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Girls Can Have Sex With Men Without Even Liking Them

Girls Can Have Sex With Men Without Even Liking Them

It sounds strange, right? Women can have sex with men without even liking them? How is this possible? If you are a normal guy, you might have spent the better part of your dating time trying to be LIKED by girls, so that you can have sex with them. Isn’t this the purpose of game after all? To make yourself likeable in order to get sex from women.

To get phone numbers, dates, and sex with women you:

  • Take care of your appearance

  • Dress a certain way

  • Act a certain way

  • Talk a certain way

  • Walk a certain way

Why do all these things if your purpose is NOT to be liked by women?

We are sorry to break it to you, but all these things you do to improve your dating life are NOT meant to make you more LIKABLE to girls. They are meant to make you more ATTRACTIVE to girls.

Feeling confused? What’s the difference between being likeable and being attractive, you might wonder. Up until now, you might have been sure these two MUST be the same.

But they aren’t and here is why.

Linear And Non-Linear Systems

In physics, mathematics, and science, there are linear and non-linear systems.

Linear systems describe the relationship between two or more variables, where each variable has a constant rate of change with respect to the other variables. In other words, if you change one variable, the others change proportionally. Linear systems can be represented graphically as straight lines, and they are used to model many real-world phenomena, such as the relationship between price and demand, or the growth of a population over time.

On the other hand, non-linear systems reflect relationships that do not have a constant rate of change between the variables. In other words, if you change one variable, the others do NOT change proportionally.Non-linear systems can have complex and varied relationships between their variables, and they cannot be represented graphically as straight lines.

Non-linear systems are often used to model complex phenomena, such as weather patterns, the spread of diseases, or the behavior of financial markets. Solving non-linear systems can be more challenging than solving linear systems because they often involve finding approximate solutions or using numerical methods.

Got it? Linear systems produce predictable results, while non-linear systems produce unpredictable, chaotic results.

Now, let’s see what this has to do with “being liked by women” versus “being attractive to women”.

"Being liked by women" is a linear system. This means that there is a straightforward and direct relationship between the actions or traits of a man and the positive responses from women. In other words, the more a man exhibits certain behaviors or qualities, the more he will be liked by women.

According to this, many men expect that by being kind, respectful, attentive, and considerate they are going to be rewarded by women. And these qualities are indeed rewarded by women. Women end up LIKING such men; they just don’t have sex with them.

Men who put in time and effort to be liked by women attempt to follow social norms of behavior. They try to be nice; to blend in; to play by the rules of reciprocity. I give you this, you give me that. I give you “good behavior”, you give me acceptance. And acceptance is all they get.

On the other hand, "being attractive to women" is a non-linear system. This means that the relationship between the actions or traits of a man and their results with women are not straightforward.

In this system of attraction, there are multiple factors that contribute to a man's overall attractiveness, such as physical appearance, confidence, humor, intelligence, social status, masculine energy, leadership, mental toughness, boldness, taking action etc.

These factors may interact in complex ways, making it difficult to predict or control a man’s perceived attractiveness to women. They are also much more difficult to build. Being an attractive man is a much more demanding task. It takes more effort and more guts than just trying to be liked and accepted by women.

“Being attractive to women” is about building yourself as a sexy man and addressing the sexual self of women in turn. It means sticking out, not following social norms, daring to be different and edgy. It means you don’t seek social approval; that you are unapologetically erotic to girls instead of just “human”. You are in the business of ATTRACTING women, not in the business of BEING LIKED by women.

It's like being an employee versus being an employer. It's the equivalent of working for salary versus working for commission. When you work for salary, you actually exchange time with some money. You know you are going to get paid because you are being paid based on the time you spend working. This is a linear system.

But when you work for commission only, it's not a sure thing you are going to get paid because your pay in this case depends on the end result, which is whether you are going to make a sale or not. This is a non-linear system.

In turn, whether you get paid or not with a commission system is dependent on a series of other factors that may affect the end result:

  • How many potential buyers you are going to contact

  • How good your communication will be

  • What your prospective buyers' moods or needs will be when you contact them

  • Competition from other salespeople that might have contacted them as well etc.

Being liked by women is like being an employee, while being attractive to women is like being an entrepreneur. In the latter case, your results depend on taking more risk, but if you hit your targets, the payouts can be big. Really big.

Men Confuse The Two

Men tend to confuse the two types of systems in their dating lives. They follow the rules of a linear system, while expecting the results of a non-linear one.

They spend their lives trying to show how nice, considerate, and malleable they are, expecting that girls will have sex with them because of that. But sex with women is not the result of a linear system, but of a non-linear one. Sex is the result of attraction, which is a more complicated equation, not the result of being likeable to women.

When men confuse these two, they create chaos.

First, they create chaos within themselves in the sense that they get angry, sad, and depressed because they didn't get what they expected with women.

Second, they create chaos outside themselves in the sense that they destroy their chances with women, and women end up frustrated by the crazy demands of all the disenchanted nice guys who thought that sex is around the corner for them just because they were such nice, good boys.

This is why girls DO NOT NEED to LIKE men in order to have sex with them. This is why that hot, beautiful, smart woman had sex with this guy that other men might consider "terrible", while these other men did not have sex her.

Because that "terrible" guy chose to invest in raising his attractiveness instead of just being "nice", fully knowing that it will be a hard task without any certainties, but with the potential to bring big future gains.


Women can have sex with men they don't even like. In fact, girls do this all the time, and it's not strange at all. The reason most men don't understand this is because they can't distinguish between linear and non-linear systems.

They try to be nice and well-mannered, thinking that this is the way to having sex with beautiful girls. They try to "be liked by women", following a linear logic, while sex with women is the result of a non-linear system.

This non-linear system has its own completely different rules. Its name: attraction.

So, you might as well choose to free yourself from linear false expectations in your dating life with women and accept the non-linear nature of the attraction game that big boys play.

Do you find yourself too much focused on "being liked by women"? Do you find it hard to invest in raising your attractiveness? Take action. Book a coaching call with us.



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