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5 Undeniable Signs Of A True Alpha Male

5 Undeniable Signs Of A True Alpha Male

We talked about what a beta male is and how you can detect his signature characteristics. We also wrote about the way you can avoid being one because in Men of Charm we don't mince our words: it doesn't serve you to be a beta, especially when it comes to women and dating. We also showed you who the sigma male is in case you wanted to pick a page from his playbook for your self-improvement journey as a man. So, now it's time we talked about probably the most well-known masculine type which is no other than the alpha male. Without any further ado, let's dive into the five most dominant signs of an alpha male.

1. He Is Confident

Any strong type of man you ever saw in pop culture, films or books is probably an alpha male known for his unreal strong self-esteem and his powerful self-image. When the alpha male looks himself in the mirror he knows exactly who he is. A man who believes in himself and who never doubts his worth to beautiful women and to the world in general. He feels indispensable to others because he is the natural protagonist. Whether the alpha males' source of confidence is past successful experiences, talent or skills, they mean business in dealing with people and life. They never shy away from a challenge, and they can approach girls with strong masculine energy. They feel socially free in the sense that they move, talk and act freely, without hesitation. When they communicate with women they look them in the eye and they don't take their look away until the girl does. They use plenty of touch quite early in their interaction with a woman they just met. They believe that they have what it takes to succeed in any field they choose and they don't hesitate to fight against others to get what they want.

2. He Is A Leader

Oil can't mix with water, and an alpha male cannot mix with passivity. Alpha males are natural leaders who thrive when they take action. They love taking initiatives and being the first movers. Living their life as followers might as well feel like a death sentence to them. Living someone else's life is completely foreign to their nature. Alpha males enjoy being on top rather than following someone else's orders. They want to shape their own path rather than follow the path set by someone else. They like directing others and taking control of a situation.

Lack of control would make an alpha male feel extremely uneasy, and this is exactly the reason why alpha males develop leadership qualities in the first place; taking charge makes them feel secure. Alpha males hate waiting for results because they are not in the "waiting business". They'd rather take many shots at something and fail rather than stay passive and not at least try.

3. He Thrives In Established Hierarchies

Since alpha males are leaders, it only makes sense that they aim to lead others. And they wouldn't be able to do that unless they liked being part of an established hierarchy. Without an established hierarchy, a group or a system they couldn't shine as the top dogs. In fact, alpha males define themselves based on their position in the group, and a big part of their self-perception comes from this position. Participating in those hierarchies is essential for the alpha males to climb them and eventually lead them. They use them to channel their proactive nature and ambition to achieve their goals. Alpha males seek to build beneficial relationships with others and create networks that will help them climb up the social ladder. They know that it is through others that they can satisfy their desires with women and create an abundant lifestyle. Be it through social circle or within their professional environment they seek to be liked and admired by others, since the impression that others have about them might be enough to make or break their personal plans for success. It's not uncommon for alpha males to meet and attract women primarily in their social circles because it's easy for them to come on top of them and make their presence felt to girls.

4. He Is Extroverted

You won't find any alpha males locked up in their rooms. Alpha males like being out and about. They are extremely social and since, as we saw above, they most likely define themselves by their position in a group, it is natural for them to seek activities that are out there involving the participation of other people. If we are talking about daytime, an alpha might be out working, playing sports or networking in many different ways. Going to music festivals with his own crowd, being the lead figure in a sports team or traveling around with his friends are far from unknown to alpha males. During nighttime, you will find them in night venues, hanging around with friends in bars and clubs or seated at a table they reserved in advance. Alpha males are loud. They like to be at the center of other people's attention. They may dominate their immediate environment by doing most of the talking, using open, strong body language, and taking up a lot of space for themselves. They may tease a girl a bit blatantly and use cocky humor shamelessly. They don't hesitate to take risks in their communication with women and make them invest early in their interaction.

5. He Is Attractive To Women

Because women are attracted to strong masculine energy in the form of boldness, extroversion and directness, they are naturally attracted to alpha males. Alpha males know how to address the most intense parts of a girl's femininity. They dare to act towards any woman they desire without excuses, usually in a quite direct way that might put her in a playfully uneasy situation. Women don't like to get bored, and alpha males know how to be unpredictable and cocky with them. Contrary to beta males, who put women on a pedestal for sport, alpha males know their own worth and never treat a girl like a goddess on Earth. They treat girls like their younger sisters because they know that girls do not have sex with men who act inferior to them. It's in their female nature to go for men who are and most importantly behave as being "higher" than them. Although alpha males may not take rejection lightly, they generally appear cool, albeit upfront, in their interactions with women.

There you go. You've got the undeniable signs of a true alpha male in a few words: confidence, leadership skills, hierarchy-orientedness, extroversion, and attractiveness.



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