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5 Unattractive Personality Traits Men Display That Women Hate

5 Unattractive Personality Traits Men Display That Women Hate

Changing the "software" that you run in your brain or at least cleaning it from "viruses" is one of the most efficient things you can do for your dating life as a modern man. Most guys we have coached over the year were losing the game of attraction before they even got out of their house. They were plagued by unattractive traits in their personalities that led them to either be brutally rejected by girls from the get-go or to be able to get some initial success but without keeping it.

Let's talk about five personality traits that men display which make women run for the hills.

1. Complaining

There are few things that are more unattractive in a man than complaining. Why is that? Because complaining is usually part of the female energy, not the masculine energy. A woman complaining might be annoying as well, but not nearly as annoying as when a man complains. Complaining is all about venting, letting the steam out, saying out loud what bothers you about a person or a situation. In other words, complaining equals an emotional reaction. It feels more natural for a woman to be emotional about something than it does for a man. But in the case of a male complainer? It shows lack of composure, lack of control over a situation. Too much emotion is not attractive in a man because it goes against his natural inclination to be rational, thoughtful and strategic about what he says and what he does. As a man you don't have the luxury of reacting to women and life; you must respond, instead.

Complaining is a confession of defeat: you lost your shit instead of keeping it together. Every time you complain in front of a girl you signal immaturity and weakness towards life in general because instead of you making lemonade with the lemons you have at hand you appear overrun by life. When you complain, you actually reveal your belief system: life happens TO you, not FOR you. Women have already one woman in their lives; themselves. They don’t need yet another one. It’s already enough for them to deal with their own hormonal ups and downs, menstrual cycles and moodiness. They don’t need a little cry-boy who bitches every time things don’t go his way.

2. Anger

This one is like complaining, but on steroids. While complaining reveals that a man can occasionally get butthurt for a moment about something he doesn’t like, bitterness is a deeper and more embedded attitude. Bitterness is a deep-seated anger that many guys, especially those who are beginners with women, feel inside, which makes it much worse than just complaining. The reason why this is worse for a man is that it permeates his entire mentality about women and life. It is also worse because it is not always expressed openly, but it remains hidden inside the psyche of a man.

All those red-pill guys who believe that all women are bad or that all women want to just reject men and humiliate them or that all women are cheaters/liars/gold-diggers are men who are bitter and angry with the entire womankind. They either had a traumatic past event in their dating lives that made them super negative about women or they simply adopted this mindset because they were too lazy to adopt a growth mindset instead. A growth mindset would require them to stop being angry and start being productive. It would mean that they take their dating lives into their own hands and learn how to flirt, how to approach, and how to attract girls.

3. Jealousy

You might have heard girls saying that they like it when a guy gets jealous. It is supposed to mean that the guy "cares for them". She's telling you her ego gets a boost when a man expresses jealousy, but does this attitude make you really attractive in her eyes? What makes a girl's ego feel good doesn't mean it's also good for you as a guy who wants to get the girl. Spending too much energy trying to control what a girl does and how she spends her time might superficially seem "cute" to her, but deep down it's something you need to avoid.

Jealous men are insecure men who don't really have a life of their own, so they waste all their time and energy, trying to make a girl act a certain way. Jealous man are actually male drama queens (or should I just say Drama Kings?), and dramatic, overly emotional men end up being perceived as weak. No high-value, attractive man has time or energy to control a girl's life. No truly attractive man has the appetite to cause scenes of jealousy or to get dragged down by petty feelings. Jealousy is the symptom of an underlying condition: scarcity. A man who lives in scarcity is a man who thinks he has no options with other women, and girls don't like to be a choice of necessity in a man's life. They want to be an option of free choice.

4. Supplication

Kissing a woman’s ass and pretending that you agree with everything she says and does it’s not the way to charm her. Women crave authenticity in a man. They want a man who has his own opinions, his own beliefs, his own lifestyle. They don’t need a copy-cat who is a mere reflection of them. Agreeing to doing favors for a girl will not lead you to her bed, but to her useful-idiots bucket.

Women will test you to see what are you made of. If you are a classical beta who is eager to supplicate to her every whim or if you are a true masculine man who is sure of himself and can hold his ground. Supplication shows that you are an insecure man with no solid personality. You go where she goes, you agree with what she says, you get out of your way just to please her out of fear of losing her.

It signals that you are a slave to your limiting beliefs:

  • that she is the only woman with this kind of looks or personality

  • that no other woman can give you the same emotions or relationship

  • that girls in general are a scarce commodity

  • that she is above you in terms of value and importance

  • that you can't replace her fast enough or at all

5. Passivity

Waiting instead of acting is not attractive to women. Girls get a kick out of a man who goes for what he wants, who moves his feet towards the goal he wants to achieve. It's by nature impossible for them to feel anything for a guy who doesn't do anything to meet them. A handsome man who remains passive has much less value for a girl than an ugly man who makes the move. Men try to invest their time and energy in the wrong things, thinking they know what women want. They think getting the car or getting the money or getting the job will help them score with beautiful women, but the truth is women DON'T CARE WHO you are. They only CARE HOW you make them feel. Emotionally and sexually.

Sure, girls have many roles in their lives for men. The guy who is a harmless friend to her, the guy who does little favors for her, the guy who provides for her, and the guy who gives them strong orgasms and intense emotions, to name a few. If your goal is to actually get an abundant dating life with girls that you like, you should aim to become the attractive lover who takes massive action and who treats life as the sum of all his actions. Lazy guys who treat life as happening TO them instead of BY them do not make girls wet.

Are you guilty of any of these bad personality traits? Have you ever exuded any of them to a girl you really liked and you saw her attraction fade for you? Don't worry. We have been there and we are here to help you detect and eradicate these behaviors.


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