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3 Behaviors Men Show That Make Women Put Them In The Provider Box

3 Behaviors Men Show That Make Women Put Them In The Provider Box

We are big proponents of cutting off the wrong things before you start adopting the right things when it comes to becoming better with women. It’s easier and much more practical. Just like the fastest way to make money is actually saving money from your current expenses, it’s far easier to stop doing things that lead to bad results with women NOW rather than take the time to adopt the right things that make girls crazy about you.

But what’s wrong with girls putting you in the box of the provider?

Well, we dedicated an entire post addressing exactly this question, the gist of which is: it’s better for you if women see you as an attractive man who is sex-worthy from the get-go than if women end up having sex with you ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE PROVEN WHAT A GREAT PROVIDER YOU ARE.

This is about women being attracted to you FOR YOU rather than women being attracted to you because of the things you can provide.

So, if this idea excites you, here are three behaviors you must stop showing NOW if you want girls to not put you in the provider box.

1. Fashion Without Edge

Although women are not attracted to men the same way men are attracted to women, they still pay attention to men’s appearance. It’s totally normal, since people’s external appearance is the first thing we all see. Your appearance and your stylistic choices send signals to other people about who you might be as a person. You do it with women all the time.

You see a girl with a tight cocktail dress and a sexy pair of high heels? You already start shaping a certain image about her in your mind.

You see a woman with a wide pair of jeans, a white T-Shirt, and purple hair? You surely come to a different conclusion about her.

In both cases, you get an immediate idea about who that woman might be JUST BASED ON HER LOOKS.

We, men, do it, and women do it too. When girls take a glance at you, they get a rough opinion about what kind of a man you are. If you know that, why waste your chance to make a really good impression? Why not use this opportunity to “control” her impression about you as much as humanly possible?

If you are dressed a little bit too official or too nerdy, no wonder women see you as a friend, a social acquaintance that might have some general utility for her or just a guy who can provide for her.

What style should you adopt to not be seen as a provider by girls? Short answer: simple, masculine, and edgy.

  • Wear fit clothes instead of wide-ass clothes

  • Wear a nice pair of jeans

  • Wear fit shirts or T-Shirts

  • Wear leather jackets or nice blazers

  • Add some edge with men’s accessories, such as a ring, a pair of sunglasses or a watch

2. Showing Too Much Too Early

Wearing your feelings on your sleeve is a surefire way to get boxed into the provider role by women. If you show too much of your feelings or romantic intentions to girls BEFORE YOU EVEN HAVE SEX with them, then girls will take this piece of information you give them about you and delay sex as much as possible in order to “make sure that you are the right provider for them”. By “provider” we generally mean every kind of non-erotic role that a girl decides to give you “until you prove yourself worthy”.

Do you like having prolonged, sexless, non-erotic relationships with women? If not, then stop revealing your emotions to girls until MUCH after you had sex with them – and even then, it should never be a moment of blatant revelation where you sit her down and you spill the beans.

Remember, you as a man want her body, but she wants your mind and heart. If you make it crystal clear that SHE ALREADY GOT your mind and heart, then why should she keep playing the game with you?

Always keep a mysterious profile with girls. Don’t allow them to categorize you. Mystery and an edgy personality is what women are attracted to, so give them that if you don’t like the unsung role of the provider.

3. Talking Too Much

This one is actually one of the ways to stop being mysterious with women because if you talk too much you run the risk of saying everything about yourself and therefore of appearing too predictable. Predictable gets no sex. Mysterious gets sex. Just keep this in mind.

Why is it that bad to talk too much?

Because you do not allow her to invest in your conversation. When you talk, it is you who is investing too much, not her. And if you don’t allow her to invest, you do not allow her to open up to you. You want the exact opposite with your interactions with girls: you talk a little and you let them talk much. You want girls to invest in your interaction much more than you do.

The one who invests is the one who will get emotionally attached, and that’s the role women crave deep down. They desire to find a man who will make them invest in him with his behavior and masculine attitude. On top of that, not talking too much when you interact with women makes them feel “heard and understood”, which increases the chance of having sex with you faster rather than later.

Just by cutting off or at least cutting down these three behaviors, you increase your chance to appear as an erotic man and a lover of women who is sexy and mysterious rather than boring and predictable.

Once you establish yourself as “that kind of man”, you can do whatever you want: enjoy a woman for a one-night stand, turn her into a girlfriend, or anything in between.

Do you find it hard to present yourself as a sexy guy towards women? That’s ok. You don’t have to do this alone. We can help you as long as you take action. Book a coaching call with us.



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