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  • Writer's pictureMen of Charm

5 Reasons Why Dating For Women Is Not As Easy As Men Think

5 Reasons Why Dating For Women Is Not As Easy As Men Think

Thinking that women have it easier in the dating game is one of the most common fallacies men have. This fallacy comes from men being focused too much on their perspective about sex and dating. They know very well what it takes to meet women and get dates and sex. They know the process, the challenges, and the obstacles. They know that as a man you can't just push a button and all of a sudden a new hot girl lands on your bed every week. It takes time and some effort to actually get the women you want, so it's easy to assume that women can actually get any man they like or have sex with anyone they please. At the same time, men need to proactively go out, approach lots of women, get rejected by most, have some of them like them enough to go out on a date with them, and even then sex is not a sure thing for them, in which case they will need to go back to square one.

But do these difficulties in how men get women mean that women have it easier than men?

Here are 5 reasons why women don't actually have it easier than men in dating.

1. They Don't Get Approached By Men

Girls can be out and about, go to work, go to the gym, meet friends for drinks at night or do any other thing in their everyday lives and it's perfectly possible that NO MAN actually steps up to the challenge of interrupting her life and actually saying "hi". We can't count the girls who have told us over the years that very few men, if any, have approached them in their everyday life. They usually meet men in their social circles or if they are lucky enough from online dating - I will explain later why I say "lucky enough" about online dating for women.

This is even more true for very beautiful women whom men are scared of approaching, fearing they will be brutally rejected. But even when some men go for it, they don't do it in an attractive, charming way, so the woman simply has to decline their advances and "wait" for another suitor to approach and meet her in a better way.

Girls are practically "condemned" to waiting for men to show interest in an effective way. They go out dressed up, practically gambling that someone might approach them who will be attractive enough to make them want to move on with him. Just like you as a man can go to a bar and don't see attractive girls around or you see pretty girls who just reject your approach for one reason or another and you can end up home jerking off, so women might end up home alone after they dressed up, apparently for nothing, and went out either because no guy showed interest in them or because the guys who showed interest weren't sexy enough.

2. They Receive Tons of Social Media Attention (But Just That)

It's true, when a guy wakes up in the morning and turns his phone on, he isn't usually bombarded by texts from willing hot women or likes from a harem of women on his photos. But women do get bombarded by dozens of men, even those who are not that pretty. But, so what? Getting tons of attention by horny, needy men is not an ideal situation for women. They might receive quantity, but that does not mean quality. Seeing a dozen men a day texting you or posting cheesy, predictable comments under your bikini photos is not as much fun for women as you might think. Sure, at first glance these men might potentially be a basis out of which a few suitable men for her could emerge from, but this doesn't happen as much as you would like to believe.

3. They Give Their Number, But The Guy Gets Needy

It happens to all women. A guy who seems attractive and confident enough to get her phone number, only to prove needy and unattractive when he communicates with later. Maybe he blows her phone, by calling and texting her every day. Maybe he sends long-ass texts that reek inexperience and desperation. Maybe he gets angry when she doesn't reply to his texts. In all these cases, the guy becomes a disappointment to the woman. He showed up in a seemingly attractive way, but later he revealed his true weaknesses and insecurities.

4. They Go On Dates, But Nothing Happens

So, maybe a guy was attractive enough to get a girl's number and he was also attractive and cool in this communication with her. Why not accept his invitation for drinks? It should be fun, right? Wrong. The average man is extremely resourceful in making the girl feel bored during dates. He can genuinely find many ways to kill his chances with the girl:

  • He might talk too much and listen to her too little

  • He might turn the date into a long interview with unending, boring questions for the girl

  • He might talk too much about facts and fail to steer her emotions

  • He might get into topics that create conflict instead of attraction, such as politics and religion

  • He might fail to touch her during the date and create a man-to-woman interaction

  • Or he might just fail to lead the interaction to the next level, not inviting the girl back to his place

From the girl's point of view, all these cases indicate a failed date, a waste of time, and a disappointment. It means that it didn't work with this guy, so she needs to "wait" for another guy to take again the steps, approach her, attract her enough to get her number, go out with her on a date, and who knows...that next guy might do the trick for her.

5. They Go Home With Men, But They Don't Have Fun

Sometimes the girl's date goes well. The man might be interesting, fun, and smooth with her over drinks. The guy is not boring and he actually has the balls to pull the trigger and invite her home. However, another level of game unlocks there.

  • Does his place feel comfortable and safe?

  • Was he prepared enough to offer the girl another drink or a small snack?

  • Does his attitude continue to be as charming as it was during the date?

  • Does he escalate with her in a smooth, gradual way or is he needy and pushy about it?

  • Can he handle her girly objections during sexual escalation like a cool, laid-back man or does he become a needy, whiny boy whenever she resists his advances?

Let's assume an ideal scenario for the girl that a guy can pull all these off, and the girl actually surrenders to his charm. Will the sex be good with him? Can he satisfy her sexual needs or is he only focused on satisfying himself?


Because men are too much focused on their own difficulties in meeting, attracting, and having sex with women, they just assume that women have it easier than them in dating. As we have seen, the dating process for women is equally "risky" and as much prone to fail as it is for men.

The seduction might fail on any one stage, be it earlier or later, and women might have to go back to square one, waiting for another guy to come up to them, propose something to them, and actually lead the interaction to a happy and fulfilling end for both of them.

The only difference lies in the beginning of the process. Women don't really put much effort in starting the mating process, and why should they, since they constitute by nature the passive part of the equation. It is up to the man to initiate the process, since he is the active part of it. Other than that, the dating process has equal chances of failing at any stage for both men and women, so stop thinking too much about it and focus on becoming a more attractive and more effective man for both your happiness and hers.



Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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