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2 Things Not To Do When A Girl Rejects You

2 Things Not To Do When A Girl Rejects You

Rejection seems to be men's worst nightmare. There is something in being rejected by a woman that makes men feel that something "broke" inside them or that something "shook" them. And even if you know why you shouldn't care whether some women reject you, you still feel bad about it.

We are talking about being rejected when you first approach a girl, not any other versions of "rejection" men might take issue with after the approach.

You were at the bar, you saw her sitting across the room, she was hot, and you approached her.

You were walking down the road to go to work and you saw her on the other side of the street - she was stunning.

You were waiting for the bus and she appeared close to you at the bus station - you just had to talk to her.

You do your duty as a man and you go up to her. You cold approach her full of masculine energy, but her reaction is cold, aloof and even rude.

The forms of her rejection may vary:

  • She just keeps silent and continues to walk, behaving as if you aren't there and as if nobody is talking to her.

  • She thanks you for your compliment/approach, but she cuts you off, saying she has a boyfriend or that she is in a relationship.

  • She keeps a cut-and-dry small talk with you, but only because you keep asking her things, and not because she cares to know more about you. She hopes that you will leave if she keeps it that way.

  • She cuts your approach short, by telling you in the face something like "I don't want to talk to you", "I am talking about something serious with my friend right now", "You are bothering us".

  • She treats your approach kindly or even warmly, she makes some small talk with you, but she refuses to give you her number. She might offer nothing instead or she might counter-offer a type of social media profile.

If your fundamentals are reasonably good and if you have built yourself into a masculine man like we encourage you to do all the time, abrupt and extremely rude rejections should be a small percentage of your overall approaches.

However, even if your fundamentals are strong, you WILL STILL get rejected a fair amount of times for one reason or another, so what do you do when this happens?

Without further ado let's see the two things you must not do when women reject you.

1. Get Angry/Bitter

You should really put anger as one thing and one thing only in your mind: a sign of weakness and lack of control. When she doesn't give you the warm welcome that you would like, the last thing you should do is get mad and lose your shit. Even worse, to insult her because she didn't give you what you wanted is lame and immature.

By becoming bitter with a woman who rejected you or by offending her to "show her who is the boss" you send her the signal that you are a little boy whose fragile self is dependent on outside factors to feel good. It tells her that she was actually right to reject you because your attitude wasn't manly. And while you might think that by becoming angry you have nothing to lose, since she has already rejected you, you are actually wrong: you might damage your chances with other women if you allow yourself to be bitter about women in general.

By taking rejection personally you run the risk of demotivating yourself from approaching other women who might actually want you to approach them. Anger is like a poison you give to yourself, expecting for a girl who rejected you to get poisoned. It doesn't work. It only hurts YOU. The angry reaction is more often part of the alpha male who seeks control over his results with women and who feels out of control when others don't "follow the plan".

2. Get Desperate/Needy

Some other men when rejected by a girl don't get angry, they get needy and chase more. They ignore the rejection and keep talking to the girl far beyond the point she showed them that she is not interested. They keep asking her questions and generally they overstay their welcome. This behavior tells women that they are inexperienced and that they "don't get it".

It shows you are not a masculine man and that you usually don't get what you want from women. If you were successful, you would know when to bail and go find other women more willing to your approach. It is beta males who usually fall into this trap, as they are typically nice guys who can't really say "no" to any situation that is actually against them.


Just by not doing these two things when girls reject your approach you will see great progress in your journey as a lover and seducer of beautiful women. Don't get angry and don't get needy. Both behaviors show weakness and lack of control. Remember that girls are attracted to strong, masculine men who can keep their cool in the face of adversity, not to little boys who start acting weird when things don't go their way.

Click here if you want to learn how to become the most attractive version of yourself and fearless in the face of rejection.



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