dry manner "please leave, I am not available" had a bad day. How could that be your responsibility, right?

And yet it is.

Not in the sense that every event of your life is produced directly by you, but in the sense that it is you and only you who can control your response towards what's happening to you.

So, what do you do in the face of difficulty? How to you behave in the face of failure to get what you want with a girl? How do you deal with the word "no"?

Do you let anger consume you? Do you blame women for rejecting you? Do you give in to the seductive charm of self-pity like the average guy would or do you in fact deal with it like a big boy, you analyze it a bit and you get better next time?

What Is The Victim Mentality

You will recognize it by the following symptoms:

  • You blame others for a situation you created or contributed to it happening. You show unwillingness to take responsibility for something you did or for something that you omitted to do. So, in your mind if you don't enjoy the sex life you really want, it's the girls' fault, not yours, or it's the other men's fault who take women from you, but again not yours.

  • You attribute intentions to other people that simply do not exist (e.g. "girls are just mean to me", "women just want to reject me and make me look bad", "girls are cold-hearted bitches who just want my attention but nothing else" etc).

  • You believe that others have better luck than you or that they are happier. You think others have it all, while you consider yourself fundamentally "unlucky" (e.g. "why does this always happen to me?")

  • You get slight, short-term pleasure by feeling bad about yourself. You get a kick out of receiving pity from others for what is supposedly happening to you or for how "bad" things go for you.

If you are a psychologically healthy man, the victim mentality with all its symptoms should sound pathetic to you.

However, for those men who suffer from it, there is a hidden benefit in it: they can live their lives like immature, little boys, avoiding their responsibility for their own dating lives and relationships with women (or lack thereof).

You see, complaining like a little bitch has always been easier than actually putting in the work to become an attractive man in order to get the sex and the relationships you desire with women.

So, where does victim mentality come from?

It comes from a two-fold lack:

A. Lack of experience in a certain part of your life

B. Lack of adequate positive results in a certain part of your life

This is why men who suffer from victim mentality are usually men who are either inexperienced with flirting and attracting women or men with some little experience but who have not tasted enough "victories" with girls just yet.

As experience and enough positive results are missing, these men are easily seduced by flawed interpretations about their situation happening to them.

They feel completely incapable of actively changing or influencing their dating lives with women, thinking that the entire situation is somehow imposed on them.

Do not give in.

There is a way to get yourself out of the dark cave of self-victimazation and enter the green valley of dating and sexual abundance.

From "I Can't" to "How Can I?"

The mentality of a man who feels like a victim and who thinks he can't do anything to change his dating life with girls is a disease you must uproot from your system if you truly want to taste the slightest success with women - end of story.

If you suffer from it, think of it like your very own personal demon you must exorcise as soon as humanly possible.

How can you then get rid of this disease once and for all?

Just follow three simple steps:

1. Detect and delete the symptoms of victim mentality

  • You complain how hard things are for you with girls

  • You blame women that they somehow "wronged you" one way or another

  • You complain that learning to flirt and attract women is "too hard" and that girls are far"too difficult to understand"

  • You are indignant that "other men do better with women" than you

  • You feel you have no choice. You perceive your current level with girls as an unchangeable destiny.

2. Admit that what you do does not work and change it

Whatever you are currently doing or failing to do with women, clearly doesn't work. It doesn't serve your dating success and happiness. So, be brutal. Cut it off.

If you approach zero or very few women and you see that it's not enough. Stop it. Start talking to more girls, since doing the exact opposite did not bring you the desired outcome.

If you think that doing just small talk with women and never turning it into a man-to-woman interaction isn't effective, stop it. Experiment with making your interaction more sexually charged and see what results you get out of it.

3. Adopt the "How can I" mentality

  • How can I meet and approach more women?

  • How can I exude the lover's vibe when I talk to girls?

  • How can I effectively make women feel attraction for me?

  • How can I sexually escalate my interactions with girls?

  • How can I feel more comfortable when I talk to very beautiful women?

A man who is successful in meeting and attracting women is actually one who regards problems as nothing more than interesting challenges.

He demystifies the difficulties and finds solutions.

He doesn't allow himself to drown in the darkness of self-pity and self-victimization.

The mission of Men of Charm is exactly to teach you how to become that kind of man. Trust us. Girls will love this version of you.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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