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4 Skills You Need To Master As A Beginner With Girls

4 Skills You Need To Master As A Beginner With Girls

If you are a man who is not a natural with girls but deeply desires to be successful with girls, it is a certain fact that you have some sticking points that hold you back from getting what you want. You find yourself in a deadlock: on the one hand, you like beautiful women and want to have them in your dating life. You might spend a lot of time fantasizing your ideal girl or fantasizing how your life would be much happier with her as your girlfriend on your arm. On the other hand, you just can’t get yourself to do what’s necessary to make this desire of yours a reality. The result? You find yourself in a stagnant situation where you practically wait for something external to happen to your life in order to meet new girls. Maybe someone invites you to a party and your dream girl will be there. Maybe a social gathering, a university event or the office Christmas party will do the trick this time for you, right? Wrong. Instead of waiting for a miracle to save your dry dating life, let’s see four tangible things that you can focus on to get a realistic chance of improving your dating life as a beginner with women.

1. Talking To Women You Don’t Already Know

You can’t improve your dating life unless you take control back in your hands. Waiting is not a strategy. Action is. Stop waiting for social groups to magically give you opportunities with pretty girls. For one thing, most social groups can never be big enough to give you serious chances to meet many girls. You might find one, two, three women in any certain group, but such small numbers can’t save your dating life. Why? Well, because one might already be taken, the second one might have a boyfriend and the third might just be ugly. So, there you go. You got zero out of three pretty fast. You need to open yourself to the bigger wider world and find the numerous women out there who satisfy your preferences. You need to find them and…talk to them. You need to approach them, in spite of the fact that you don’t know them, without anything or anyone else being the mediator. And you need to approach many of them. Again and again. Until you have enough options with girls you really like. The reason you need to talk to many girls you don’t already know is that you will be rejected in most occasions for one reason or another. It’s totally natural and fully compatible with your masculine nature to get “no” a lot of times before you get a “yes”. So, make approaching lots of women a habit of your everyday life, if you want to have an abundant dating life. Beautiful women are walking up and down the streets, go to bars and clubs, go to malls and shopping centers, go out to parks. Go out there, find them and talk to them.

2. Holding Strong Eye Contact

So, you got that. You understood how important it is to go out and actually attempt to interrupt a woman’s everyday life in order to meet her and potentially put her in your dating life. But how can you do it effectively? How can you approach women you don’t know and make them actually give you the time of the day? Strong, attractive men know how to hold strong, attractive eye contact with women. They don’t just look at them like they look at their grandma. They look at women like objects of desire and they have zero compunction of showing it to them from the first moments they interact with them. With the way they penetrate a woman with their eyes they show that they actually mean business. They are not there without a purpose, and women get that message very fast. A strong eye contact has big chances of attracting the woman to you because it’s seductive if you do it in an attractive and not in a creepy way. A strong eye contact also works in your favor for another important reason: it filters women who are into you from women who are not. A girl who likes you will enjoy and reciprocate your eye contact (a win for you) or she will not like you and will not reciprocate which will simply save you valuable time and masculine energy (a win for you as well).

3. Showing Intent

We have coached many beginners with women and we detected one common problem: even when they find the courage to approach girls, they do it in a timid, rather indirect way. They stop a girl successfully on the street, the girl gives them the time of the day, the guy sees that this girl might be interested because she didn’t just keep walking past them and now they are scared of not ruining the moment. So, what do they do? They just keep the conversation on a small talk level. They stick to being indirect with the girl. They fail to create a man-to-woman interaction until the girl gets bored and leaves. Remember: when you approach a woman and you manage to hold a strong eye contact there is no point in being too indirect for too long with her. You are a man. You saw her. You liked her. You gathered the balls to go up to her. Why hide your masculine intent? Why try to be friendly instead of sexy and erotic? The woman who gives you her attention because you approached does so because she is intrigued by you. She is at least curious to hear why you talk to her. Don’t punish her for this. Reward her! How? By being a man and not her bestie. Show your intent with a direct compliment. You know what you liked on her when you first saw her. Her legs, her hair, her curves or her style. Use that thing you liked as your direct compliment. It will take you farther than you think with her.

4. Closing

Let’s assume that you took our advice and you did everything we told you up to this point: yes, you approached her, yes you looked her shamelessly straight in the eye, and …yes you were a direct man who didn’t hide his sexual interest in her. What would be the point of all these successes of yours if you didn’t at least try to get something out of it? This is another classical thing many beginners with women do: they are so happy and satisfied that the girl gave them the time of the day that they forget to close! They are so happy that they had a girl’s attention for a full 5-minute interaction with them that they leave the field full of good emotions but with nothing else more tangible. Don’t do this. Just remember the reason you went out to talk to girls. It wasn’t to chat with them. It wasn’t to exchange good vibes. It wasn’t to just compliment them. It was to enrich your dating life and meet the women you want. Have sex with them. Create relationships with them. Enjoy them. So, what do you do about that? Simple. You close. You either ask for her phone number to go out with her another day or you invite her for an instant date then and there if she has some free time. You never leave an interaction with a girl you approached without a specific proposal! These four things can make a tremendous difference for your dating life as a beginner with girls. You just need to focus on each one of them and spend some time to implement them. Follow these four steps and you will get much better results with girls than you previously thought was possible for you.


Never Leave
Your Dating Life
To Chance

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