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How To Get A One-Night Stand Tonight

How To Get A One-Night Stand Tonight

The Holy Grail of seduction and masculinity. Part of every man's fantasy. The ability to go out at any moment and end up having sex with a willing girl you just met.

Can a man make this happen? Is it something that he can reasonably control?

There are few "hard" rules in seduction, so let's not use the word "control", but "influence". You can influence your own process and significantly raise your chances to actually get a one night stand.

So, how to get a one night stand tonight then?

Dress Like Lovers Do

Men often think that their appearance to women is as important as women's appearance to them, but as we have said many times, your appearance is not THE THING for women. Women are attracted to men in more nuanced and complicated ways than men are attracted to women.

Having said that, you don't have permission to appear to the world dressed like a dork or a teenager, nor do you have permission to have bad hygiene. Your high-school clothes will not help you get a one-night stand.

You need to dress like a simple, yet masculine and slightly edgy man. You don't have to reinvent the wheel.

We are talking about simple things such as:

  • Clothes that fit your body type (a one-color shirt or T-Shirt that fits your chest and back and a pair of jeans that fits your legs)

  • Color contrast instead of color uniformity (e.g. black jeans - white shirt)

  • A good pair of matching shoes (e.g. black boots or semi-boots)

  • An accessory like a watch or a bracelet

  • A good man's perfume (optional)

  • A leather jacket or a blazer depending on the season/weather

young man with brown leather jacket

This type of men's fashion corresponds to a lover rather than a provider, and if you want to increase your chances to get a one-night stand tonight, you need to present yourself like the former, not the latter.

Women have sex faster with a lover than with a boyfriend candidate, so make sure you dress the part.

Sometimes, wearing a suit can also help to get you a one-night stand in certain settings as long as you are wearing it at night. During the day, a suit might still seem sexy to many women, but it will more likely be interpreted as "professional" and therefore more "boyfriend-y".

man with striking blue suit

Pick The Right Places

Contrary to what you might believe, the chances of getting a one night stand in loud clubs and places of massive, mainstream attendance are much lower. Going where the masses go to "get laid" is going to lead you to - wait for it - NOT get laid.

A loud club with seemingly many, flashy girls is maybe the least conducive place for a man to meet a girl and take her home. Why, you might ask.

Because these massive attendance places will attract hordes of men to compete for flashy girls that are not there primarily to meet men and have sex with them, but to show off and attract attention.

A girl who is in a place to get just attention/validation by sex-thirsty men is not what you should be looking for, if you want to have a one-night stand. Choose, instead, less loud bars (dive bars or lounge bars) where less men and less flashy girls go.

In calmer places like these, you will see girls who are quieter, chilling out with a girl friend or two, and less reactive. They are not dancing like crazy, they don't shout, they don't move up and down the venue like in a big, loud club. They are more open to be approached and talked to, and their friends might be more "cooperative" and less of a cockblock to you.

Check for Availability Signals

Which brings us to another important factor: understanding which women might be more willing to meet a man then and there, which girls are there on a mission, and which ones are there just to chat with their friends.

Signs women give off when they are sexually available and open to meet new men may include:

  • Staring at you

  • Not talking to her friend, not seeming busy

  • Having a bored, seemingly sad look

  • Having her body turned to the crowd, showing openness to her surroundings

  • Wearing red

  • Showing a lot of skin

These are not meant to be reasons to approach a woman or not. These are just the cherry on the top of your process to increase your chances of getting a one-night stand. You shouldn't limit yourself, though, if you see few or even none of these signs. You should go talk to any girl you like without treating these signs as "prerequisites" for your action.

Act Decisively

When you see a woman you like, don’t overthink it. Don’t fall victim to analysis paralysis.

When you detect her, move your feet towards her. If you don’t do it and you sit on your ass to “read the room” or “wait until she orders her drink” or “until she makes a pause from talking to her friends” or “until a better moment comes”, you will simply lose momentum.

When you approach her, do it in a direct, not indirect fashion. Make your approach man-to-woman from the get-go by opening with a direct compliment about what you really liked on her.

Was it her rich hair? Say it.

Was it her amazing, silky legs? Say it.

Was it her feminine hips? Say it.

Was it her natural curves? Say that!

Show her you mean business. You are not like any other guy who would play it “safe”. She had that multiple times. What she didn’t have is a man who is in perfect peace with his masculine energy. A man who is not ashamed to express it in a charming way. Make it about her being the stimulus and you being the initiator.

From the very first moment you open your mouth to talk to her you need to establish strong eye contact. There is no point in saying a direct compliment about her legs if you are looking at your feet.

  • Penetrate her with your eyes as you talk to her with a light smile on your face.

  • When you make a point, touch her gently on her arm.

  • Use cocky humor and don’t hesitate to tease her no matter how beautiful you think she is.

  • Ask for investment relatively fast.

  • Invite her early on in the interaction to do something together.

  • Either invite her to walk with you somewhere nearby or if she insists that she is unavailable for it then and there, put the idea in her head that you could contact her later the same night.

  • If she is open for it, ask for her number.

Keep Your Approaches Short

Being decisive by doing all the above will lead you to keep your interactions with women short and to the point. Many guys believe that they are increasing their chances to have a one-night stand, if they stick to one girl all night.

This is far riskier for you because it traps you to just one option. If this option doesn’t work out, you remain with nothing. You just wasted an entire night trying to close one single lead. Not good. Within two to five minutes of approaching a woman, you need to be able to see if she is willing to follow you then and there.

Is she willing to come to your side of the bar and have a drink with you?

Is she willing to go around the venue with you?

Is she ok to move her feet and be with you in a one-on-one bubble?

If yes, keep going. If not, take her number if she is open to it, and move to more fertile grounds.

If you want to have a one-night stand tonight, you are not supposed to “convince her” or “change her mind”. You are supposed to intrigue her and invite her to do something with you.

Talking about the weather or about her job is out of scope. Making prolonged, pointless chit-chat or bombarding her with questions should be out of your repertoire, if to get a one-night stand is what you want.

Talk To Many Girls

Being a man is about taking the shot, and multiple times for that matter. Even when to get a one-night stand is not your purpose, you should still approach many girls. There is no other way.

Do you want to get laid? Approach many women.

Do you want to get a girlfriend? Approach many women.

Do you want to find your future wife, the mother of your children? Approach many women.

Massive action is the way to a man’s success, no matter what the exact objective might be. But when you are out to get laid the same day/night? It’s even more crucial to expand your masculine energy as widely as possible.

Have Your Logistics In Place

Logistics can make or break your seductions. Your whereabouts and all relevant practicalities are more important than even attraction itself.

You might deal with a girl who is super into you, but if you have no idea where to invite her to have sex with her, you will lose the girl.

If a woman is so-so attracted to you, but your place is next door from the venue you are in, the girl might as well have sex with you simply because following you in this case is easy. YOU made it easy for her to say "yes".

If, however, your place was 50 miles away, following you would be much more complicated and riskier for her. It’s all about ease of execution. It’s about making seduction as smooth and frictionless as possible.

Bad logistics is an obstacle to having sex with her.

Good logistics is a catalyst to having sex with her.

You can't always have your logistics set to perfection, but you need to have at least an idea about where you are going to end up together with the woman and how long it will take to get there. Sometimes, you will need to improvise or even invite yourself to her place, if her logistics is better than yours.

Conclusion: how to get a one-night stand tonight

Knowing with a high degree of certainty that you can go out and get a one-night stand tonight is maybe the pinnacle of seduction for every lover of women. While you can never command it to happen, you can influence your chances of getting one, by taking care of a few things.

  • Dress like a lover

  • Choose the right venues

  • Look for the availability signals girls give off

  • Act decisively

  • Keep your approaches short and to the point

  • Approach many women

  • Take care of your logistics in advance

Most guys will go out and either do nothing to actively meet new women or do random stuff. By putting a little effort into these things you will separate yourself from the mindless masses and significantly increase your chances to get a one-night stand tonight.

Do you face difficulties getting women to bed?

Do you want to have a more abundant sex life, but don't know what to do exactly?



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