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4 Signs Of A Successful Man In Women And Life

Four Signs Of A Successful Man In Women And Life

Many men nowadays genuinely care about improving their dating lives and honing their skills in meeting and attracting girls. They even expand their appetite for self-improvement to other aspects of their lives as well. However, not all of these men enjoy the same results.

Not everyone achieves what he desires and certainly not at the same pace or time. Some get what they want with girls slower, while some others faster.

Some make baby steps, some others make leaps.

In fact, the time frames for getting what they want are so diverse that some men quit altogether from even trying. They get discouraged because they see other men getting the results they want with women easier and faster.

What is the thing then that leads some men to faster success, while others to excruciatingly slow success, if any?

From our experience coaching tens of men over the years we noticed there are four key factors that differentiate men between those who reach their goals with girls faster and more effectively from those who drag their feet:

1. Speed of Theoretical Understanding

Men who make progress with girls are invariably types who absorb new knowledge like sponges.

They internalize every theoretical concept we introduce them to on women, attraction, and dating. They don't question the concepts. They don't doubt them. They have little to zero amounts of resistance towards new ideas and practices.

Those men are in many cases guys who started their journey to improve their dating lives rather late, while being fully aware of the time they lost during their early years. Exactly because they started late, they bring a sort of constructive anger against themselves which makes them very coachable. These guys want to waste time no more! They have a burning desire to fix their flirting skills.

They come to us as clean slates, without stereotypes on sex, women, and dating. For those reasons they are the ones with the highest probability of evolving into true lovers of women. For these men, the process of learning about girls and how to attract them is easier because they have much less wrong things to unlearn.

2. Speed of Practical Implementation

Successful men with women simply do not wait to learn EVERYTHING on a topic before they start implementing. They learn a couple of new concepts, then they put them into good practice.

They are constructively impatient.

They get bored with going too deep on any single theoretical concept. They don't need a PhD in cold approach before they start to actually... cold approach girls.

You tell them: the more women you approach the more results you are going to get. And they just find a girl they like and go talk to her.

These guys immerse themselves into action without being slaves to perfectionism. Instinctively, they know that implementation of knowledge is of higher value than

theoretical learning. They seek empirical experience over plain education.

3. High Risk Tolerance

Most men would choose the "stability" of a salary over the "uncertainty" of creating their own business, even though they know that, if successful, the latter option would bring them more money.

The reason for such a choice is that they can't handle the obstacles, the difficulties and the uncertainty involved in the business creation process.

And it is for the same reason why the great majority of men would avoid actively learning about women, flirting and seduction. They know that talking to many girls involves the risk of rejection. So, these guys would rather throw their dating lives to chance than actually doing the systematic work required to build an abundant and happy lifestyle with the girls they want.

But this is not the way a successful man thinks. For the guy who actually wants results with women has developed bigger risk appetite and stronger tolerance to volatility and failure.

This type of man is able to let his Ego hurt in the short term in order to enjoy the fruits of his effort later. He follows the right process in meeting and attracting women without being discouraged by his missteps along the way. The uncertainty of his results makes him tick, he sees uncertainty as a challenge, not as a problem.

4. Efficient Use of Time

Men who get what they want in their dating life are those who respect their own time and energy.

They know very well that time is a finite resource and they mean to use it as efficiently as possible.

You are never going to hear these men complain that they don't have time for their personal lives or that they don't have enough time to meet and attract women.

For them no block of time goes to waste.

For them there is always time to build the dating life they please.

It doesn't matter how busy lives they lead. It doesn't matter if they work around the clock or if they are changing the world. Because when they see a pretty girl waiting for the bus, they will briefly interrupt their routines to actually approach and talk to her. This mentality goes completely against the average Joe who "never has time" and who never thinks that "the moment is not suitable".

So, this is the successful man's blueprint in women and life: a thirst for knowledge, a passion for implementation, fortitude against uncertainty, and meaningful use of time.

Nothing of the above qualities need to be part of your DNA, for everyone of them can be learned and acquired. This is our mission: to help you develop these behaviors so that you can get the girls you desire and live a fulfilled dating life as a modern man.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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