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  • Writer's pictureMen of Charm

Beautiful Women Are Hard To Get… And Other Fairy Tales

Beautiful Women Are Hard To Get

As you walk your very own self-improvement path you will come to realize that what actually separates your present dating reality from the dating life of your dreams is not so much learning the right things, but mostly abandoning the wrong ones.

It’s not so much about adopting the right beliefs on sex and women, but uprooting the mistaken ones that have been cultivated for years by your peer group, your family or society as a whole.

Unsubstantiated ideas, limiting beliefs and stereotypes that lie deep within your psyche and define your attitude with women consciously or unconsciously.

How many times did you see women that you really liked but you didn’t approach them, thinking they would be “hard to get” based on their exceptional appearance?

On the contrary, how many times did you actually approach their average looking friends, thinking that they would be “easier”?

And out of those how many times did those girls with the average looks ended up rejecting you(!), throwing thus your “strategy” to the bin?

You played and you lost. You bet on the wrong horse.

And that simply because you made the wrong hypothesis: that the hot one would be hard to get because she must be chased by many suitors, while the ugly one would be super easy because supposedly she gets no attention from men.

The ugly girl would welcome you with open legs, while the gorgeous one would treat you like a dog, right? Wrong.

Supply And Demand In Real Dating Life

“A particularly beautiful woman is a source of terror”, Sigmund Freud’s follower and also famous psychologist Karl Jung noted. He probably knew the average man’s psychology very well when it came to women, and he was totally right.

Most men DO NOT have the balls to cold approach hot women.

All men are attracted by female beauty, but very few will actually act upon their attraction. The great majority of them will remain idle exactly because they are attracted to a really beautiful woman.

While a small minority of men treat their attraction for a hot woman as a signal for action, most members of our sex treat their attraction for a hot woman as a reason for paralysis.

This is why the law of supply and demand is activated in the mating game, but in complete reversal of the average man’s thinking: average-looking women get most of men’s attention (high demand), while very beautiful women are destined to wait for that small category of men who actually listen to their male instincts instead of their male fears (low demand).

Because men think in the same insecure way, average looking girls get more attention from men, and therefore they receive more power to accept or reject their approach.

The result? Women of mediocre looks can be choosier because they have an almost limitless supply of men going for them because average men think they are “easier”.

Thus, the average man thinking precisely like an average man ends up playing a game with much higher probability of rejection, while leaving a lot on the table, namely really beautiful women who would be pleasantly surprised because someone with balls at last actually goes for her.

Against The Tide

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”, said Warren Buffet, the legendary investor.

What does this mean for you in the context of your dating life?

If you want different results with women from the average guy, if you want to have the women you truly want in your bed, you must act differently. That’s what it means.

You must go against the prevalent wisdom.

You must go against the grain.

Let all the average Joes get rejected by all the plain Janes and go approach without mercy all the beautiful women you truly desire.

Besides, it is for them that you play the Game, don’t you?

At worst, the odds of you being rejected by a hot woman are exactly the same as those of being rejected by an average-looking one.

At best? The odds of you getting what you want with hot women are much higher. Very few men cold approach them, and by doing so you immediately signal to them what you are made of.

Hot women know that only very bold men can approach them in a sober, high-quality way. By doing it, you instantly win 80% of the game.

Just because you didn’t follow the herd.

Just because you forged your own path.

Just because you showed her that you are not a scared sheep.

Change the way you act.

Every time you see a gorgeous woman that speaks to your tastes, instead of letting fear take over, activate the signal of approach.

Think of it as a personal challenge, and trust me you will end up achieving much more than that if you keep doing it.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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