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Forget About Getting Results With Women - Focus On This Instead

Forget About Getting Results With Women - Focus On This Instead

This is maybe one of the most frequent sticking points men have when they start their journey to become lovers and seducers of women: they are too much focused on getting the end result they seek.

Going for what you want is absolutely necessary for building the dating life that you want with the girls you want, but being too much blinded by the pursuit of results will do you more harm than good.

Let me explain.

Just think about any time of your life that you got what you wanted.

Was it because you got angry and frustrated?

Was it because results happened overnight because you pushed a button?

Was it because you somehow imposed your will upon reality and you instantly got the object of your desire?

Probably not, right?

If anger doesn't get you girls,

If frustration doesn't get you girls,

If pushing a button doesn't get girls,

If imposing your will upon reality in a magical way doesn't get you girls,

Then what DOES get you girls?


This is what gets you girls.

This is what gets you the abundant dating life that you so much desire and deserve.

You don't deserve results with girls just because you exist.

You shouldn't feel entitled to having multiple hot women on rotation, calling you, texting you, wanting to have sex with you.

All these things are parts of your destination, but you are not there JUST YET. You need to do more, you need to become more. And this is what a process is.

It's the way that can lead you to your destination.

It's the means through which you can attain your goals.

To get the girls you want, you need to become self-aware.

Don't act like a little boy who thinks that just by shouting and crying can get what he wants. In the adult world, things don't work that way. If you want to achieve something - anything - you must WORK for it.

You must know your starting point and your starting level with girls. The more of a beginner you are THE LESS right you have to be entitled with girls. There is no shame in being a beginner. Everyone started once like a beginner.

What is shameful, however, is to DEMAND results without first becoming worthy of them.

Instead of focusing on results, start focusing on the process.

Dedicate yourself to the process.

Love the process.

Look forward to following the process.

Invest in the process.

It's the ONLY thing you can really control as a man of action and it's the ONLY thing that can lead you to your final destination.

Instead of waking up in the morning and be angry that you don't have the girls you want or the dating life you want, ask yourself:

  • What can I do TODAY to bring myself closer to what I desire?

  • How much time and effort will I dedicate to becoming a sex-worthy man?

  • How many women will I approach in order to claim the possibility of bringing more women to my bed and to my life?

By paying attention to the process, you are actually focusing on the present moment which is the only one that can lead you to your desired future result.

Results with girls will not fall from the sky.

Results with girls will come to you almost automatically WHEN YOU STICK TO THE PROCESS and DON'T QUIT.

A big part of the process is getting all the help you can get by those men who have done it and succeeded in it.

The process might now seem long and burdensome to you, but it doesn't have to be.

Dare to invest in yourself, in your skill to attract women and keep them around.

You don't have to do this alone, because you have Men of Charm on your side. We will shorten the learning process for you and we will supercharge your results with girls.

Book a coaching call with us. You will thank us later.



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To Chance

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