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5 Limiting Beliefs That Ruin Men’s Dating Lives With Women

5 Limiting Beliefs That Ruin Men’s Dating Lives With Women

As the new year has already arrived, you might want to make some changes in your mindset about what’s possible for you in your dating life. Many men are plagued by the wrong ideas about what they can and cannot have in their romantic lives. Almost every type of a man has been there at some point in his life: thinking that some women are out of reach for him or that an abundant sex life is a desirable but not realistic goal. However, we are here to teach you by experience that improving your dating life is hard enough on its own, so you shouldn’t make it even harder by adopting false ideas that hamper your progress with meeting and attracting beautiful women. Here are five of the most common limiting beliefs men have that ruin their chances with girls.

1. I Am Not Good-Looking

It’s very common for men to think that appearance is the top factor for a girl to feel attraction for them. Men tend to project their own attraction mechanism to women: they think that just because appearance is for them the number one thing they see on a woman, the same thing must be true for women. Nothing could be farther from the truth, though. While you as a guy feel attraction through your eyes, women feel attraction “through their ears”. We are not trying to tell you that looking like shit is ok and that looking awful will skyrocket your results with women. What we are saying is that you don’t need to look like a male model to get laid with hot women. If your idea about the way girls get attracted to men was true, then only Brad Pitt and George Clooney could have sex. As you know, billions of men with various appearance types do have sex with women, and pretty ones in fact, so it’s high time you got rid of this false belief that destroys your results with girls.

2. I Am Not Tall

A twin brother of the “I am not good looking”. This false idea of yours targets one specific element of a man’s appearance, namely his height. Yes, women usually like tall men or at least men who are taller than them, but height is not something you can really change, so why make focus on it so much? Again, women are attracted to masculine personality traits and much less to appearance. A tall guy who is boring will always get crushed by a short guy with amazing humor who knows how to make a girl laugh. And a short guy with huge balls of steel who can approach a girl anytime anywhere will dominate a tall timid guy who can’t even start a simple conversation with his grandma.

3. I Am An Introvert

Being an introvert isn’t a good excuse for sucking with women. Ourselves we are introverts too. We love spending time alone and enjoy immensely the company of ourselves. Reading, learning, playing games, writing, watching films and series are things we simply love doing, but that didn’t stop us from getting out of our apartments and becoming good with women. Introversion is a switch, not a destiny. You switch it on or off depending on your mood and objectives. You turn it on when you want to recharge your batteries or work on your projects, but you turn it off when you go out to meet women. Being an introvert should not mean that you are also shy. You are an introvert, but you can also look a woman in the eye, approach her, and introduce yourself.

4. I Am Not Jacked

The legendary six-packs, right? Guess what. We don’t have them either. Do we take care of our nutrition and body weight? You bet we do. But do we look like Captain America? You bet we don’t. We don’t need to, and neither do you. Having a healthy masculine body is first of all good for you and your health, but being a gym freak or having the body of a body builder is not a requirement for being successful with women.

5. I Don’t Have Money

Flash news: the world doesn’t work like your mommy told you. Becoming a lawyer or a doctor is not a recipe for attracting hot girls. Maybe it was in the 1950s or something, but nowadays your career or money are irrelevant to beautiful women. Are there gold-diggers in the world who are out to get men with money? Why yes there are. Is it super likely to meet them in your everyday life? No, it’s not. Most girls you are going to meet in bars, clubs, shopping malls, or the street are normal girls with normal lives who are attracted to men with interesting personalities and enough boldness to talk to them and invite them out. If you want to be financially independent for the sake of your own happiness and fulfilment go ahead. But don’t make your money situation the make it or break it point of your dating life with girls. Even some homeless guys can attract pretty girls. If you don’t believe us just Google it or YouTube it. You will be shocked.


Women are not attracted to men the same way men are attracted to women. Girls don’t care as much as you think about how good-looking you are, how tall you are, how jacked you are or how much money you have. Instead of spending energy on irrelevant things pay attention to what really matters for women: confidence, charisma, communication, humor, laid-back attitude, outcome independence, treating her like a girl, making her laugh, teasing her, being a little cocky, having a strong body language, taking care of the aspects of your appearance that you can control, such as hygiene, skin care, and fashion.



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