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Make Meeting And Attracting Women An Experiment

Make Meeting And Attracting Women An Experiment

Why meeting and attracting women is so freaking hard?

This is by far the most common question we encounter during our coaching sessions. And it’s true. Meeting and attracting women can be a daunting task for many men and not only for the young and inexperienced ones.

We have also seen men in their 30s and 40s with established careers, winners by all definitions on every other aspect of their lives, struggling with women; some of them struggling to get back to dating women after a divorce or a long time outside the game; some others struggling to keep themselves in it after they started meeting women late in their lives.

Just think about it.

Going out at least twice a week, talking to at least five girls a time, getting rejected or meeting unavailable women most of the time, getting numbers that flake, and maybe... go out on a date with a few of them that will not ALL lead to sex seems a huge pain in the ass for most men.

And it is if you treat it like a MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH.

Yes, we are telling you to take massive action, if you want to get girls as sex partners or girlfriends.

Yes, we are telling you MUST play the numbers game to meet those girls you like that like you back.

Yes, we are telling you to not leave your dating life to chance because nothing can come out of nothing.

But we are also telling you to do it in a care-free, outcome-independent way. You should go massively for the girls you want to meet, but being emotionally distanced from any specific result with any specific woman. Easier said than done, right?

Let's explore four simple ways you can turn meeting and attracting women into something fun and light-hearted as opposed to something painful and burdensome.

1. Treat Game As An Experiment

By approaching the task of meeting and attracting women as an experiment, you can view it as an opportunity to learn what works and what doesn't work. Instead of being concerned about the outcome, you focus on the process and enjoy the journey as something that can give you valuable insight about approaching women, female psychology, masculine and feminine attraction mechanisms, what makes you an attractive man and what turns you into an unattractive man and so many other things.

You become an empirical scientist. You act, you observe, you gather reactions, you record observations, and make adjustments to your behavior towards women accordingly. For example, you experiment with different opening lines or approaches and note which ones elicit positive responses from women and which do not. You observe women's body language and nonverbal communication when you talk to them and adjust them to what brings you better results.

2. Treat Game As A Challenge

It is in your masculine DNA to seek challenges and adventures. When it comes to meeting and attracting women, try to tap into this "challenge mindset". It should be like making a bet with yourself. It's a dare. A game of boldness. Can you do it? Are you capable? Set goals, hit them and try to overachieve. Instead of worrying about the outcome, focus on achieving simple, measurable results. Set goals for yourself, such as approaching a certain number of women or getting a certain number of phone numbers, or increase the level of beauty of the women you approach every time by a little bit. By treating it as a challenge, you can take the pressure off yourself and enjoy the experience.

3. Treat Game As A Self-Improvement Journey

This is about knowing yourself better. It's not just to get certain results with girls. It's not just to get more sex or to find a new girlfriend. It's about understanding who you are as a man. What are your strong points and what are the blind spots you need to detect and improve. When you treat game as a self-improvement journey, you focus on becoming the best version of yourself, and on top of it you end up getting more sex and more attraction from women.

You start by pursuing girls for your pleasure and end up with something much more valuable: a stronger personality. Invest in your personal transformation. Become a better man, by discovering truths about yourself.

When you go out of your comfort zone and dare to talk to women you don't already know, you end up receiving much more than you thought. You end up finding the treasure within.

4. Treat Game As A Win-Win Experience

Sure you can go out to meet girls in a self-centered way. You can cold approach women having your own pleasure in mind. It's not bad and it can also work for you. Even girls do this with guys. Women might use willing men for various reasons, be it money, sex, or just attention.

But this will not be the most FULFILLING way to interact with women. And what is the most fulfilling way to meet and attract women, you might ask. It's when you go for win-win situations with girls. When getting what you want makes it also pleasurable to the girl.

When you care about her experience on top of your own. Meeting and attracting women should not be about you winning.

It shouldn't be about YOU versus HER. Women want to be seduced by interesting, charming men. They want to enjoy sex. They too want to build deep relationships and have a great time. So, when you go out to meet girls make it easier for you. Don't make it just about you. Think about how a girl meeting you instead of someone else is benefiting her. When you think and act like that you will also be more confident. You will be sure that a woman meeting you will be an amazing experience for her too.


For many guys meeting and attracting women is a chore. Getting through many rejections and sexless nights just to get a date here and there doesn't feel rewarding. Steve Jobs once said that you must find what you love because only if you love what you do you will be able to keep going when things get difficult.

So, go approach, meet and attract women, while enjoying the process and finding meaning in it.

Four ways to make the process easier for you is to treat meeting and attracting women as an experience, as a challenge, as a self-improvement journey, and as a win-win experience for both you and the girl.

Do you find it difficult to keep approaching girls after multiple rejections?

Do you think it's a grind to meet and attract women? Don't wait any longer.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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