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8 Things Men Do That Show Insecurity To Women

8 Things Men Do That Show Insecurity To Women

Men are extremely capable of showing their weak points to women without much effort. In Men of Charm, we are all about efficiency, and there is no better way to increase your efficiency with women than to detect and overcome your blind spots that cost you girls and block your way to create an abundant dating life. Let's see the eight things you do that send the wrong signals to women without even realizing it.

1. They Don't Approach Women

A girl I once met through cold approach once told me: "You know, when a guy approaches me I know he must have been rewarded for doing this in the past. Otherwise, he wouldn't approach me at all". For an inexperienced girl that she was, her observation sounded very interesting to me. A man can exude confidence and previous success with women just because he approached a girl? How nice, I thought. Just by doing this simple thing, irrespectively of his results, a guy can win points in the eyes of women. And vice versa: a guy who doesn't make the move might be classified as insecure or as someone who, because he got burned in the past, he stopped doing it. Taking action for women is, therefore, equivalent to believing in yourself, while remaining passive is a sign of failure and weakness. This is exactly why we advise you to approach a woman that you see and like without excuses. Not only do you increase your chances to get what you want, but you also leave a good impression to women from the get-go. If you want to look like totally insecure, feel free to just stare at the women you like without moving your ass to actually go meet them.

2. They Do All The Talking

Let's assume that you got the balls to approach a girl you like. How do you shape your interaction with her? Do you allow her to talk or is it just you who does all the talking? If you want to build an abundant dating life, you need to learn how to let women invest in their interactions with you. People love talking about themselves, and women love it even more. Past the point of introductory small talk necessary at the start of your approach, you need to let the woman talk about herself. Whenever the conversation comes to a pause, most men try to pick it up themselves, fearing that it will die out if they don't. They play it too safe to take the minor risk of letting silence play out for a few moments. Silence will not kill you, though. Talking too much and trying to always cover the gaps will. Attraction is all about letting the girl play her part once you played yours, not about you doing everything. If a break comes to the discussion, welcome it. Accept it. Let her worry that she will seem a weirdo if she let the discussion die out. Handle pauses with confidence both when approaching and when you are on a date with a girl. Show her that you are comfortable with silence.

3. They Brag

This one is a close relative to the previous one, since talking a lot can easily lead to self-praise and being a dick about how amazing you are and how great your possessions/job/status are. A guy who feels the need to show off exudes major insecurities because if he was certain about himself he wouldn't need to brag. He would simply let his best qualities show naturally without throwing them in the woman's face. Men with true confidence attract women with who they really are as men, not with what they possess. Invest in becoming the best version of yourself, build a masculine personality that women love and let the masses of clueless beta males show off their car in the hope that they will get laid. This is why few men can really play the lover role for women. Most men are too busy trying to be providers for women.

4. They Look Away

If meeting a woman is eventually about penetrating her body, how exactly do you hope to achieve that if you can't first penetrate her eyes? Women love it when guys are shameless with their look. You don't have to be creepy, just a little bit more persistent than the average guy who turns his look away once his eyes meet hers. The next time you are walking on the street or when you approach a girl or when you are on a date with her, remember to look her through her eyes until she looks away.

5. They Leave The Interaction Prematurely

It's called premature eject-ulation. All men have been guilty of it at some point in their journey and especially beginners with women. This one has to do with unreasonable expectations held by men. They think that because they approached a girl she must jump up and down for them to stay in the interaction, and if she doesn't jump up and down, well it's time for them to go, leaving many times the girl scratching her head. Avoid this attitude. Stay a little bit more, more than your comfort zone allows. Don't assume she is not attracted to you too so easily, because many girls are just shy or low profile and when a man approaches them they might feel a little anxious about it. You see, just like you as a man might feel a mix of anxiety and excitement when you see a girl's impressive bust or curvy ass or long legs or what have you, girls might feel the same when you bridge the distance and come up to them to meet them. If you always treat their shyness as lack of interest, you are going to lose a lot of opportunities with girls that might otherwise like you.

6. They Shy Away From Tension

The average guy thinks that attraction between men and women is about total harmony and peace. This naive idea couldn't be further from the truth. Male-female attraction is the product of a little tension. That's why we talk about the "spark" of attraction. It is something that is created through friction. What does this mean for you as a guy? It means that you can't go into a man-to-woman interaction with girls, by agreeing on everything she says. If you disagree with something, just say it in a calm, humorous, slightly cocky laid-back way. Don't suppress your disagreement to look "nice". Nice guys don't get laid, but are used by women for various other reasons. If you want to be a lover of women, be willing to tease them and unsettle them a little.

7. They Don't Invite Girls Home

Some men are dabblers with women. They like to approach women, they like to get numbers from women, they like to go on dates with women, but they just don't pull the trigger. They fail to invite girls to join them in some kind of private one-on-one activity or to just invite them home. One surefire way to show that you are insecure is to do just that. Talk with girls, go on dates with girls, but don't go for the kill. Not good.

8. They Send Long Texts

Last but not least, a clear sign of insecurity in men is long texts as well as texting girls too often. Charming men do not contact women to chat. They contact women for a reason. Texting is a means to an end, not an end in itself. You want to use texting just to arrange something with a girl you just met or keep the necessary contact with a girl you decided to keep. This means you keep your texts short, fresh, slightly humorous and to the point. Let the girl express herself through texting if she so wishes. Your job is to take any hints of a girl's texting and turn it into opportunities to meet with her in real life. Only insecure men text just to text by writing long-ass paragraphs "just to warm things up" or "just to chat". Don't do that. Be direct, simple, and masculine in your communication with women. They will reward you later for it.



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