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8 Reasons Why Approaching Women On The Street Can Change Your Dating Life

8 Reasons Why Approaching Women On The Street Can Change Your Dating Life

If you don’t approach women you like on the street, I don’t know what you are doing. If you want to get the dating life that you want with the type of women that you want, being able to come up to any girl you like in public and try to meet her is a skill that, once you master, it will multiply your opportunities with beautiful women and increase your dating efficiency on top of that.

Without further ado, let’s see eight reasons why you MUST include cold approaching on the street in your dating repertoire.

1. Low Competition

The law of supply and demand is in full force, not only in economics, but also in the dating and sexual market. Every guy and his brother will be at the bar and the club during the weekend to pick up women, but how many men are there on the streets actively trying to approach and meet pretty girls? We can tell you by experience…very few, if any at all. Men are very good in putting barriers in the way they think and act. They like to put things into little boxes that make sense to them, including their own activities. It’s Monday morning or Wednesday afternoon, the average guy thinks, this is time for work, not play. They will use the entire five work days of the week for work, their gym or their obligations without talking to a single female and they will squeeze a few half-assed approaches here and there in a single weekend.

Because bars and clubs are very competitive places with many men trying hook up with a few hot women who can in turn be very defensive as a result of said competition, most guys will end up with no results. Then, the new week will start with them going back to their little routine schedule, rinse and repeat, and then they will complain that they don’t have any options with women.

No such restrains for the man who thinks out of the box, though. When you approach girls on the street, no matter the day or the time, you create a dating market out of nowhere with close to zero other competitors. It’s as if a store opened just for you to buy. Your chance of dating success is much higher on the street than in the packed night club.

2. You Build Up Your Confidence

Knowing that you do something that very few others dare does not only increase your odds of getting new beautiful women in your life, but it MASSIVELY increases your self-esteem. You dare to step out of your comfort zone, while other men remain slaves to it. You do the hard thing, not the easy thing. You live and act outside the Matrix of everyday life that “instructs” other men to work five days a week and MAYBE play a little bit during the weekend.

For you, play can be a natural part of your everyday life. Meeting women is not a weekend thing, it’s a whenever-you-please thing because you can easily use a few minutes of your day-to-day time to interrupt a girl’s own routine and introduce yourself. Showing disregard for established rules of behavior and being bold where others are timid increases your testosterone. Remember, masculinity thrives in overcoming obstacles, and approaching women when others think they are not “supposed to” turns you into a strong and confident man. Just beware, it can get addictive.

3. You Make Big Impression

Although you don’t approach women with the purpose of making an impression (you are outcome independent), this is one positive side effect that will bring more women to your bed. Just like you are attracted to female physical beauty, women are attracted to certain masculine personality traits. Can you guess what is one of them? That’s correct. BALLS OF STEEL. Women love balls. Literally and also figuratively.

A man who doesn’t wait for the weekend to get drunk in order to gather the courage to approach her in a club full of horny, desperate guys? Now, that is something! Besides more ballsy, approaching girls on the street might feel more “old time classic” and more romantic for many women. You become a breath of fresh air for her. A guy who does things “the old way”.

This doesn’t mean you will not be rejected on street. Exactly because few men actually dare to approach girls on the street, some of them might react in a cold or distanced way to your approach. Some of them will be simply “out of their element” for it. Don’t take it to heart. Just keep your cool and go next.

4. You Spend Less Money

When we started our own dating and woman journey more than fifteen years ago, we were hitting the night life hard. When you start committing to improving your dating life, going to bars and clubs is a big part of it, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most cost-effective. Meeting women at night in bars and clubs can really cost you a lot of money even if you decide to order just non-alcoholic drinks.

Unless you are the type of guy who can enter a night venue and order NOTHING, bars and clubs are costly, especially if you go out two, three or four nights a week. By approaching women on the street, you eliminate this cost. You just grab a cup of coffee (if it’s day) or a take away drink (if it’s night) and you are ready to enjoy a nice walk and meet the pretty girls that will happen to be around. It can also cost you absolutely nothing, if you approach girls on the street when you are on your way to your work or any other activity.

5. You Spend Less Time

Making a few cold approaches in public a few times a week will cost you much less time than spending entire nights in bars and clubs. Your game will be more concentrated, since only a couple of hours a day will be enough to bring more women in your dating life than spending huge amounts of time trying to meet as many girls as possible during the weekend. When you approach women in public in your everyday life, you do actually make a little effort systematically rather than a lot of effort in a short block of time.

6. No Alcohol Is Involved

Eliminating drunk girls from your schedule when you are out to meet girls is a very important thing. Now, some men think that a drunk girl is “easier” to hook up with, but trust us when we tell you that it’s rarely a good experience for you as a guy. Drunk girls can be a pain in the ass more often than not, so all you need is pretty, sober girls who can actually receive your approach and be able to appreciate it. Cold approaching women on the street is fair game for both you and her. She is sober. You are sober. Your approach has more value. It’s more conscious and more authentic. She will either be attracted to you or not, but she will at least have the opportunity to see a bit of the real you without alcohol and without deafening music.

7. Higher Chances She Will Be Alone

Women lead busy lives. When you see her somewhere in public, in this case the street, she is going somewhere, probably alone. At worst, she might be accompanied by one or two friends or her mom. This is great news for you. It means you are dealing with much less distractions when you meet her on the street than when you meet her in a place designed to attract the masses. If she is alone, the game is one-on-one. Simple, true, and easier to create man-to-woman interactions.

If she is with a couple of friends, you will see that they will be much friendlier to your approach. They will either positively participate in your approach or just remain silent and let you completely free to finish with her friend. For a girl to see a man approaching and flirting with her friend in public is like porn for women. By having the balls to approach her friend in a context which is not designed for dating per se, you are offering her a very interesting “show”. So, no distractions, no cockblocks most of the times and an occasional supportive friend can make your cold approaches in public very successful.

8. Easier To Put In Your Daily Life

Your dating life should not be that big weekend thing. It should be a natural part of your everyday life. You are out and about anyway for all other reasons. Why not use a few minutes as you go about your day to talk to pretty girls as well? It’s smoother, easier, and more pleasurable for you. Besides, you need to play the numbers game if you want to have an abundant dating life with the girls you like, and approaching girls only in bars and clubs just during the weekend will not cut it. You need take massive action and also smarter action, so it makes sense to spread out your approaches during the entire week as you do your other activities.


Approaching women on the street might be one of the most useful and efficient things you can do for your dating life. The advantages of meeting women like that are many: the competition is low since very few men actually dare to do it; you build up your masculine confidence by doing something uncomfortable; you make a positive impression to women; you spend less money; you spend less time; you avoid dealing with drunk girls; you have higher odds of finding women alone without external distractions such as cock-blocking from friends; you can easily put approaching women on the street in your daily life as you go about your day.

Overall, going against the dominant ways of other men can enrich your dating life and turn you into a stronger, more successful, and more fulfilled man. We can teach you how to be exactly that.



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Your Dating Life
To Chance

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