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Why Being The Provider With Women Is Not In Your Best Interest

Why Being The Provider With Women Is Not In Your Best Interest

In a previous post, we talked about the three roles a man can play in a woman’s life and we recommended that you adopt the lover archetype, if you want to enjoy the best possible results with women in your dating life.

In this post, we are going to talk about the man who consciously or unconsciously presents himself to women as the provider, that is a man suitable for a serious relationship rather than a quick sexual adventure.

We are also going to show you why this role is very limiting for you and your success with women.

The Provider

He expresses his sexual interest indirectly

His male sexuality obeys rules of social correctness instead of his own masculine will. While he is aware of his penis, he somehow feels the need to hide it when he interacts with women.

He defines himself by his social image and his professional identity instead of his sexual side. Because of it, he treats women more like social acquaintances than objects of his desire.

He thinks that his erotic interest in a woman must be indirect or even hidden.

He waits passively to get permission by external circumstances, a “green light” by women, for instance, before he acts.

He avoids non-verbal communication

Since his behavior corresponds more to social limitations, he hesitates to use his body language as a form of communication with women. He ignores how important the body language can be in his sexual communication.

He is stingy with his touch as he believes women might get annoyed by them – and the last thing the provider would want is to…upset a girl!

His eye contact is poor, he can’t look a woman straight in her eyes. His mentality promotes verbal talk as the only acceptable form of communication with women.

He doesn’t adapt his body position according to the woman’s attitude towards him. He might give her his full attention even when she is lukewarm towards him.

He uses predictable verbal communication

Even when he talks with her he tends to monopolize the conversation. He thinks that by talking a lot and especially about himself shows “confidence”. However, the opposite is true: the more he talks the less confident the woman thinks he is.

When she asks him something, he replies immediately with clear, linear answers. He treats a conversation with her as a mere exchange of information instead of a game of attraction. He reveals too much about himself too early, not knowing that this way he ends up investing more in her than she is in him.

Overall, his conversations with women are like interviews. He sticks to the surface of things. He doesn’t go deeper. He doesn’t create emotional friction. He tries to present himself as the perfect package deal for her, ignoring the fact that with women less is actually more. Every time she stops talking, he picks up the conversation. He can neither stand nor manage silence strategically…

He doesn’t take risks with women

He doesn’t dare to unsettle a woman. He doesn’t risk getting her out of her comfort zone. He avoids teasing her, fearing that he she might be offended. He is trapped in pointless and painless types of conversation.

He believes every kind of friction is a potential source of problems rather than a spicy ingredient for an interesting sexual communication.

He is outcome dependent

Because he doesn’t take massive action with several different women and on many occasions he finds himself focusing on one single woman, he focuses too much on a specific result. He cares more about being liked than being sexually effective.

He cares more to present himself as “important” than as a sexual man. If a girl rejects him he takes to heart and in many cases he quits pursuing women in general.

His fashion is boring and conservative

He is not a risk-taker with women and he is not a risk-taker with his fashion either. He adopts classical fashion. He doesn’t wear intense colors. In many cases, he even fails to wear clothes of this proper size let alone wear slim fit type of clothes.

His haircut has no edge, and his entire image screams “boring” from miles away.

How Do Women React To The Provider

A man with a CV. The “perfect package”. Serious and moderate. He doesn’t take risks, he is not a shaker. He exudes security rather than sex appeal.

And women know exactly what to do with him…

Since he presents such a wide range of value outside the sexual level, women delay sex with him.

They try to keep him around by making him invest more time and energy before they have sex with him.

You see, while you as a man would move faster towards sex with a woman you like, with women the exact opposite happens: once you give the impression that you are relationship-focused, she will want to slow things down.

She will play the “no sex so soon” card and she will want to take it nice and slow with you…

Why? Because women don’t want to give the impression that they are “easy” to the provider. They become self-conscious around him. They want to preserve a certain image which is totally against your best interest as a man.

Because you did everything to show her how “serious” you are, she reflects your attitude back to you…

And what better way is there for her to show you how “serious” she is as well than lead you to a marathon of multiple dates with her with uncertain outcome for you?

Unless you have zero respect for your time, money, and energy don’t do this to yourself.

You simply don’t have to.

You are in the right place to learn more about how to avoid this role and achieve far more superior results with women.

And if you need extra help, we are here to supercharge your process and reduce your learning curve.



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