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6 Quick Tips For A Great First Date With Girls

6 Quick Tips For A Great First Date With Girls

So, you took massive action like we advise you to do, you started approaching many girls, and some of them gave you their number. You texted them all and one of them gladly replied to your initial text, agreeing to meet you on a date. So many guys do the work perfectly well until they get a date. When this happens, all hell breaks loose.

They go to the date unprepared and they end up ruining their chance with the girl. It’s a pity, because if a girl agrees to go out with you, it means she is half-way “there”. She already likes you enough to give it a shot, otherwise she wouldn’t even respond to your message.

What can you do to minimize the chance of you ruining the date? What do you do to make this first date great for you and for her? Here are six quick tips that will going to help you.

1. Let Her Sit Next To You

Logistics is king in dating. The more experienced you become with women the more you will see that “where” is more important than “what” or even “how”. What to do or how to do it comes second compared to where you should do it. This doesn’t only apply to sex, as in “where are you going to take her for sex”, but to the most basic thing of a date which is: where are you going to sit in relation to each other.

We coached many guys who were complaining about their dates not going as they wanted. When we asked them where did you two sit, they invariably replied: opposite to each other. Ouch. Two people who go out on a date sitting for more than an hour opposite to each other? That’s the position of an interview, not of a date.

Make sure you gently but decisively guide the girl to sit next to YOU. Otherwise, your job to create a comfortable, erotic atmosphere with her will be much harder. By leading her to sit next to you, you are allowing yourself to establish stronger eye contact. You are also making touching her at the right moment much easier. Overall, you are helping her feel familiar to you, something that simply can’t happen if you let her sit on the other side of the table.

2. Don’t Be Boring

Your date with women is all about attraction and familiarity. You can’t spark either of these, if you are boring. Boredom is the number one killer of attraction. Women like feeling many different things. They need emotional variety. So, if you turn out to be a totally predictable conversationalist, she will get bored and she will not move on with you.

Don’t turn the date into an interview, by bombarding her with the same old questions about her job or her everyday routine. The women who accept going out with you are doing so because they hope that you will help them get out of their boredom, not that you will take them deeper into it.

To reduce the chance of becoming boring:

  • Listen more and talk less

  • Don’t rush to fill the gaps when she stops talking

  • Use statements to express a preference or to make an observation instead of continuously asking her questions

3. Don’t Talk About Polarizing Topics

It’s very hard not to talk about polarizing issues, nowadays. The widespread use of social media and the dissemination of news (real and fake) has turned all issues potentially polarizing. When you go out on a first date with a woman, remember what’s your purpose. Is it to agree about some kind of hot political, social, and religious issue or is it to get together with her?

Maybe you believe that global warming is indeed an issue, but she thinks global warming doesn’t even exist. You fully disagree with her and you get into the temptation to argue about it. Trust us when we tell you it’s pointless. You are not on a date with women to save the world. You are on a date with women to save your sexual world – and hers too. Focus on easy and fun topics instead. Drop politics, big social issues, and religion.

4. Make Her Laugh

Following the previous point, you now need to be a little humorous. Be fun, by using a slightly arrogant humor. Don’t walk on eggshells when you are on a date with women. Let the girls relax when they are with you, and there is no better way to do this than teasing her.

By teasing her, you let her know that you are accustomed to having beautiful women in your life. Beautiful women are not a scarce resource for you, so you don’t need to be EXTRA CAREFUL. Tease her like you would if she was your younger sister. No matter how beautiful you think she is, deep down she is just a girl, and the way to awaken it is by making her feel a little self-conscious about herself - in a fun, ligh-thearted way.

5. Be Laid Back

We get it. You are on a date and you want to score. This is exactly what you should want. However, you don’t have to shout it. There is a proverb saying “when a girl is horny, no one will ever know, but when a man is horny EVERYONE will know”. Be outcome independent, cool, and laid back. Don’t behave as if this is a matter of life or death for you. You are not a poor, sex-starving creature. You are a strong, confident man who is able to express his desires in a charming way, but who doesn’t NEED any specific outcome for his fulfillment and happiness.

Also, don’t be too serious. Too serious means you are stiff and that you try too hard to keep up a certain persona. When you are out on a date with a girl, you have nothing to prove. It’s not a competition. It’s just a man and a woman who like each other and want to explore more about one another.

6. Invite Her Home

Being a man is all about purposeful action. You are not supposed to do things just to do them. Always end your interactions with women with a “CTA”. That’s a Call To Action. Be ready to propose things, to get things to the next level. You are the leader of the interaction, so you need to be guiding it towards a destination. If you did everything we told you so far, chances are you managed to create a great atmosphere between you and her.

Now, it’s time to propose to her to continue hanging out together. Invite her home in a calm, cool way, as if it’s a natural progression of the date, using a believable excuse. Maybe you have a great coin collection that it would be amazing for her to see or you have a great view that it’s a MUST for her to see.

In any case, don’t leave the date without proposing something to her. Do this even if you aren’t exactly sure she might say “yes”. Sometimes, girls don’t show their true colors until you dig deeper, so make sure you always invite them home. You’ll be surprised by the results.


By following these six tips for a great first date, you will put yourself far ahead of the competition. Most guys are clueless about how to make a first date great with women.

Just remember:

  • Let her sit next to you

  • Don’t be boring

  • Don’t talk about polarizing topics

  • Make her laugh

  • Be laid back

  • Invite her home

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