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4 Essential Steps To Get What You Want With Women

4 Essential Steps To Get What You Want With Women

Desiring something, but not having it is painful. Living your life without knowing whether you can get the women you want or how to actually get them is not fun. We know it because it is natural for a man to have strong urges to get things done in his life.

To accomplish his dreams. To conquer the "lands" he wants. To check items off his bucket list. To make the money he wants and to build the dating life that he wants.

The desire to get what you want in life and especially with women is a natural part of your masculine core. What is unnatural, though, is to get stuck in "wanting" mode and remain there feeling helpless and unfulfilled.

From our personal experience, but also from coaching hundreds of men around the world, here are four steps to follow to get what you want with women.

1. Fight Inaction

Everything in your outside world is a reflection of your inner world. Unless you conceive of something in your mind, you can't have it in your life. If you want to have the women you want, you need to demonize inaction mentally first. Passivity should be registered in your mind as a terrible thing. Sitting on your ass, waiting for women to somehow fall from the sky should be lame in your mind.

Most guys don't have the women they want in their beds and in their lives because they TOLERATE inaction. They think not doing anything to get what you want is "normal". They think sitting in the comfort of their homes, not going out to engage and interact with women is normal. Going out with friends to "just drink and have fun" without actively seeking to approach women is "ok" in their brains.

Until passivity becomes NOT AT ALL OK in your mind, you can't have the women you want in your life. Instead, you need to glorify action. Any action that gets you out of passivity you should take immediately. Not acting means you believe that someone else is responsible for your results with life and women. But there is no one else to hold responsible but yourself because remember: not having the women you want is your fault.

Seek to create a personal identity around action and get pride out of it. Identify yourself with the hero of the story. Be the protagonist of your own movie.

2. Set High Goals

While any action is enough to take you out of passivity, it will not be enough to keep you in the game. Only if you raise the stakes systematically, can you be long-term successful with girls. Dare to imagine yourself being with the most amazing women out there. The next-door average-looking Jane will not cut it. You need to keep yourself motivated after you start taking action, and the only way to achieve this is by raising the stakes. Dare to take more risks with girls.

If you were accustomed to just talk to average-looking girls, now is the time to raise the bar. Go for the hottest women possible. Don't limit yourself. We know perfectly well that the women you imagined as a teenager were not average-looking Janes. The women you lust for when you watch porn even now that you are older are NOT average-looking. They are HOT. The kind of hot you want to have sex with and enjoy in your life. Why create this distance between what you watch/wish and what you have in your real life?

Bridge this gap by aiming high! Aiming high has also to do with the quantity, not only the quality of women, you approach. If, for instance, all you did until now was to talk to three women a month, make that three women a day.

3. Connect Reward With Effort

Nowadays, men have access to free rewards for doing nothing. You have all the food you want, all the information or entertainment you want and all kinds of sexual substitutes you want (porn, dating apps, Only Fans, Instagram models etc). All without needing to leave your room. For this reason, there has never been an era when men were so entitled.

You are surrounded by free dopamine kicks that weaken your resolve to get out of your little box and attempt things. If you surrender yourself to this environment, you will end up thinking that getting something for nothing is a natural thing. You need to drop this habit because it will make you weak and unhappy.

  • Reward yourself only when you take the action you said you would.

  • Be consistent to yourself and to the goals you set.

  • Formulate an action plan and stick to it – only then, reward yourself for it.

  • Talk to at least three women a day, be more direct with your approach, dare to tease girls more, and only if you accomplish this can you reward yourself.

Eat your favorite food or drink your favorite drink or watch your favorite show, whatever it might be, after you did the thing you said you would do. If you want to raise the stakes even more like we told you to in the previous point, connect reward with RESULTS.

Did you achieve what you wanted to achieve with girls this week? If yes, go on and enjoy your reward. Did you not achieve what you wanted? Keep that reward for after you reached your goal.

4. Get A Mentor

You don’t need to do this alone. When we started our own journey as lovers and seducers of women more than a decade ago, we didn’t have the resources you now have. Now, there is an entire universe of material around masculinity, attraction, and pick up for you to access and implement. You also have great coaches at your disposal.

You have Men of Charm to help you, guide you, and shorten your learning curve.

It’s one thing to spend fifteen years alone trying to become better with women and a completely different thing to hire men who have been where you are now to supercharge your results with girls. It’s like walking to your destination versus driving a Tesla to it.

Dare to invest in yourself. Play to win. Don’t play just to not lose. Only if you overcome your fear to invest in yourself, will you push yourself to a higher league in life.

A good mentor can help you see your blind spots, detect your inner game issues, and guide you through your journey to become the man you always knew you could become and get the girls you have always been fantasizing about.



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