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Are You Really A Sex-Worthy Man? Here's A Quick Checklist To Find Out

Are You Really A Sex-Worthy Man? Here's A Quick Checklist To Find Out

When guys try to improve their dating life, they have in mind what THEY want out of women, but they don't really think about what women want out of them. Men know what attracts them in women, but they don't know what really attracts women in them.

Since physical appearance in women is very important for men, it's only natural to pursue women for sex. The question is, if guys want to have sex with girls based primarily on girls' appearance, how should they present themselves to women to actually get that? In other, words, what makes a man sex-worthy in the eyes of a woman?

While women can have sex with guys for thousands of reasons outside of their sex-worthiness, we will not deal with factors such as money, status or the material possessions of a man. You would not be reading Men of Charm, after all, if you thought that a Ferrari is the only thing separating you from your dream girls and your dream dating life.

If you are reading this, you are one of the few men who are willing to take responsibility for the quality of their dating life and work on themselves to become better, more attractive men without counting on external things like so many other men around the world do.

Without further ado, feel free to use the following as a quick checklist to measure your sex-worthiness. Be radically honest with yourself, but don't be too hard on yourself. If you lack some elements right now, it's totally up to you to develop them.

You Are Not A Victim

No matter how you feel now about your dating life and your relationships with women, you just refuse to succumb to victim mentality. Deep down, you know that you are the captain of your ship, that it's your life and it's your responsibility to shape it any way you desire. You recognize the fact that your sex life is not a matter of luck, but a matter of conscious effort. For you, it's not destiny to meet many or few women in your life. It's just a matter of whether and how much you expose yourself to the right opportunities.

You Take Systematic Action

Consequently, you understand that it is only by taking systematic action that you can achieve your desires with women. You can't have sex "by accident". You can only have sex with massive action and a lot of approaches. When you see a girl you like, you don't postpone it, you just go and talk to her.

Be it in a shopping mall, at a bar or on the street, if you find her cute, you just can't help it. You move your feet towards her, then you open your mouth to compliment her and introduce yourself. And you don't do this once in a blue moon, but you made it a natural part of your everyday life even if it's just for fifteen minutes a day.

Your Fashion Is Simple But Edgy

You have a sense of fashion and you don't dress like you used to in high school. This doesn't mean at all that you are a fashion idol. It just means that you wear clothes that fit your body and are not clunky. You are not afraid to wear contrasting colors or to add an edgy male accessory such as a ring, a scarf, a watch or a nice pair of sunglasses.

Are You Really A Sex-Worthy Man? Here's A Quick Checklist To Find Out

You Establish Strong Eye Contact

When you interact with girls, you are facing the girl and you are looking at the girl. You give her your attention by looking through her eyes instead of letting your eyes wonder away from her. If it sounds easy, it's not. Many men without realizing it let their eyes wonder up, down or on the side, when they talk to a girl, and that's not attractive. It shows lack of confidence, and the girl can smell it.

You Don't Talk About Boring Stuff

Any guy and his brother can talk about work/study and other boring things of the same nature. Your interactions with women should not be about FACTS, but about EMOTIONS. Exchanging information should be, at best, a very small part of your interaction and mainly because the girl will want to know more about you, not because you are going to bring such routine topics to the table.

You Don't Bombard Her With Questions

Trying to fill in a conversation with constant questions is a an uphill battle. Your communication with girls should not be a one-way thing, but a mutual thing. It means that you ask her a question, then you let her reply and possibly come up with her own questions about you.

Asking her questions, one after another, sets a bad precedent where you care about her too much, but she cares about you too little. Instead, try to insert more statements, preferences, and observations into your conversations with girls.

You Tease Her

Next time you see children play, try to pay attention to how boys interact with girls. They are free of worry or fear, they tease the girls, and sometimes they even boss them around. They are not scared to do these things. They them.

Use this boyish carefree attitude in your adult life as a man interacting with women. Dare to tease women and make them slightly self-conscious. When you do it in a playful, humorous way, women will love it. Teasing doesn't mean "insulting". It means...flirting.

You Touch Her

No, this is not the creepy, uninvited type of touch. This is the flirty, playful, and erotic touch when you are interacting with women, especially in a date context. When a girl comes out for a one-on-one encounter with you, she knows that things can turn erotic. She is open to it. She is expecting it. Remember, she had twenty thousand ways to avoid a date with you, but she chose to accept your invitation.

This means she at least half way "there", you just need not to fuck up. A light touch on her elbow, her hand or her thigh in a moment of laughter or excitement wouldn't be a problem. On the contrary, It would add some spice and help you prepare the situation for the kiss or an invitation to continue somewhere else together.

You Are Outcome Independent

Your psychology is not dependent on any single outcome with any single girl. You know that part of action is also not getting exactly what you want and you are fine with it. Your emotional well-being isn't dependent on whether Jenny will kiss you or not, have sex with you or not, become your girlfriend or not.

You might want any of those things, but you certainly don't need them. If Jenny can't deliver, you know perfectly well that millions of other girls like Jenny, if not better, will. You are a man who lives in abundance.

You Handle Rejection Like A Boss

That's why when women reject your approach or your advances you never get depressed or angry. You take immense pleasure by taking massive action towards your desires with women, and a woman who is sexually or emotionally unavailable for you isn't something that throws you off balance. When she rejects your approach, you just smile, knowing what she just missed and you move on.

You Get All The Help You Can Get

Wanting to evolve into your most attractive version as a man might require more than just information. It might require guidance. You are not afraid to make good use of all means possible to achieve what you want. You have a burning desire to not just get results with women, but to get results with women FAST.

You tap the expertise and the experience of other men who spent decades improving themselves and teaching other men how to do exactly that. You want to make leaps of progress, not baby steps, so you don't shy away from hiring men who can supercharge your results.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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