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8 Must-Have Mindsets To Have When Going Out To Meet Girls

8 Must-Have Mindsets To Have When Going Out To Meet Girls

When men decide to improve their dating life and understand that for it to happen they somehow need to go out of their house to meet women, they don't usually do that with the right ideas in their heads. Men who are beginners with women are more likely to fall to this trap: going out to meet girls, but keeping counter-productive mindsets about women, sex, and themselves. The result? They end up making meeting and attracting girls more complicated than it really is. In Men of Charm, we are efficiency junkies. We want to make your self-improvement journey as smooth as possible. We want you not to waste time thinking or doing the wrong things.

Without any further ado, here are eight successful mindsets to adopt before you go out to meet girls.

1. I Am A Man Of Action

When you interact with the world there are really two positions to adopt: you are either the cause of action or the result of someone else's action. You either behave as the protagonist of your own story or as a cameo in somebody else's story. Things either happen because of you or things just happen to you. There's a vast difference between those two worlds, isn't there? This idea of agency and personal responsibility is by far the most crucial to adopt because without it anything that follows has no meaning. The boy thinks that he is the victim of uncontrollable circumstances, but the man believes that it is his duty to create the dating life that he wants with the women he wants, so he acts towards this direction. Being a man of action doesn't mean you are all-powerful. It doesn't mean you control all your results. It just means that you focus on what you can control, while ignoring the things that you cannot. The man of action takes good care of his part, and lets others do theirs. He focuses on becoming an attractive man that women desire, he then goes out and talks to many of them in order to create opportunities for a more abundant dating life.

2. I Am Enough

You love and accept yourself first before any woman loves and accepts you. Many men, especially beginners, go out to meet girls with unreasonably low self-esteem. They think they are less than the girl, so the girl ends up treating them as exactly that. Then, these men get disappointed and say to themselves "See? I told you so. I am just not good enough for all these pretty women". This way they trap themselves in a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps destroying their results with women. Throw away the false idea that you need to be something super special for a pretty girl to like you. In fact, beautiful women have had sex left and right with very ordinary men. We are not telling you to be ordinary. We are telling you to keep improving yourself as a man without putting unreasonable pressure on yourself because women don't go for perfection. You might hear them say that they seek "the perfect man", but in reality they compromise with much less.

3. Beautiful Women Adore Me

Start believing that pretty girls love you the same way that you do love them. Just like you are attracted to their beauty and feminine energy they are attracted to your personality and masculine energy. There is simply no reason to assume otherwise. When you approach any woman of your choice, even if she might not be sexually or emotionally available for you then and there, she is still feeling the power of your masculine energy and she loves it. Since we have already established that you are a man of action, women can't resist to men who actually do something about them, men who don't just stand idle when a beautiful stimulus activates their desire.

4. Beautiful Women Is An Abundant Resource

You don't live in scarcity. You live in abundance. Even if you don't have a harem of women chasing you day and night, even if your phone isn't flooded by girls' calls and texts, you still know deeply that beautiful women are everywhere around you. The only thing you need to do is get out of your comfort zone and interact with enough of them. You understand that having beautiful women in your bed and life is only a matter of numbers as well as of honing your flirtation skills. Because you know that the world is full of hot girls, you don't treat any single one of them as a divine creature, you don't put her on a pedestal, and you don't hesitate to interrupt her reality to make your masculine presence felt to her.

5. Women Don’t Owe Me Anything

You are a mature man who doesn't expect warmth or kindness to be the default state of people around you. You don't need to always hear "yes", and you are perfectly ok to hear "no" to your requests or wishes. Your personality is not threatened if you don't get what you want in a specific situation or by a specific woman. Other people, including hot girls, don't owe it to you to give you what you want, be it sex, a companion, good emotions or a relationship. You keep your cool whether you get the girl or not because you are not attached to the outcome. You know that your effort is guaranteed, but your results are not. And that's ok.

6. Rejection Is Part Of The Game

Hearing "no" many times before you hear a "yes" is at the core of masculine nature and existence. The guy who tells you he has sex with all the women he approaches is lying to you. The guy who says that he has sex with half of the women he meets is lying to you. The guy who brags that he beds a quarter of the women he talks to is lying to you. Most of your interactions with women will not go where you want them to go, so you might just accept it. Remember that all sperm cells will fail to do the job except for the one that will actually impregnate a woman. If Mother Nature still thinks that this is a fair deal for you as a man, then so should you. Besides, rejection can benefit you in many ways and make you a better, stronger version of yourself.

7. Women Want Sex As Much As I Do

Admit it. There was a time when you seriously believed that sex is simply a masculine desire. Maybe you still adhere to this false belief. Somehow, you convinced yourself that women are above it, that girls don't really want sex, that sex is man's preoccupation. Men are the horn-dogs and women are so aloof about it, right? Wrong. You would be surprised how wild the sexual fantasies of women really are. Just try reading Erotica books devoured by women to see what's there. You will see that your sexual fantasies pale in depth, kind, and intensity in comparison to those of women. So, where does this idea of yours about women not wanting sex come from? It's social programming 101. Women's sexuality has been unjustly demonized for millennia. A man's sex appetite has been a source of pride, while a woman's sex appetite has been a source of shame and ridiculous judgment. Women are, therefore, programmed to hide this side of themselves to save face, but become super-ready to reveal it to the right kind of man. If you have read up to this point you are well on your way to be that kind of man.

8. All Women Are Just Girls

Men of old times didn't treat women like queens of perfection. They treated them as totally imperfect human beings, like little girls who sometimes act absurdly, but who are still adorable for that. Don't allow a woman's beauty to exercise unreasonable control over the way you think about her. As a man, you are understandably wired to get attracted to a woman's appearance, but don't glorify a woman based on that. Women are humans after all, so keep that in the back of your head before you start stuttering the next time you interact with a hottie.


These eight mindsets will be greatly helpful in your journey to become the man attractive women want. Arm yourself with them each and every time you go out to meet girls and your process will become much easier.



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