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8 Things Attractive Men NEVER Do

8 Things Attractive Men NEVER Do

Becoming an attractive man is not nuclear physics. It's simply a matter of not doing the wrong things. If you can focus on eradicating them, you will see that beautiful women start treating you differently.

Here are eight things attractive men never do.

1. They Are Not Needy

Have you ever seen a truly attractive man who is desperate and needy? A Don Juan who chases women who aren't attracted to him? What about masculine figures such as George Clooney or Harrison Ford, begging a woman to have sex with them or remain in a relationship with them? Well, me neither.

Being an attractive man is about self-sufficiency and freedom; freedom from necessity, freedom from the one single option, freedom from outcome dependence. There is no way to accommodate being attractive as a man and living in scarcity at the same time. Attractive men experience their lives in a state of abundance with everything. Not because they have everything they want at all times, but because they always THINK and ACT AS IF they had everything already.

They focus on the bigger picture. They don't allow for specific people or situations to define them and affect their sense of self. They are confident that no matter what they will get what they want. Maybe not from this specific girl, but from the next one or the one after.

What are the tell-tale behaviors of a man who is needy with women?

2. They Don't Blame Others

Attractive men are captains of their ship and masters of their fate. They take full responsibility for their lives. They take charge. They know that whether they win or lose it will be on them. They never blame others for their misfortunes and they always try to make the best of every situation, positive or negative. While average guys tend to blame others for their unfulfilling dating lives, attractive men treat dating as their own responsibility.

It's their own duty to approach women, their own duty to play the numbers game, their own duty to exude masculine energy in order to bring the girls they want into their lives. You will never hear them blaming women for being "too hard to get" or "too stuck up". You will never hear them being negative about other men who are successful with women.

Attractive men have a growth mindset; when they see another man having the thing they want to have too, they say to themselves "That's great. If this guy can have this sexy girl, so can I!". People who blame others are usually bitter and angry people. But not the attractive man. Because he considers himself protagonist of his dating life, he never feels victim of circumstance.

3. They Don't Show Panic Or Fear

Attractive men are not jittery. They respond, they do not react. I am not saying they don't feel fear. I am saying they don't show it. They are able to feel fear like all other men, but they can control and contain it. They can even channel it productively towards constructive action. They can turn fear of rejection into excitement for approaching that cute girl. They keep their composure when a woman tests them because they know that self-respect is a man's superpower.

When things don't go their way, they still keep their shit together. They remain calm in the face of adversity. If a girl doesn't behave in a warm or receptive way, they remain Stoic, they make two steps back, then one step forward. When a girl gives them resistance in bed, they act cool and remove their attention from her for a while until she feels ready. Attractive men don't force things with girls. They don't have to. They are sure of themselves and they seek mutuality with women, not one-sided situations. Attractive men are totally ok if a woman wants to leave, and they are also able to walk away themselves if they are not happy.

4. They Don't Dress Like Dorks

The world is their oyster, but they also know that the world doesn't give second chances to make a good first impression. The way they show up is never left to chance. They perceive the way they dress as a summary of who they are. No matter what is their specific style (casual, formal, hipster, artsy etc) they mean to make an impression by wearing clothes that flatter their physique.

Attractive men are not afraid to be bold and edgy in the way they dress. They don't choose clothes to blend in. They choose clothes that better reflect their personality. And the best part? Women notice. Attractive men are not fashion idols. They are, however, fashion-literate.

They know and apply the essentials:

  • They wear clothes that fit their bodies rather than dorky, wide-ass clothes

  • They choose color contrast rather than color uniformity

  • They wear edgy accessories, be it a watch, a ring or a scarf.

5. They Don't Overanalyze

While attractive men can be knowledgeable and brainy, they don't get trapped inside their heads. They live in the outside world and are able to implement anything useful they might read. Attractive men are action takers, not overthinkers. They know that applying something even imperfectly is far more superior than just thinking about it. They see a woman they like and they approach her. They take a girl's number and they actually use it to invite her out. They go out on a date with her and they don't just sit there without purpose, but invite her home.

6. They Don't Look Away

Women don't get attracted to men who can't keep a simple, masculine eye contact with her, and attractive men know it. A man who is perceived as attractive by girls is one that he doesn't shy away from looking through her eyes. He is calm and self-assured, but also deep in the way he looks at a woman he likes.

He can keep a piercing eye contact because he knows that the first way a man penetrates a woman is through his eyes. How can anyone hope to penetrate a woman's body if he can't even penetrate her eyes? He doesn't look at a woman like a serial killer. He looks in a woman's eyes until she looks away, then he looks away.

7. They Are Not Selfish In Bed

An attractive man is a skilled lover in bed. He doesn't get in and out, then finishes. He is there to enjoy his sex partner, but also to give her pleasure. He knows that women need more time than men to reach their peak point. He enjoys her body and gives her plenty of kisses and foreplay. Little boys have sex just to cum and score. Men have sex because they genuinely love a beautiful female body and honor it generously with their masculine energy and attention.

Attractive men have managed to channel their sexual desire without jumping the gun. They achieved sexual self-awareness and can control when they cum without ejaculating prematurely. They know how to lead a woman to orgasm before they lead themselves to it.

8. They Are Not Too Emotional

Heterosexual women like men with masculine personalities. They don't like just another copy of themselves. Women expect men to be different than themselves. They have their hormonal ups and downs, so they expect men to be more stable and less influenced by external stimuli.

If you act like a triggered little bitch whenever things don't go your way, if you are too moody and sentimental in situations where you are supposed to exude emotional strength and mental toughness, her vagina will dry fast for you. An attractive man remains rational whenever everyone else gets irrational. He remains calm whenever everybody else panics. He doesn't take life or himself too seriously. He uses his mind to get out of problems and improve his situation. He makes decision based on logic, not on impulse.


Being an attractive man whom women adore is not a complicated equation. It's just a matter of avoiding eight unattractive behaviors: being needy, blaming others, showing panic or fear, dressing badly, overanalyzing, not being able to hold eye contact with women, being selfish in bed, and being too emotional.

Are you guilty of any of these eight unattractive behaviors? Do you see a sticking point with women that you want to get rid of? Stop waiting and take action. Book a coaching call with us.



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