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Men's Failed Mental Models With Women, Vol. 2: The Entitled Man

The Entitled Man

Most men’s problems with their dating life and their success rate with girls can be ultimately rooted to false ideas they have in their mind. It is for this reason we started writing about men’s failed mental models with women. The first part was about the victim mentality many men suffer from. In this second part, we are going to talk about another equally bad mentality that might haunt your dating life as a man.

Let’s face it. Never have we ever lived in an era of such comfort and ease. Unless you live in an impoverished corner of this Earth, chances are you have more food at your disposal than kings and queens of previous centuries, you are one click away from a ton of free high-quality information about any topic you can imagine, you have access to incredible technology, and you can even satisfy your sexual desires by having access to naked, hot women of all races, colors, and body types.

And the best part?

You can have all these amazing goods without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

If for some reason these possibilities weren’t clear enough to you, the pandemic made it crystal clear for you. You could just sit at the comfort of your room, order all the products you needed for your sustenance, feed your brain with all the information and education you wanted, and even find girls from afar to talk to you or even please you sexually via video or just good-old fashioned porn consumption.

What’s the underlying principle of all these conveniences? What is the common element behind this situation?


Results without the effort.

Outcomes minus the process.

While you are reading these lines, you might wonder: and what’s so bad about getting what I want without even putting the effort? Sounds fantastic, right? Wrong. And here is why.

Bad Entitlement And Good Entitlement

When you somehow get the result you want without having put the effort first, your brain gets addicted and thinks that this is the natural order of things. While you receive the instant gratification of taking what you want without following any sort of process, you end up damaging yourself because you lose the opportunity to hone your skills and prepare yourself for times when what you want is not readily available.

You see, men are designed by nature to thrive through pain and overcoming obstacles, but if you magically skip the process and manage to get the result anyway you become soft, untrained, and weak.

Most importantly, you feed your brain with the damaging belief that you deserve to get something for nothing. You deserve to get food and comfort without working for it. You deserve to get sexual pleasure without approaching women. And that’s what bad entitlement means: you become a spoiled little boy who thinks life and women owe him something just because he exists.

Being entitled the wrong way is an obstacle to your progress and growth as a mature, adult man. It makes you incapable of dealing with the difficulties and the ups and downs of life. It makes you sensitive to girls rejecting you, girls being cold or standoffish to you or women not reciprocating your interest in them in general.

Good entitlement, on the other hand is something completely different. It has nothing to do with the childish idea that women owe it to you to give you what you want, but it has everything to do with a healthy self-esteem and the idea that you are enough.

Being entitled the right way means that you don’t suffer from a weak self-image, and whenever you take action to meet and date the girls you want you do so with a humorous, playfully cocky attitude that of course you are an attractive man and why not would women not want to date you? And if some of them don’t want you back? Oh well, they don’t know what they are missing…

How To Stop Being Entitled The Wrong Way

We have coached men who were beyond saving with their bad entitlement. Because they spent the better part of their entire adults lives believing that all girls they talked to should like them and if not they became angry, little boys who either blamed women or just quit approaching girls altogether, condemning themselves to porn consumption and passivity.

If this is your case, then it is a certain fact that we can’t help you. If however you are not such a hard case and you are open to adopt more productive ways of thinking in order to live a happy and abundant dating life with women, these tips could be useful.

A. Contemplate your masculine nature and understand what it is all about

  • Pain, not comfort, makes a man stronger

  • Overcoming obstacles, not avoiding them, makes a man more skilful

  • Taking the hard way, not the easy way, makes a man better equipped

  • Making the effort first, not going for the reward first, makes a man happy and fulfilled

B. Put yourself willingly and systematically to uncomfortable situations

  • Use your left hand more if you are a right-handed person and vice versa

  • Try having cold showers no matter the season

  • Choose a different way home than the one you usually take

  • Go to the gym and set a higher than usual goal for your physical exercise

  • Talk to women you previously thought they are “too hot for you”

  • Approach women during day time if you are a guy who habitually does night game and vice versa

  • Approach girls in a direct way, giving a clear compliment about what you like on them, if you are a guy who usually goes indirect

  • Go out and purposefully expose yourself to rejection, then just smile and approach another girl

You now get the point.

Don’t let today’s era of comfort fool you.

Don’t let modern-day conveniences distract you from your masculine nature. Because you can easily get results by skipping the process, it doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Being entitled the wrong way damages the quality of your life and ruins your chances of experiencing a true man’s success in life and women.

Girls don't owe you anything, so stop feeling and acting entitled to a woman's body and heart. Instead, be the best man that you can by taking action, optimize your process, and know that even when you do so the results are never guaranteed - and that's ok.

And if you want to get there faster, we are here to help.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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