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4 Ways To Handle Rejection Like An Attractive Man And Not Like A Little Boy

4 Ways To Handle Rejection Like An Attractive Man And Not Like A Little Boy

In our previous post, we told you to avoid doing the two things that most men do when they get rejected by women and we explained why they kill your chances to become a lover of women and build the dating life that you want.

In this post, we are going to talk about the four things you need to do to handle rejection like a successful, attractive male, and not like a loser.

1. Keep Your Composure

What is composure? According to the dictionary, composure is the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself. In other words, it's about not losing your shit. But why such a quality would be number one in a post about how to handle rejection the right way? Why is it THAT important? It's very important because it's a sign of man's personality, and personality in a man is what tits and ass is in a woman. It makes or breaks your attractiveness. A man who collapses under pressure or when things don't go his way sends waves of unattractiveness to women. There is no faster way to dry a woman's vagina than becoming angry, bitter or butthurt because she rejected you. The only thing you end up achieving is confirming her initial choice, that is to reject you, and you cement her will around it, further reducing your chances to turn it around. When you fail to keep calm and collected in the face of her not giving you what you wanted you show her that your personal happiness is dependent on things outside your control. It shows her that she has the upper hand in your interaction from the get-go, since she can clearly control your emotions. But a man who can't control his emotions is a weak man who can be easily manipulated, and girls don't want to be in control. That's unattractive for them. They want to be lead by you and be under your spell, not vice versa. Women don't have sex with men who are below them. They seek sex with men who are above them, and if you act like a little bitch when she acts uninterested towards you, you show her that YOU are below HER.

2. Remember No Woman Owes You Anything

We dedicated an entire post about entitlement and how it can destroy your game with women. When you go out to meet women you'd better equip yourself with the right mindset, otherwise you are going to ruin many days and nights of your life, trying to understand why you don't get the results you want with girls.

Entitlement is the belief that you somehow automatically deserve the desired result that you seek. It's a flawed mental model which tells you that you are clearly special and that your value as a man should be obvious to any woman you approach from the get-go. This is a false idea and a self-destructive one. It's a lie that your mind tries to feed you to protect you from rejection. But a primitive brain that tries to protect you from psychological trauma ends up also cutting you off from the opportunities of personal growth that are out there in approaching and interacting with beautiful women. Entitlement is just your brain playing defense, but if you are reading Men of Charm you know that defense won't get you the women you want. Every time you get butthurt because a girl wasn't warm towards you when you approached her, interrupt your mental pattern of feeling entitled to specific results with her by thinking that no man is above the process, which brings us to the third point.

3. Think Masculinity

When you feel entitled to a girl reacting to you a certain way, you are simply forgetting the masculine role and a man's process to find and charm receptive, attractive women. And what is that role? Taking massive action and spreading out your masculine energy like there is no tomorrow. That is the masculine nature, and if you fail to remember and exercise it, it will come back and bite you.

Why would you act in an angry, bitter, and entitled way when a girl you approached gave you the cold shoulder if you know that SHE is just part of your process and not THE be-all end-all of your dating life? A guy who gets angry or butthurt shows that the girl who rejected him is far more important than him, since he cares so much about what happens with her. He also shows that he isn't a very active man, he doesn't really play the numbers with women, because if he did why does he care about one girl saying "no" to his advances?

Only a passive man who doesn't play the game and who doesn't create new opportunities for himself would he give a damn about one single woman rejecting him.

4. Think Abundance

When a girl doesn't give you the reaction that would like what is really at stake is your abundance mentality. The way you behave after a cold reception tells her whether you live in scarcity or abundance. If you react like a cry-baby, she knows you live in scarcity. Your dating life must be a desert, your options with other girls inexistent, and the chances that you are just an average loser like most guys out there are increasing in her eyes.

A confident man knows that even after many rejections, things will work out just fine for him with better, more beautiful women. He knows how to look beyond what is happening in the moment and project into the future. He knows that no matter what the current difficulty, the planet is inhabited by four billion women and that if he keeps playing the field he WILL find many other women who would gladly have sex with him and create wonderful relationships.

So, when a girl rejects you, get over the present moment, zoom out, and look at the bigger picture. If she says "no", the next one will say "yes". The charming man treats women as an abundant resource, so no need to get sad or angry about any specific girl or any specific reaction. He is Stoic and outcome independent and he doesn't allow his mood to be affected by the opinion of this or that woman.

So, What Do You Do When A Girl Rejects You?

Can you imagine James Bond getting angry just because a woman he approached wasn't receptive to his charm?

Can you imagine George Clooney getting sad because the woman he invited out said "no? Well, I can't either.

If you approach a girl and you get a poor reaction from her, be it a dry "no" to your invitation, a rude comment or she just ignores you, just look her through her eyes, half-smile in a charming way, nod slightly to yourself completely unperturbed and walk away. If you happen to sit next to her at some bar, just turn away from her and mind your own business.

Because a girl doesn't usually get this cool, masculine attitude as a result of her rejection, she might even reengage you if your position happens to be next to her, thinking that it was a mistake to reject you. Just don't count on it. Remain unreactive and leave her to go find other women with better attitude who are attracted to you as well.

At first, it might seem unnatural to you, especially if you were the type of guy who became extremely reactive to a girl's rejection, but once you do it a few times it will become second nature and you will start feeling much better because you managed to control yourself and behave like an attractive, high-value man. Women will also start noticing.

And if you want to supercharge your resutls with beautiful women, contact us. We can help you handle rejection and become the attractive man women want.



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