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6 Things About Women And Dating You Wish You Knew In Your 20s

6 Things About Women And Dating You Wish You Knew In Your 20s

If you could just travel back in time and make your younger self better with women and dating, would you do it?

We would.

Who wouldn't like a second chance to get things right from the get-go rather than spend one or two decades learning about what works and what doesn't work with girls, attraction, and sex?

Well, if you are in your 20s and you happen to be reading this now, consider it one of the most important time and energy savers of your entire life. The only requirement to get this tremendous advantage over other men your age is of course to put these things deep into your mind and implement them.

And if you are beyond your 20s, well into your 30s and 40s, what you are about to read will put things into perspective and remind you to do the right things with women now.

1. Your Dating Life Is Your Responsibility

There is no Big Plan for your dating happiness as a man. There is no Grand Design for you to have sex with hot girls left and right. Nobody cares how sexually happy or unhappy you are but YOU. There is also no such thing as "luck" when it comes to your results with women. Everything you have heard or seen all over pop culture since you were a young boy and then a teenager about "destiny encounters with the right girl at the right time" is a fairy tale designed to keep you stuck in passivity and inaction.

You were born a man, which means you are the leader and the initiator. You are responsible to start things, build things, create opportunities for yourself to meet and attract the girls you want. If you don't currently have the desired results with women, it is not because of "destiny", but because you refuse to act according to your male nature. When men want something, they go out of their comfort zone and get it. Showing up and approaching women is by nature your duty. Period.

2. The Women You Fantasize About Are Not In Your Social Circle

Your social circle is too limited to give you the chance to meet with the girls that you want. The idea that your ideal girl will sit next to you in class or that she will be your next-door neighbor is similar to the idea of wanting to make money off of the lottery. Could it happen in general? Yes, it could. Is it the most statistically probable way to happen? Not at all.

Approaching women you don’t know gives you access to a bigger dating pool. Beautiful women are all over the world, and "all over the world" objectively can't fit inside your social microcosm. The hot chick you wish you had in your bed will not be your sister’s best friend or colleague at work, so get off your ass and go out to this big, beautiful world to find her and talk to her.

3. Girls Are Not Attracted To You The Same Way You Are Attracted To Them

The fact that you are attracted to her beauty doesn't mean she is equally attracted to yours. While her appearance is the basic reason why you are attracted to her, your appearance is NOT the basic reason she will be attracted to you. Destroy the limiting belief that you "don't get laid because you are not handsome enough" and open your eyes to the truth: girls are attracted to your vibe, to your personality, and to your attitude much more than your appearance.

Sure, go hit the gym, eat healthy foods, and take care of your fashion, but do these things for YOU, not because they are the be-all end-all for women - they are not. Focus instead on becoming a mentally and emotionally strong man. Most men out there are not, so if you manage to become that, you will be far ahead of the competition.

4. Fixating On Any Specific Girl Is A Waste Of Your Time

Every time you got depressed because THAT ONE GIRL didn't like you, but you did, you were in reality in a state of scarcity which feels very real to you in the moment, but it actually is a rather artificial thing you created inside your mind. Right now, you TRULY BELIEVE that THIS ONE SPECIFIC GIRL is the source of your happiness. If only you could get into her pants and be together with her! The world would be such an amazing place for you, and everything would be so perfect! No matter how certain you feel about this right now, we are telling you this: it is a lie. There are millions of eligible girls of equal and even higher beauty than the one you are currently fixating on.

Cultivate an abundance mindset with women. Stop thinking of hot girls as a rare commodity. They are everywhere, if you go out of your little box and find them. Put your neediness as a young man under control, then step-by-step uproot it altogether. If you don't, neediness will kill your chances with girls. But if you do uproot it, it is the closest thing to a superpower you can ever have when it comes to attracting and keeping girls.

5. Rejection Is Not A Conspiracy Against You

Rejection is a natural part of your mating process as a man. As a male you are designed to get what you what out of your life by quantity. Your success is almost always a matter of numbers.

The exceptional basketball player doesn't always score.

The successful politician doesn't always win the election.

The brilliant general doesn't win all the battles (well, unless his name is Alexander The Great).

You are not supposed to win them all either. You need to take many shots at something and a good portion of them will fail - and that is ok. Accept this reality, embrace it, and make the best out of it. Rejection is never personal, it's just a procedural thing designed to get you to the next level of your personal evolution as a man. The more rejections you risk the more stunning successes you will have with women and in life.

6. Your Prime Time As A Man Will Be Later

Right now, as you are in your 20s, you are sure about one thing: women have it so much easier with dating than men! They can have sex with any man they wish, if they so choose, while YOU have to deal with so much uncertainty to fulfill your desires with the opposite sex. Right now, you are only seeing half of the picture. Women have their period of glory between 17 and 29. During this period, their sexual market value seems ridiculously high, while a man's sexual market value for the same period seems so low.

What you are not seeing now is that this reality will totally reverse after women hit the wall at around 30, while you are just getting warmed up. As a woman's beauty starts to decrease, you are going to age like fine wine which will make you all the more attractive to women much younger than you. Things will start to click for you after you enter your thirties, as long as you use your 20s and 30s to improve yourself and become a man attractive women want.


If only I knew! It's a common wish for many men, but it won't be yours, if you are now in your 20s and you read this post. By writing this piece, we wanted to save you as much time, energy, and pain as possible. If you want to get the women you want and the dating life that you want, just keep these six things in mind:

  • Your Dating Life Is Your Responsibility

  • The Women You Fantasize About Are Not In Your Social Circle

  • Girls Are Not Attracted To You The Same Way You Are Attracted To Them

  • Fixating On Any Specific Girl Is A Waste Of Your Time

  • Rejection Is Not A Conspiracy Against You

  • Your Prime Time As A Man Will Be Later

Keep these things in mind, but you don't have to do this alone. We can help you supercharge your results with girls whether you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s and beyond.

Stop waiting for a better day to come and make it happen proactively.



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Your Dating Life
To Chance

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