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Here Is Why Hot Women Might Choose Ugly Men

Here Is Why Hot Women Might Choose Ugly Men

Many men complain that they can’t get beautiful women. Their frustration becomes even bigger when they see hot women on the arms of ugly men. “I am much more handsome than this ugly dude, why is this gorgeous woman with HIM?”, they have asked us time and time again during our coaching sessions. If you caught yourself thinking like that we can’t blame you. It’s a valid question, although it is based on the wrong assumptions about female attraction and what women want.

What Do Men Assume When They See A Hot Girl With An Ugly Guy

Men are extremely good in finding excuses to explain a problem they have or something that they genuinely don’t understand. Does this hot woman accompany this ugly man? This can’t be normal.

The guy must have gotten the woman because of money.

The guy must drive a Lamborghini.

The guy must have high status.

He must be her sugar daddy.

He must be her provider.

He must be her boss.

He must be her (wait for it) CLIENT.

What is the common element of all these explanations? The combination of a hot woman and an ugly man can only be explained (according to men’s popular belief) in terms of a transaction, but NEVER in terms of attraction. That’s the common element.

Where do such beliefs come from really? They come from a mix of societal programming and some half-truths which entire generations of men around the world have been exposed to for decades, if not millennia.

We are all familiar with the masculine archetype of the provider. That fatherly type of a man who is responsible for providing for his woman and his family or that story of exchange between men and women: women give their beauty and men give material possessions. And yes, this narrative does have elements of truth in it in the sense that females must seek by nature some sort of security in their mates, so as to give birth to children that will survive and prosper.

Are there hot women who would choose a man based on his income level? You bet there are; they are called provider hunters. Women of a certain age might start hearing their biological alarm. They might want to have children, and paying attention to a man’s income level might be a good way for them to distinguish between good suitors and bad suitors.

Are there hot women who would choose a man based on the car he drives? You bet there are; they are called gold-diggers. These women might have experienced some trauma early on in their lives which made them feel weak, bitter and cynical towards men. Once they saw that their beauty could be a tool of personal empowerment, they decided to use it to get nice things from men, treating them basically like cows to be milked rather than lovers or boyfriends.

Are there women who would choose a man based on his status within a specific environment, be it work or other? There certainly are; they are called career ladder climbers or social status seekers.

Are there women who would choose ANY man for money? Yes, there are. It’s the oldest profession on Earth; it’s called prostitution. No explanation needed.

Any of these cases are real and you can definitely see them around you, but they are far from telling the entire story about man-to-woman relationships.

What is missing then from these narratives?

Male And Female Attraction: Two Different Beasts

Men create narratives in their heads to explain how a beautiful woman can be with an ugly man as if she SHOULD HAVE been with a handsome man. Where is this idea coming from really? It comes from how men themselves get attracted to women in the first place: physical appearance.

They assume that women want handsome men as much as they themselves want hot women, so when this false requirement they set doesn't seem to be fulfilled (in the case of an ugly guy with a beautiful woman), they become sour.

Because men are attracted to tits and asses, women too MUST be attracted to a man's physical appearance, nothing else should really matter, they think! But women have a more nuanced and complicated attraction mechanism than men. While men can get excited just by looking at a woman, a woman doesn't drop dead just because she saw a handsome man. If said handsome man doesn't actually approach her, if he doesn't take some form of action towards her or even if he takes some kind of action but not the right one, she will feel NOTHING for him.

Girls place much more emphasis on something else, less visible, less tangible, less material: strength of character and overall masculine energy. So, what is masculine strength and what is masculine weakness? How can women tell the difference? Easy. By paying more attention to BEHAVIOR and ATTITUDE:

  • Were you looking at her all night, but you chickened out from approaching her? You showed masculine weakness.

  • Did you approach her, but in a timid, anxious manner with zero confidence? You showed masculine weakness.

  • Was your conversation trite and boring instead of exciting and stimulating? You showed masculine weakness.

  • Was your interaction with her amazing, but you failed to close by getting her number or inviting her home? You showed masculine weakness.

  • Did you approach her like a stud, but you failed to be cool when she rejected you, becoming angry and bitter instead? You showed masculine weakness.

Do you think a handsome man who exudes masculine weakness will be picked by a girl over an ugly guy who exudes masculine strength? Hell, no! She already is pretty herself. She doesn't need a pretty boy on top of it, but she certainly needs a strong man with a confident, powerful personality.

So, every time you see an “ugly” man on the outside it might not be his Lambo, his wealth or his status that a girl saw in him, but his personality and masculine energy instead.

But even if the Lambo, his wealth or his status was the main thing, unless he inherited these things, it still means something else: that he had the personality BEFORE he got all these shiny things, because you would agree that to build wealth or status it takes a specific type of character.

It requires a set of certain attributes:

  • Action taking

  • Risk taking

  • Intelligence

  • Ingenuity

  • Discipline

  • Money-management skills

  • Boldness

  • Resilience against difficulties

  • Out-of-the-box thinking

  • Negotiation skills

  • Marketing skills

Many men tend to confuse the symptom with the cause: the Lambo is not the cause an ugly guy attracted the hot woman; it's the symptom! The cause he attracted her is his character and his masculine energy that he successfully exuded to her. Unless the Lambo was a gift from daddy, chances are the man you see with the beautiful girl got the girl the same way he got his Lambo: balls.


When men see a hot woman with an ugly guy they resort to false explanations about it. They assume that a beautiful woman should always choose a handsome man, not understanding that women don't pick men based on physical appearance alone. Women are attracted to the intangible qualities of a man, that is character and masculine behavior. And this is an amazing thing for you as a man because character and masculine behavior can be developed.

So, next time you see a hot girl with an ugly guy resist from thinking that it must be money, status, or his car that got the girl. It's most likely his masculine attitude that attracted her to him and we are here to teach you how to develop it.



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