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Notebook and Keyboard

Resources for the Modern Man

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14 Effective , Practical Exercises To Regain Absolute Control Of Your Ejaculation And Last From 2 Minutes To 60 Minutes in Bed Within 60 Days

Whether you are a man who decided to take control of your sex life or a woman who wants to help her man do exactly that, this book is for you!

Discover how you can eradicate premature ejaculation within 60 days by following the instructions my sex therapist friend gave me to cure my own premature ejaculation.

In Premature Ejaculation Goodbye, you will learn only pure substance coming from my personal experience in applying practical, effective, and actionable exercises.

I will present you the exact process I followed to gain control over my body and mind, over my sexual arousal, and over my sex life in general.

In this book, you will not find the usual quick-fix advice that are spread around everywhere else; this is not another theoretical book with information you already know; it is not a boring anatomy manual, nor is it an informational list of what methods don’t work. This is also not a book with Kegel exercises.

You are about to learn:

• How Your Brain Can Sabotage Your ability To Control Your Ejaculation

• How Your Ideas On Sex And Your Own Masculine Role In It Can Make Or Break Your Bed Life

• How To Manage Your Emotions In Front Of Your Partner Before, During, and After Sex

• How To Unlearn Mental and Physical Patterns Leading You To Ejaculate Prematurely

• The Ultimate Connection Between Correct Breathing And Control Of Your Ejaculation

• The Ultimate Connection Between Muscular Tension And Your Sexual Stamina

• 14 Detailed, Actionable Exercises To Control Your Ejaculation At Will And Last 60 Minutes or More in Bed

8 Life-Changing Ways to Build Up Your Self-Confidence As A Man and Attract Gorgeous Women

Being on your deathbed full of regrets about all the women you so much desired but never managed to attract into your bed and into your life is not fun. Not fun at all.

This is the sad truth, however. Most men will leave this world with their desires unrealized and their true potential as lovers of women unfulfilled.

They will die having lived a dry erotic life either with no women at all or with women who were by no means their first choice. Women with mediocre looks or toxic personalities or even worse… both.

My questions to you are the following:

  • Do you really have to be one of these men?

  • Why some men out there seem so able to attract women of extraordinary beauty and sparkling personalities, while some others are entrapped in lives of sexual misery?

  • Were these men born with a special gene setup which allowed them to become successful with women or is it that these men adopted specific behaviors which made them attractive to the opposite sex?

  • Do you choose the women you date or do women choose you?

I had to answer these questions for myself before I started taking massive action towards transforming my dating life.
Whether you want to build a harem of women around you or you just want to find a girlfriend or the mother of your children, there is no way around it: you need to become a truly attractive male.

Society has lied to you. No money, no car and no professional career will give you an abundant erotic life. You either become an attractive man whom women adore or you condemn yourself to a dating desert.

This is the last book you’ll ever have to read on women, sex, dating and attraction.In just a few pages of condensed masculine wisdom you will learn:

  • Why Men Are To Blame For Their Poor Dating Life

  • What Men Don’t Know About How Attraction Truly Works Between Men and Women

  • What Are The 8 Sins Of Men Which Make Women Go Away

  • What Are The 8 Successful Methods Men Can Use To Bring Beautiful Women To Their Life

  • How To Build The Package Of Physical and Behavioral Qualities Women Find Irresistible

  • What Steps To Follow To Attract The Women You Desire In Less Than Two Months Of Work

9 Effective, Practical Solutions To Regain Control Of Your Erection, Experience Your True Potential As A Man in Bed And Give Your Sex Partner An Amazing Time


Millions of men around the world lead lives of silent desperation. They repeatedly experience sex problems in bed, but fail to acknowledge, detect them and do something about them.

They either fall prey to the forces of passivity and inaction or to the illusion that somehow magically these problems will go away on their own. Next time it won't happen, they think.

Well, this book is addressed to the men who broke the mold. To the men who have the guts to admit their problems and found the courage to seek help for the sake of their long-term happiness as well as that of their sex partners. 

In Erectile Dysfunction Goodbye, you will learn the possible root causes of your condition in order to proceed then to my practical, effective, and actionable solutions. I will give you the exact process I followed to gain control of my erection.

This process consists of several solutions and therefore it is a wholistic one. Several aspects of your life style might have to change if you really want to deal with erectile dysfunction once and for all.

Those of you who are already familiar with my previous book on premature ejaculation know that I am not into quick-fix pseudo-methods.

You are about to learn:

• What Are The Possible Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

• What Is The Great Role of Psychology Behind Erectile Dysfunction

• How To Think About Erectile Dysfunction Without Letting It Ruin Your Sex Life

• How To Change Mental and Physical Patterns Contributing To Not Being Able To Get It Up

• The Ultimate Connection Between Your Eating Habits and Erectile Dysfunction

• The Ultimate Connection Between Performance Anxiety and Erectile Dysfunction

• 9 Practical Solutions To Control Your Erection And Give Your Partner An Unforgettable Time In Bed

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