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Analysis Paralysis In Dating: Men's Greatest Dating Sin

Analysis Paralysis In Dating: Men's Greatest Dating Sin

As you are walking down the road, you see an amazing girl browsing store displays not far from where you are. It seems that she is alone, but is she? Maybe her boyfriend is in the store, while she is outside waiting for him. Or maybe she is waiting for her friends who might be a little late to their scheduled meeting.

She looks really good, she is totally your kind of woman, but what if she is NOT really alone and you get in trouble? What if her parents are nearby and they return to see their daughter talking with a stranger? It would feel awkward, wouldn't it?

Just a few seconds after your last thought, the girl enters the store and starts talking to an employee about a jacket she wants to buy. Damn it, you think to yourself, I can't go inside the store and talk to her now. Everybody else around would see and hear that I am hitting on her. Not seeing any viable alternative, you just keep going your way and you drop the idea of approaching her. You go on with your day and you let her go on with hers.

If this situation sounds familiar to you, you are not alone. Millions of men all over the world experience such situations with women on a daily basis. Two simple words that describe them: analysis paralysis.

What Is Analysis Paralysis?

Analysis paralysis is a disease that affects your decision-making ability. It is about being stuck in the virtual reality of your brain instead of opening yourself up to the surrounding reality.

During analysis paralysis, you enter the "what if" universe. Your brain is bombarded by scenarios and assumptions that usually exaggerate a specific situation in any direction possible. You get into therorycraft mode and start making "calculations" and mini "cost-benefit analyses" at the expense of taking real action.

Too much thinking and too little doing takes you away from the present moment and leads you to mental masturbation land where all possibilities seem so REAL! When you let analysis paralyze your decision-making ability, you waste brain power to entertain things that don't really exist, that even if they existed they wouldn't matter, and even if they mattered they could only be solved by action taking, not by philosophizing.

Analysis paralysis is different from procrastination. Procrastination is about postponing an action for a future date. Analysis paralysis, however, is overanalyzing an action before you actually do it. It's spending time theorizing in the moment when you should be acting instead.

The result? Until you finish your mental masturbation session, the opportunity is gone.

How To Overcome Analysis Paralysis In Dating

Understand The Importance Of Time

Time is a precious resource because it's a non-renewable resource. No matter what you do, you can't take your time back. Once it's gone, it's gone. You can't create more time. Every moment that goes is gone forever. Scary? We hope it is! Because only when you get really scared about the cost of delay, will you become a more decisive man. Put it deep inside your brain what happens if you let time slip without taking your shot for the things you want. What will happen, if instead of doing the desired deed, you just think about it.

  • Will this help you get the dating life that you want?

  • Will this bring the women you like to your life?

  • Will analysis paralysis help you fulfill your potential as a man and a lover of women?

Realize that analysis paralysis is a waste of time and the way to a sad and unhappy life. Period.

Get Rid Of Perfectionism

More often than not, men who suffer from analysis paralysis are men who are perfectionists. It's not that they don't wish to take action, they say to themselves, it's that they want to do it "right". They don't want to make a mistake. To them, making mistakes is a death penalty, not a recoverable situation. They don't want to "lose face". They are too risk-averse. So, they end up taking a much bigger risk, that of taking too long to act until they miss the opportunity.

Perfection is like Santa Claus: IT DOESN'T EXIST. So, stop trying to be perfect and focus on becoming good enough. Rest assured that you are good enough RIGHT NOW to take action.

  • To talk to that girl

  • To go for the kiss during your date

  • To do what the specific moment requires you to do

Interrupt The Pattern

Now that you realized the scarcity of time and how much you need to treasure it; now that you understand that there is no such thing as perfection, you can move on to pattern interruption.

Analysis paralysis is not something natural. It's something you learned doing. It's a bad habit that you picked up at some point in your life and you turned it into a behavioral pattern. Now it's time to cut it off.


By creating a power word or a short power phrase which you are going to decide ahead of time and you are going to use within seconds of detecting your analysis paralysis.

Choose any of the following or invent your own:

  • Go

  • Action

  • Now

  • Do it

  • Move

  • Attack

  • Fire

You saw a girl you want to approach, but your mind starts producing bullshit excuses? Go!

You are out on a date with a girl who stopped talking and seems ready for the kiss? Go!

Are you back home with a woman and you just can't bring yourself to the point of making the move? Go!


Analysis paralysis in dating will paralyze your dating life, if you let it. It's when your brain tries to go against your best interest by inventing unrealistic scenarios and "what if" situations right when you should be taking action instead.

If you want to live an abundant and happy dating life as a modern man you need to beat analysis paralysis at its own game: once you detect this mental pattern, utter the power word you preselected and move your feet towards your desired goal.

Are you paralyzed by the beauty of a woman?

Do you feel stuck in an unfulfilling dating life?



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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