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5 Reasons Why You Must Approach Her No Matter What

Five Reasons Why You Must Approach Her No Matter What

As you will come to see through your own personal self-improvement journey as a man, the ability to approach and meet the women you desire is priceless. What you have to gain is much more than what you have to lose (although this truth will not be revealed to you until later).

This ability can in fact improve other aspects of your life, seemingly irrelevant to your dating life, but the truth is…everything is connected. A rich dating life which corresponds to how you imagined it to be may positively impact your work life as well as your other interpersonal relations.

I could list hundreds of reasons why you should not miss an opportunity to approach a woman you like, whenever and wherever she might appear in your reality, but I will just limit myself here to mentioning only the top 5:

1. You practice your flirting skills

While women mainly attract passively, you as a man attract actively. Passive attraction means that one doesn’t have to do something to evoke it. Passive attraction is mostly based on appearances, body language and good genes. Active attraction, on the other hand, means that one needs to do something, say something or behave in certain manner towards someone else.

Women therefore attract through the shapes of their bodies, the features of their face and the way they dress without having actually to do anything more. You as a man though have no impressive bust nor super curvy buttocks nor amazing silky legs. You can’t attract by simply wearing a tight cocktail dress or a sexy pair of high heels. It is for this very reason that you need skill in attracting women. Because you must do something to attract them.

Just remember what happened when you approached a girl after two months of inactivity. Did you stutter? Were you nervous? Did you flinch? Totally normal. For us, men, flirting is just another skill to exercise and master. If you drop it, it drops you. This is not something we can simply wear and go out. It is something that gets better as we improve it.

2. You build up your confidence

Very few men have the guts to go up to a woman whenever they see her and attempt to meet and invite her out. Even fewer men would dare to admit that they truly desire another, richer, and more abundant erotic life.

Initially, it will seem uncomfortable and weird exactly because cold approaching women goes against everything that social programming has taught you:

“we don’t just talk to women we don’t already know”,

“we usually meet women in our social circles and work environments”,

“some friend will bring another female friend and hey she might be the one for you”!

However, when you make cold approaching women a habit, you will develop a strong sense of masculine power that you never felt before. Your self-esteem will sky rocket.

You will feel in control of your dating life instead of just feeling that your success with women is a matter of luck.

While the great majority of men are scared to meet women they don’t know, you will become able to bring the women you want into your life almost at will.

3. You become resilient to rejection

Your success with women rewards your dick and your ego, but it will never teach you as much as your failures. As a man you are judged not based on what you do when there is sunshine, but what you do under bad weather conditions.

How you perceive rejection, how you manage it and most importantly how you use it to become stronger and more skilled is far more important. Becoming thick-skinned is a muscle.

Resilience to rejection is a muscle. Like every other muscle it requires exercise, not in your room or the inside of your mind, but out there in the real world. On the field. Only when you take action out there will you understand that rejection is an integral part of the Game.

The more you cold approach women the more you will see that rejection is the staircase to your most amazing erotic experiences with women. Mediocre men say “I don’t accept being rejected nine times just to get laid once”. What they are actually saying is that they want to receive something without giving or sacrificing anything. And that simply cannot happen in the real world. Maybe it’s possible in the world of boys, but not in the world of men.

4. You demystify her

Have you ever seen an amazingly looking woman, your heart missed a beat, you gathered nonetheless your courage to meet her but when you approached her and talked to her you were shocked by her painfully bad teeth behind her smile?

Maybe her teeth were just fine, but when she started talking to you the voice of a truck driver came out of her mouth? Well, there you go. Because you actually acted upon your desire to meet women that caught your eye, you had the opportunity to see that they were not actually what they seemed to.

They were not those perfect divine beings that your masculine desire made them to be… When you cold approach you learn to see who is who and what is what. You understand what are indeed your tastes and preferences, but most importantly… you stop putting women on a pedestal and get used to detecting their imperfections.

5. She might be the woman of your life

Fast forward 20 years later: you and her are having a glass of wine in a classy, downtown wine bar with another couple. The woman from the other couple asks “So, guys how did you two meet?”

What is more fascinating to tell? A story about how you met your woman through your cousin’s introduction or a story about how you went up to her while she was walking on the street on a rainy day?

You have no idea what role that stranger beautiful woman might play in your life; The one who is waiting for the bus. The one who is having her drink on the other side of the bar. The one who is crossing the street.

Give girls the opportunity to meet you.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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